Poli Flashcards
Equality of _____ (socialism)
Equality of _____ (Liberalism)
Tenets of Socialism
Class Equality of conditions Collective Ownership Materialism Human Goodness Change
Explanatory Function (Socialism)
Economic and class relations
Evaluative Function (socialism)
Sharpness of class divisions in Society
Orientative Function (Socialism)
Position in class structure
Programmatic Function (Socialism)
Bring about a classless society
Agent (Socialism)
Working Class
Goal (Socialism)
Fulfill Basic Needs
Obstacle (Socialism)
Plato’s precursor to socialism
Ruling class and sharing
What is human history to Hegel?
Becoming more free and gaining awareness of that freedom
Ideas and ideals clash; new ideas emerge
Hegel Dialectic
What is actual is rational and…
What is rational is actual
• Slave wants master to recognize his humanity but if the master does he cannot still be a master. Master can never achieve humanity because his recognition comes from someone who is not an equal. Master is less free than slave
Lord and Bonsman/ Master and Slave dialectic
Materialist conception of history
Struggle of classes
Forced to sell labour; stifled creativity, workers detached from one another, loss of power to create and enjoy beauty
Alienation (Marx)
When can true freedom exist for Marx?
Classless society
System that legitimizes and justifies the arrangements and institutions of that society (Marx
Ideological superstructure
Means of Labour ( marx)
Material forces of production
Subject of labour (Marx)
Relations of production
What does the working class suffer from that means they will not rebel according to Marx?
False Consicousness
2 Things Engels thought differently than Marx
Scientific Socialism
Chief driving force of historical development (Lenin)
Class Struggle
Purpose of Vanguard (Lenin)
Educate workers
(Lenin) Relation must exist between workers and _____
(Lenin) Socialism in one country leads to ______
Internal party democracy (Lenin)
Democratic centralism
Last or highest stage of capitalism (Lenin)
According to Lenin, what do the revisionist replace the centrality of class struggle with?
Political Freedom
(Stalin) The Communist party itself is infected with _____
False consciousness
To justify all of his policies, Stalin used the excuse of…
Dialectical Materialism
Braver to _____ than step forward (Stalin)
(Mao) Need to be ____ or the revolution will fail
______ is reserved for imperialist dogs (Mao)
Why does the state exist? (Mao)
Transform counter-revolutionaries through _______
Forced Labour
Ideologically pure and correct (Mao)
Emphasize increased agricultural and industrial production (Mao)
(Bernstein) 3 Avenues for socialism to succeed
Who started the Independent Labour Party
J.S. Woodsworth
What did the Independent Labour Party Become?
Will not rest until capitalism is erradicated and replaced with socialist planning
Regina Manifesto
Free health care in Canada
Tommy Douglas
NDP Goal
Social Justice for the country
Who’s associated with the Third Way?
Tony Blair
Obstacle (Nationalism)
Foreign Domination
Agent (Nationalism)
The nation
Goal (Nationalism)
Independent Nation state
The attachment one feels for people who share commonalities; something a group shares which differentiates them from others
What provides the strongest commonality for an ethnicity?
Overcoming Challanges
Nations and states should be coextensive in their boundaries: Their nation should have a state corresponding to it; and any state that does not express a nation or national idea is potentially illegitimate
Principles of Self-determination
2 Types of Nationalism
Ethnic and Communitarian Patriotic or Civic
First emphasized nationalism in a group instead of individual
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Who believes individual finds meaning in their life from being connected to nation into which they are born?
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Who said giving every nation their own state would lead to everyone being happy?
“Our struggle will be victorious, long live Quebec”
FLQ Manifesto
Obstacle (Fascism)
Humanism, equality, class, reason
Agent (Fascism)
Goal (Fascism)
Glory and power for the state
Explanatory Function (Fascism)
Evaluative Function (Fascism)
Unity and strength of the volk
Orientative Function (Fascism)
The nation/people; organic
Programmatic Function (Fascism)
Believe, fight, obey; all within the state
Tenets shared by Liberals and Socialists
1- Humanism 2- Rationalism 3- Secularism 4- Progressivism 5- Universalism
Where does the word Fascism come from
What does fasciare mean?
To Fasten or Bind
Classless society is impossible due to historical, logical and bureaucratic realities in political life
emotion, desire and instinct are more powerful and relevant actors than reason
People are more often moved to action by political myths than by appeals to reason (torchlight parades)
Georges Sorel
(Fascism) Freedom to _____, to _____, to _____
fight, believe, obey
Fascist conception of freedom
Service is freedom
Fascist economic system
The true test of manly virtue (Mussolini)
Who said Race is an emotion?
Fascism + Racism=
• Resources grow at an ever increasing genetic rate while resources grow at only a steady arithmetical rate
Malthus Law
Leadership principle
Who came up with the concept of general will and an aversion to special interests that might challenge this
J.J. Rousseau
Name the ideology shaped by what it opposes.
Name one thing populism specifically dislikes
Tenets of Populism
Equality of citizens Direct democracy The "people" General will Self-determination Freedom
Agent (populism)
Goal (populism)
General Will
Obstacle (populism)
The progress of art and science has made life worse
First Discourse- Rousseau
Mankind began in a state of nature good and innocent. The advent of private property has distorted men to such a degree that there exists inequality
Second Discourse Rousseau
Rousseau’s solution to the plague of modernity
Social Contract
Opinion that exists within the population
Will of some
Minority or majority opinion
Will of all
What is best for citizenry
General will
Populism conception of freedom
Acting in a way that benefits the people; self-mastery of the people
Populists support these measures that empower people to formulate and express their will
Direct Voting
Which side of the spectrum did populism start in the US and Canada
Explanatory (Populism)
Interest groups interrupt the general will from success
Evaluative (Populism)
If selfish interests are opposed, the people will be better off
Orientative (Populsim
Individual interests are tied to the general will
Programmatic (Populism)
Defeat special interests
Populism and the democratic ideal
Direct democracy as pure democracy
Political goal of early american populism
Direct election of senators
Issues such as recall, the initiative and referendum would be supported by this ideology
Tenets of Anti-Racism
Freedom (from oppression, segregation, etc.) & (For self-determination)
/ Clause
Ammendment that abolished slavery
Amendment that proclaims all person born in America are citizens?
Amendment that proclaims right to vote shall not be abridged by colour
“Separate but equal” laws
Jim Crow
“What to the slave is the 4th of July?”-
Frederick Douglas
Mixture of Islam and African Liberation
Militant Black Nationalism
(Anti-racism) “By any means necessary”
Malcolm X
Black segregation could be overcome by peaceful protest and non-violent means
T or F: Religion is an ideology
Radical belief in a literal interpretation of a holy text
Pyramid of Fundamentalism- least number of people
Those who act
Pyramid of Fundamentalism- Second least number of people
Those who believe but do not act
Pyramid of Fundamentalism- Second most number of people
Those toying with the idea
Pyramid of fundamentalism- Most number of people
Those who are faithful but not fundamentalist
What were the laws god gave to moses?
The ten commandments
What type of Judaic laws include having no other gods, honoring father and mother, not coveting, not making graven images?
What type of Judaic laws include no murder, no theft, no false witness
What type of Judaic laws include taking the lords name in vain, the sabbath, and adultery
(St. Paul) It is ____ you are saved, not by works
Agent (Islamic Fundamentalism)
Goal (Islamic Fundamentalism)
Establishing Islamic
Obstacles (Islamic Fundamentalism)
Threats to Islam, Liberalism, Secularism, Modernity, Western economy/ Military, Israel as a US bation
What does Jihad mean?
First wave of threat Islam
The crusades
Second wave of threat to Islam
European Imperialism
Third wave of threat to Islam
Establishment of Isreal
Fourth wave of threat to Islam
Influence of Western liberal ideas
What did Sayyid Qutb see when he went to America?
Racism, Sexism, Economic inequality, “sexual promiscuity”, national support for isreal
Qutb says secularism is what?
What do Lenin, Mao and Qutb have in common?
First of three-fold method of Islamicism
Attack other Muslims seen as betrayers
Second of three-fold method of Islamicism
Use terror attacks against Western countries and their troops
Third of three-fold method of Islamicism
Education- teaching in madrasses only the Qu’ran as the only necessary book
What is the Islamic concept of freedom?
Submission to the will of Allah
What does Islam mean?
According to Qatb, where do the signposts come from?
The Qu’ran
Khomeini- The Qu’ran and _____ contain all laws and ordinances man needs in order to attain happiness and the perfection of his state.
The sunna
(Khomeini) Tax policy is ____ of one’s income
(Khomeini) What system of laws should the world follow?
(Ayatollah) If a true Islamic government existed, than what would not exist?
A Jewish state
According to Ayatollah, what must the executive of gov’t be?
Cleric (Imam)
(Ayatollah) Gov’t in Islamic life is necessary for what?
According to Osama Bin Laden, what is the aim of the US imperialists.
Economic and religious
The ruling to kill the americans and their allies- civilians and military- is an individual duty for everyt muslim who can it in any country in which it is possible to do it
For Augustine, how does the past exist?
The past does not exist, it is merely the memory of it.
For Augustine how does the future exist?
Expectation of it
For Augistine, what is time and where does it exist?
Subjective; in our own minds
For Augustine where is god in relation to time?
Outside of time
(Descarte) When does time begin and end?
When you think of it
Who said if a tree exists in nature, and one one sees it or ever sees it, it doesn’t exist
George Berkley
When did history end for Hegel?
19th Century
For Hegel, when are people really free?
When they realize they are free.
(Neitzhe) What are the people that are incapable of greatness, genius or exercise of human will to power?
The last man
What is the theory that states whatever works is what is true?
Who said truths today might differ from tomorrow?
William James
First reason ideology is not over
Our times are not the first when people claimed an end to ideology.
Second reason ideology is not over
Even though Marxist leninism is dead, socialism continues to challenge conservatism and liberalism today. Debates remian both among and within ideologies
Third reason ideology is not over
Instead of saying ideology is “dead”, others claim that one ideology is triumphant, namely liberalism.
Fourth reason ideology is not over
Things will emerge new challenges to life that we cannot anticipate.
For Fukyama, when is ideology over?
When mankind shares a common ideological heritage and reality
What were the two challenges to liberalism in the 20th century for Fukuyama
Fascism and communism
What are the two remaining challenges to ideology?
Religious Fundamentalism and Nationalism
What is the end of political life for Marx
When the state withers away
What does demos mean?
What does Kratien mean?
Who were considered to be able to vote in ancient Greece?
Free, adult male
Who were not allowed to vote in ancient Greece?
Women, foreigners, and slaves
What is the term for someone who constantly questioned and interrogated the beliefs of people
What did Plato think of human nature?
Ignorance and selfishness
What did Plato think democracy was susceptible to?
Demagogues who might flatter and take conrol
Aristotle thought governing power could be in the hands of the…
one, few or many
When government is in the hands of one in the interest of public for Aristotle?
When government is in the hands of one in the interest of self for Aristotle?
When government is in the hands of the few in the interest of public for Aristotle?
When government is in the hands of many in the interest of public for Aristotle?
When government is in the hands of the few in the interest of the self for Aristotle?
When government is in the hands of the many in the interest of the self for Aristotle?
For Aristotle, government is either _____ or ____
True or perverted
How was the political power divided in Rome?
Assembly, senate and executive
Who had power in the assembly in Rome?
The people
Who had power in the senate in Rome?
The aristocrats
Who had the executive power in Rome?
Consuls, two leader
For Machiavelli, governments must be the rule of ____, not the rule of _____
Law; Individual
Who originated liberal democratic theory?
How did Hobbes divide power?
Executive, legislative, judicial
For Liberal democracy, where does sovereignty rest?
The people
whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force.”
Federalist 1
Faction, channeling human nature. A cure for outright democracy
Federalist 10
Government power arises from the people. Power held by popullar representatives. Representatives serve at the people’s pleasure
Federalist 39
Ambition must be made to counteract ambition
Federalist 51
Energetic Executive- president must be power, confident, secure, and possess a veto
Federalist 70
What is the role of Government for Utilitarians?
Provide the greatest happiness to the great number of people?
(Mill) Democracy has an ______ effect on one’s character
Who came up with Iron Law of Oligarchy?
Robert Michels
Who does Robert Michel’s say must run all governments?
What does Robert Michels say people wish to be and what do they have a psychological disposition to?
Governed; strong leadership
What are Weber’s three forms of leadership?
Traditional, Legal-Rational and Charasmatic
Who is Carl Schmitt?
Posed questions of democracy
What form of government is Canada?
Constitutional Monarchy
What form of Government is the US?
Constituitonal republic
Who has the ultimate power in Canada?
The Monarch
What makes a law good for Aristotle?
True governments
What is good for Aristotle?
Aim (telos)
What are the three classes of society for Aristotle
Rich, poor, and middle class
What is the best form of government for Aristotle?
Burke preferred what to innovation?
For Oakeshott, what is the purpose of government?
Simply Rule
Despotism of ____ is everywhere the standing hindrance to human advancement, being in unceasing antagonism to that disposition to aim at something better than customary, which is called the spirit of liberty
For Locke, why does the commonwealth exist?
Procure, protect and advance civil inerests
For Locke, what do Judges ought to do?
Execute equal laws equally
For Locke, what is the state of nature?
Peaceful, but susceptible to quarrel and inconvenience
Who first came up with ideology
Carver DeTracy
Obstacle (Liberalism)
Restrictions to individual choice
Agent (Liberalism)
The individual want
Goal (Liberalism)
To live as I want
Tenets of Liberalism
Liberty, Equality, Opportunity, Property, Reason, and Trade
Obstacle (Conservatism)
Radical ideas, passions, desires, no restraints
Agent (Conservatism)
Interconnected people
Goal (Conservatism)
Stability, order, harmony, continuity
Tenets of Conservatism
Order Stability Organic Society Hierarchy Tradition Skeptical of reason
(Burke) Social contract exists between ______
Why are innovations undesirable for Burke?
Throw out ideas and practices that stood the test of time.
Who said that there is no such thing as man- there is only Russians, Frenchman, etc.
Joseph DeMaistre
What separates fundamentalists from normal faith?
Literal interpretation of scripture and influence religion in public policy
3 Things fundamentalists reject?
Secularism, pluralism, values of human freedom in the enlightenment
What do fundamentalists think about human nature?
Sinful but redeemable
What is the origin of state for fundamentalists?
Divine right
What is justice for fundamentalists?
What corresponds to the will of the deity
What are the ideological alternatives to fundamentalism?
Naturalism/ humanism
What commandments to Jewish people live by?
The torah
What is the name of jewish law?
What is the name of ultra orthodox judaism?
Who founded Haredim?
Moses Sofer
Percent of Ireali population Haredim?
“Bloc of he faithful”
Gush Emunim
3 oaths imposed on the Jews by the torah?
- Jews should not rebel against non-Jews
- Jews should not migrate to palestine before the coming of the Messiah
- Jews should refrain from praying too hard so as to avoid a premature arrival of the Messiah
3 stages to the impeding Messianic redemption
- Return from the diaspora to the land
- National reconstruction joing the people to the land
- A repentance of lov
Most extreme jewish group
Chabad Lubavitch
What do chabash lubavitch believe?
Salvation only available to Jews
Who started Gush Emunim?
Rabbi Kook
Tenets of Christian Fundamentalism?
Infallibility of the bible The virgin birth Miracles Resurrection of Jesus Substitution view of Atonement (Jesus dies for our sins) Anti-modern
Policies the Moral Majority (neo-fundamentalism) supported/opposed?
Abortion Equal rights ammendments Prayer in school Foreign policy Isreal
1993 seige at Waco, texas with women and children burned to death?
David Koresh and the Branch Davidians
US as God’s new Isreal
Jerry Fallwell, Tim LaHaye, Pat robertson
What stage includes Jesus’ second coming?