Policies Flashcards
What is the monetary policy?
Involves changes in interest rates, the supply of money and credit and exchange rates to influence the economy
What is the savings ratio?
Percentage of our income that we save
Expansionary monetary policy bullet points?
- to stimulate aggregate demand
- fall in nominal and real interest rates
- measures to expand supply of credit
- depreciation in exchange rates
Contractory monetary policy bullet points?
- decrease aggregate demand
- higher interest rates on loans and savings
- tightening of credit supply
- appreciation of the exchange rate
What is the LRAS curve?
Shows the productive capacity of the economy
What are the two types of fiscal policy?
- Expansionary fiscal policy (increase AD)
- Contractionary fiscal policy (decrease AD)
What is fiscal policy?
The use of government spending and taxation to influence the pattern of the economic activity and affect the level of growth of aggregate demand, output and employment
What is council tax
tax people in a council payed directly to the council - based on the value of your house
Why do we have taxes (fiscal policy)? 5
- influence aggregate demand more easily
- redistribute income and wealth
- influence spending patterns
- raise money to finance public services
- to protect jobs in this country
What are the ways to finance a deficit?
- issue bonds to hot money sources
- sell govt owned assets
- surpluses from previous years
What are indirect taxes?
Taxes on spending
- tariffs on imports
- petrol duty
What are direct taxes?
Taxes on income
- income tax
- corporation tax
- inheritance tax
- national insurance
What are the types of tax?
- progressive
- regressive
- proportional
What is a progressive tax?
% rate of tax rises as income rises
What is a regressive tax?
% rate of tax falls as income rises