Poli 1 final Flashcards
A constitutional procedure by which federal judges and civil officers can be removed from office before their term expires
doctrine of separation of powers
one branch of government does not have the right to inquire into the internal operations of another branch
22nd Amendment
Legislation in 1951 which limits a president to 2 terms
White House Office
presidential staff who oversees the policy interests of the advisors president
veto message
statement sent to Congress by the president giving reasons for veto
25th Amendment
when an acting president is unable to serve due to illness
executive privilege
presidents right to withhold certain info from congress
Office of Management and Budget
organization responsible for preparing the federal budget and for central clearance of legislative proposals from federal agencies
honey moon
first few months of a president’s term
presidential refusal to spend money appropriated by congress
Executive Office of the president
agencies that perform staff services for the president but are not part of the White House
Line item veto
right of some governors to veto part of a bill without having to veto the entire bill
electoral college
system by which states select electors who then vote for the president and vice president
Budget reform of 1974
requires the president to spend all appropriated funds by Congress
National Security Council
committee in the Executive office comprised of the vice president,secretaries of state and defense chaired by the president
expected Service
appointment of officials not based on the criteria of OPM
large complex organization composed of appointed officals
Competitive service
appointment based on criteria
clearance committee
right of committees to disapprove of certain agency actions
discretionary authority
ability of officials to make policies not spelled out in advance by laws