Police Powers Flashcards
Name the Act that largely governs the police powers of stop and search, arrest and detention without charge?
The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE 1984) and/or the associated PACE codes of practice.
Who issues and amends the PACE codes of practice under s66 and s67 PACE 1984?
The Secretary of State.
What does s1 of PACE 1984 outline?
The police powers to stop and search any person or vehicle.
Where can you find the principles governing stop and search, the conduct of recording searches, actions taken before a search and a summary of the main stop and search powers?
Under Code A of the PACE codes of practice.
How is reasonable suspicion defined in PACE Code A, para 2.2, and which ECHR Article is this linked to?
There must be an objective basis for suspicion based on facts, information, and/or intelligence. This is linked to Article 5.1(c) which permits a person to be deprived of his or her liberty on reasonable suspicion of having committed an offence or when it is reasonably considered necessary to prevent his committing an offence or fleeing after having done so.
A constable’s reasonable suspicion cannot relate to?
The state of the law, case law example DPP v Todd 1996.
Section 117 of PACE 1984 provides?
That where any provision of the Act confers a power on a constable and does not provide that the power may be exercised only with the consent of a person other than a police officer, the officer may use reasonable force, if necessary, in the exercise of the power.
In which case was it held that reasonable force had been used despite the fact that a police dog had caused serious bite injuries?
Roberts v Chief Constable of Kent 2008.
In the case of R v Lockley 1864 when should handcuffs be used?
Only when they are reasonably necessary to prevent escape or a violent breach of the peace by a prisoner.
Identifies three sections from three different Acts of Parliament, which provide particularly important powers to stop and search?
S1 PACE 1984, reasonable grounds to suspect the possession of stolen or prohibited articles; s23 Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, reasonable grounds to suspect the possession of a controlled drug; and s60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, authorisation of stop and search within a designated area based on senior officer’s reasonable belief that serious violence may take place or dangerous implements are being carried, searches then being authorised without the need for reasonable suspicion.
Who legally challenged s60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994?
A London resident, Ann Roberts, who claimed that the disproportionate use of the power against black people violated Article 14 of the ECHR.
Article 14 has to be linked to another ECHR Article, which other Articles was Miss Roberts seeking a declaration that s60 was contrary to?
Article 5 the right to liberty and Article 8 the right to respect family life.
The Court of Appeal in Roberts found unanimously that s60 of CJPOA 1994 did not breach the ECHR, why?
There were found to be grounds for suspecting Ann Roberts as she had evaded paying her fare and it was this that was said to have drawn her to the attention of the police. The court was satisfied that Roberts was not searched because of her ethnicity.
Which ECtHR case led to the repeal of s44 of the Terrorism Act 2000?
Gillian v United Kingdom 2010. S44 was repealed by s59 of the protection of Freedoms Act 2012, which also inserted a new s47A.
What are the two elements that s41 of the Terrorism Act 2000 states regarding arrest without a warrant?
(1) A constable may arrest without a warrant a person whom he reasonably suspects to be a terrorist. (2) Where a person is arrested under this section the provisions of Schedule 8 (detention: treatment, review and extension) shall apply.