POLI 222 Midterm 1 Flashcards
Part I only.
Politics Definition
“activity where public authorities settle rival claims”
Political Claim Definition
“my truth is more important than your truths”
Conservatism Definition
Preservation/conservation of experience/tradition/ social structure
Exception: During COVID the liberals were limiting freedom of rights while socialists were arguing for individual freedoms instead of the collective (i.e., 2022 Trucker’s Convoy/Emergencies Act)
Liberalism Definition
(values enhanced by the Charter)
Gov job to protect/maximize individual freedom/property
Socialism Definition
society (collective) > individual (property/market)
Welfare state (egalitarianism) > capitalism
Red Toryism
British version of traditionalist conservatism which upholds the established social order.
Horowitz Definition:
“Tory touch” in the Canadian political tradition that leaned more towards the commonweal and socialism than did the free enterprise system of Blue Toryism. It was this “Tory touch” that was more “Red” than “Blue” in orientation that distinguished the Canadian from the US notions of Conservatism.
Gad Horowitz
- Context (who, what, when, where)
- Thesis
- Justification/Premises/Effects?
- Limitation
- (1966) Conservative political scientist.
- quiet revolution (secularism/sovereignty)
- Cold war
- Court challenges (partition of the constitution, indg ppls, QC)
- Reject’s Hartz’s idea that English Canada is ideologically pure liberal as Canada has a diverse political culture where Conservatism is defined by Socialism (Toryism). Uses fragment theory to answer the contrast of conservatism in Canada and the United States: English Canada has an American liberal foundation within a British superstructure.
- Canada has socialists because the British were conservatives which were the first to establish government so when socialism showed up its ideas were already compatible bc of Toryism.
Toryism fragment (Francophone Canada bf EU liberal revolution) + liberalist individualism/bourgeois fragment (Anglophone Canada/United States).
In the English Canadian liberal fragment, the “tory touch” brought by Loyalist refugees from the revolution of 1776, and by the continuing intimate connection with Britain, is weighty enough to permit the emergence of a significant socialist movement.
- Does not understand the fragment theory as a settler colonial prj (fed prj) bc there were ppl there OG so immigrants did not transfer political ideologies to a vacant place but replaced it
Louis Hartz
- Context (who, what, when, where)
- Thesis
- Justification/Premises/Effects?
- Limitation
- Empirical or Normative?
- Cold War (1950s)…1964
- Fragment Theory: Immigration determines the political cultures (ideological distribution of a place).
- To be American/English Canadian is to be liberal because the liberal fragment of the old world emigrated to the new world as people immigrated to colonial America to escape religious persecution and gain individualism.
- Assumes that the “development of new societies is largely determined by the cultural heritage transmitted from Europe by the first settlers” = BUT federal policy had to be drafted so that immigrants become official settlers. Canada is politically diverse and not uniformly liberal like America (overlooks French Canada/Britain) + indigenous ppls + regionalism.
- Empirical/Factual
George Grant
- Context (who, what, when, where)
- Thesis
- Justification/Premises/Effects?
- Empirical or Normative?
- Wealthy professor (1965)
- Cold War
- American nuclear weapons on Canadian soil (1965) Diefenbaker conservative gov against vs. ppl for bc of red scare → liberal election
- NORAD Canada under USA military (no consultation)
- American economic modernization vs. Canadian Conservatism = Canada-US Auto Pact (1965) where Canada built cars for 3 USA auto comps.
- 1962 Cuban missile crisis (USA interfered unilaterally)
- Conserve French/English (good gov/tradition) vs. liberal America (experimentations).
- Conservative Lament
- The French have not turned their back on the old ways (resist liberalism a bit longer)
- The decline of British Conservatism in WWI
- French male elites manage culture + native economic control = want progress advantage of the age of progress but lack = must modernize their educational system but to do so to be in line with technological advancement bc can’t stay separate forever
- Normative
Regionalism Definition
The territorialization of politics (physically + politically + history/constitution)
Perpetuated by provincial parties = feds skewed support
Regionalism: QC vs. AB
Economic/political alienation
Constitutional alienation
Energy East Project
What is it?
Convert old + add new pipeline: West crude oil to coast bc int > American market.
Against but no power bc fed matter
Sends hush money to QB
House of Commons
Legislative Branch that brings together elected representative from across Canada to debate issues/make decisions .
Proportional seats but Quebec exception (more than proportional).
Seats allocated by region.
Deliberative assembly.
Scrutinize legislation as a bill must pass through the senate before becoming a law.
Create a counterbalance representation by population in the House of Commons.
Part of the executive (implement laws). The PM appoints cabinet ministers.
Executive = PM + Ministers
Members of the Cabinet are often the President’s closest confidants.
Judiciary Branch.
9 justices
6/9 regional representation (not a legal rule) vs.
3/9 Quebecois
First Minister’s Conferences
Prov Premiers + PM = intergovernmental politics
The conferences are important for a number of reasons. A sizable portion of provincial funding (referred to as transfer payments) comes from the federal government, the conferences are an opportunity for the premiers to lobby for more money.
providing a forum for consultation and regulation of federal-provincial relations
BNA of 1867
Amended/re-named the Constitution Act of 1867 added to Constitution Act of 1982 (partition) + Charter
Dominion of Canada established = Fed gov + sub-national prov govs (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec)
Upper/Lower CAN broke up (land given back to QC) = Fed gov gives Franco autonomy alongside Anglo
Canadian Federation = Compact of Provinces
UK will amend BNA upon formal resolution of the HofC and Senate (fed NOT prov motion) = good thing for prov autonomy (no fed favoritism)
Constitution Act
1982 - Canada gained control of its own constitution from Britain (partition)
Part 1 = Charter (Constitutional document unlike the Bill of Rights)
Part 2 = Aboriginal Treaty Rights
Part 5 = Amending Rules
Bill of Rights
Diefenbaker conservative prime minister was interested in individual rights and passed the Bill of Rights (a statute not entrenched in the Constitution) saying the federal government could not discriminate.
Jared Wesley and Sylvia Wong
- Context (who, what, when, where)
- Thesis
- Justification/Premises/Effects?
- Study Limitations
- (2022) Alberta Premier Danielle Smith will be using the province’s Sovereignty Act to challenge Ottawa’s requirement to achieve a net-zero electricity grid by 2035 = economic alienation (National Energy Program in 1980s).
- Conservatism dominant part of Albertan political culture. AB political culture = f(advertising x immigration). National consciousness is shaped by mythological narratives guiding settler participation in the colonial project.
- Last Best West advertising campaign (1896-1919) = fed gov shape political culture through ppl selection + fragment theory (1st wave immigrants felt tdy). The “Last Best West” campaign values of settler colonialism, populism, individualism, frontier masculinity, and moral traditionalism among settler populations continue to affect Alberta politics today. The state cultivated conservatism in the West to attract settlers
Many immigrants self-selected into this political culture (already conservative)
The federal government played a more influential role in prairies politics than fragment theory would suggest.
(1) Settler-colonialism = euro-dominant»_space;> indigenous sovereignty
(2) Anti-elite + Western alienation = populism
(3) Individualism = small l liberalism (survival of the fittest)
(4) Masculinity
- AB 1st party was liberal (NDP Saskatchewan)
Daniel Béland, André Lecours, and Trevor Tombe
- Context (who, what, when, where)
- Thesis
- Justification/Premises/Effects?
- Limitations
- (2022) Alberta premier is threatening a referendum on equalization payments. The Alberta premier finds it particularly irksome that Quebec opposes pipeline development, but, through equalization, ends up benefiting from the profits generated by Alberta’s oil.
- Although strongly criticized by non-recipient provinces such as Alberta, equalization has successfully mitigated the consequences of territorial disparities within the federation—allowing all regions to deliver public services of comparable quality—while preserving provincial autonomy.
- (1) reduces prov inequalities
(2) prov money spending/accepting autonomy
(3) constitutionalization of fed’s commitment
(4) prevent migration from poor to rich provs
(5) National unity as QC participant
- Limitations:
- Large transfers for some provs means smaller transfers for others.
- The fed gov can unilaterally amend the formula.
- Unconditional transfer in the name of prov autonomy the provs are not compelled to use the money to finance public services.
Part III s.36(1)(2)
Equalization and Regional Disparities (horizontal meaning across provs fiscal imbalance bc at same tax rate diff prov capacities like PEI potato farmers vs. Oil Alberta) - Fiscal capacity is the total revenue that a government can realistically raise given the available tax base
(1) Commitment to the welfare state (equal opp) = reasonable healthcare access/cost
(2) Fed gov make it rain to make sure provinces have enough revenue (ability dependent on $) to provide public services at a reasonable regional tax rate
October 2021: Alberta Referendum on Equalization
Wants to remove s.36(2) [resentful bc QC gets equalization payments and AB doesn’t even if QC has oil but chooses not to develop] even if Jason Kenney is former fed minister for equalization
Alberta’s Sovereignty Act (2022)
Allow province to refuse specific federal laws and policies that violate juridictional rights of Alberta = Constitutional dispute about provincial and federal powers = Federal proposed electricity regulations (problem shared jurisdiction)
Equalization Calculations
OG way:
Fed gov estimate provincial fiscal capacity and calculate based on those estimations a threshold number and then divide into a per/capita number.
Have nots = lower fiscal capacity provinces
The halves (oil provs) = higher fiscal capacity provinces that don’t get equalization payments
Unconditional payment unlike healthcare finance (5 provisions)
New way:
The Alberta/Bill Gates effect = outlier Alberta making the mean highly sensitive (skewed) = the average fiscal capacity is higher so the average fiscal capacity number increases. The average goes up if Alberta does well and the feds have to pay more.
A new formula by throwing out the highest and lowest (skewed outliers, now only average 10/12 provs) so that the federal government only has to pay a lower number to bring up provinces to equal threshold.
Fairness vs. affordability trade-off.
2 Types of Nationalism
Ethnic Nationalism (only natives) = heritage national loyalty
Civic/Ideological Nationalism (native + immigrants) = Values (liberal americans) OR territory define us
Benedict Anderson Nationalism
Nations are imagined political communities that are both limited (exclusionary definition/creating boundaries within the group) and sovereign
Imaginary so not static (unlike Grant lament)
Ernest Renan Nationalism
Solidarity to live together in the present = instrumentalized use of the past to influence the present’s politics
Federalism Definition
State > Nation
State = fed + provs
Fed = national gov
Provs = sub-national
each province has some autonomy either highly centralized or decentralized
Municipalities are creatures of provs = can chop up Montreal but not feds