policies for recovery 1924-28 Flashcards
October 1923 - Mark…
withdrawn and replaced by Rentenmark (temporary measure)
Hjalmar schacht
- oversaw introduction of rentenmark
- made president of reichsbank in December 1923
august 1924
rentenmark changed to Reichsmark (RM)
gov used emergency decrees
-control rents
- wages
- prices
help stabilise currency
nickname stresseman
architect of Germany’s economic recovery
1924 bankruptcies
1924 : more bankruptcies than in the previous 5 years altogether
surviving big businesses began to form
cartels whose fixed prices helped stabilise economy
chemical industry 1925 vs 1913 vs 1930
by 1925 chemical industry making 1/3 more than in 1913 , and almost two thirds more by 1930
exports w germany’s admission into the League of Nations
German exports went back to their 1913 levels of 10 billion marks by 1926 , and by 1929 exports were 34% higher than in 1913
1920’s agricultural workers
between 1/3 and 1/4 of all workers agricultural workers
big landowners eg president Hindenburg
had political influence that enabled them to block land reforms where they did not work in their interest
1918 Reich settlement law
made landowners sell land to the government to be redistributed among their poorest tenants
government spend heavily
- subsidised grain production
- subsidised industry
- spent heavily on social welfare , providing housing and benefits for the poorest