Police Powers Flashcards
State an introduction to police powers
During the 1970s and 1980s the behaviour of the police was extremely questionable. Including the fabrication of evidence and the failure to treat suspects fairly such as the Guildford 4. The law needs to guard against such harsh treatments of suspects who are innocent until proven guilty. Therefore police must be given relatively wide legal powers as without such laws the police would have no legal right to tackle crime. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 was introduced and came into effect in 1986 , which outlined the powers of the police and the restrictions on those powers. This struck a key balance between these powers given to the police whilst respecting the rights of the individual.
What does Pace 1984 outline ?
-Powers of the police
-Restrictions on those powers/ safeguards for individuals
-Remedies for breach of powers
What could happen if PACE 1984 was ignored?
-Evidence might be inadmissible
- An individual might sue for false imprisonment/ false arrest/ or for breaches of ECHR
What Section of PACE 1984 created the Codes of Practise?
-Under S.66 PACE 1984
What are the codes of practise?
-Provide additional guidance for the police
Code A- Stop and search of person and vehicles
Code B- Entry, Search and seizure of property
Code C- Detention
Code D-Identification procedures
Code E- Tape (recording of interviews)
Code F- video (recording of interviews)
Code G- Arrest
Code H- Powers relating to terrorismcases
What is Code A?
Clue = S.1 PACE (first one)
Stop and search of person and vehicles
What is code B?
Clue = B’roperty
Entry, Search and seizure of property
What is Code C ?
Clue= Cell
What is code D?
Clue= I.D
Identification procedure
What is Code E?
Clue= ‘ear it
Tape recording of interviews
What is code F ?
Clue= Film it
Video recording of interviews
What is code G?
Clue = G’rrest
What is code H?
Clue = shhhh Help
Powers retaining to terroism cases
Why is stop and account not apart of PACE?
Created in Common law
What is a stop and account?
-Non contact conversation
-Police have no legal power to require someone to stop and account
- No legal obligation to answer police question
- should not be used unfairly or arbitrarily to the disadvantage of any ethnic group ( breach of Article 14)
What happened in Rice?
(Stop and Account)
D refused to give his full name and address. D was within his legal rights. Convictions of wilful obstruction of the officer was quashed.
What happened in Southard?
(Stop and Account)
D was convicted of using abusive words causing harassment to an officer and for swearing in an aggressive manner when not wanting to comply with a stop and account.
Are Consensual searches legal?
What is the legal power for a stop and search?
S.1 PACE 1984
Must have “reasonable grounds to suspect”
What does Code A require ?
Acts as a safeguard
Requires the power to be used fairly, responsibly, with respect for people being searched and without unlawful discrimination
For a S.1 PACE what must the officer have?
Reasonable grounds to suspect
What is the 2 part test set out in Code A for reasonable suspicion?
1) Subjective- Police officer msut have suspicion
2) Objecitve- Basis for suspicion muat be reasonable
What happened in the case of Samuels?
(Stop and search)
A young black man walking down the street, he was stopped and asked where he was going, he refused to answer. Police announced he was going to search D and D objected. D pushed officer away and a scuffle ensued. D was arrested however later acquitted as the police had no reasonable grounds for suspicion.
When a S.1 PACE 1984 occurrs the police officer must……
(Stop and Search safeguards)
S.2- Identify themselves and police station along with the grounds for the search and produce a warrant card
S.3- Suspect is entitleds to a copy of the stop and search record either immedatiely or within 3 months
S.117- \reasonable force many be used
What happend in Osman?
D was stopped and searched however the police failed to give their name and station led to the search being unlawful
What further safeguards are imposed if a search takes place in public?
-S.2(9) Suspect should not be asked to remvoe clothing except outer coat and gloves etc
-Any religous garment cannit be asked to be removed unless thee is reason to blieve it is to disguise their identity
Taught to police officers for whne performing a stop and search
Grounds for the search
Object Police is looking for
Warrant Card
Entitled to a copy of stop and search form
Legal Power
You are being stoped and searched (suspect must understand)
State another power/ legislation that relates to stop and search
S.60 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
(If an officer reasonably believes that serious violence will take place in an area, they can issue a stop and search of anyone and any vehicle for up to 24hrs. Reasonably suspicion of the individual is not required- which was unsuccessfully challenge in Roberts v MET Commissioner)
What additional powers did the Public Order Act 2023 amend to the stop and search powers?
(Suspicion based)
S.10 Public order Act 2023 adds RGS to you if you are carrying something “made or adapted or intended for use in connection with the following protest offences”:
-Obstructing the highway
-Causing a public nuisance
-Locking on
-Obstructing major transport works
(Suspicion less)
S.11 Public Order Act 2023 adds powers to stop and search without RGS where an inspector or above reasonably believes the following offences may be committed:
-Wilfully obstructing the highway
-Causing a public nuisance
-Locking on
-Obstructing major transport works