Points for discussion about life after death Flashcards
What provides the best evidnace for life after death for many people?
Near death experiences, they appear to demonstrate that there is brain-soul separation at death.
Who is the earliest dualist thinker?
Plato, dualism is the belief that the body and soul are two separate substances.
What does Plato say about opposed properties?
The universe contains opposed properties (light/dark, good/bad) and similarly as opposed to the physical universe there must exist a meta-physical universe.
What is the meta physical universe composed of?
As the physical universe is composed of physical things, the metaphysical universe must be composed of pure ideas/forms.
What are forms?
Universal ideas, for example, each instance of a cat participates to the perfect blueprint of a cat in the world of forms. There are also forms of abstract ideas such the form of The Good.
What does Plato say about the soul?
It is the perfect form of the human and is the counterpart to the body and brain. It is preexistent and immortal in its own right. When the person is alive it is embedded in the brain and acts as a bridge between the physical world and the ethereal world of forms.
What happens at death according to Plato?
The soul returns to the world of forms where it contemplates until it is reincarnated into the world. Knowledge is gained through anamnesis, the soul remembering what it already knows.
What are the three parts of the soul in its embodied form?
- The head, associated with reasoning. 2. The chest, associated with aggression. 3. The stomach, associated with appetite and desire.
What is the best way to live according to Plato?
With reason ruling thumos and desire or the soul will be out of balance, humans must put reason above all else and focus on the soul.
What are Aristotle’s four causes?
- The matter a thing is made from. 2. The form a thing takes. 3. Its efficient cause. 4. Its final cause- the reason it exists.
What is the soul for Aristotle?
It is the psyche, the animating principle of the body.
What does the soul enable us to do according to Aristotle?
It enables us to grasp eternal truths, to rationalize, to introspect and the understanding abstract ideas.
What happens to the soul when the body dies according to Aristotle?
It dies when the body dies as its abilities are grounded in the world.
What is monism?
The soul and the body are one substance, most monists tend to be materialists.
What is hard materialism?
Human beings are made only from matter and mental events are in fact physical events. It is reductionist philosophy that reduced the soul to matter and holds that there is nothing that can survive death.
What did Swinburne say about materialism?
It does not explain the subjectivity of mental events, how can the feel of doing something such as eating strawberries be described in a way that could replicate the experience?
What is Swinburne’s soft materialism?
The only substances are material objects, but some of these have mental properties which are distinct from physical properties.
How does Dawkins describe DNA?
The only survival that can be identified with forms of life is genetic. The idea of being an individual is just a product of our genes working together to enhance survival.
What does Dawkins think about belief in the soul and god?
Beliefs in these are just byproducts of evolutionary processes and our unwillingness to contemplate extinction after death.
What are Dawkins’ memes?
A theoretical unit of cultural ideas, symbols and practices that is transmitted from one mind to another through speech and gesture. They explain the spread of cultural ideas through the behaviors they initiate in their hosts. If you get imitated, you become immortal.
Give two advantages of Dawkins’ materialism
- A persuasive use of evolutionary biology, the idea that genes’ function is to farther their own survival explains why nature doesn’t care about killing off millions of humans. 2. Memes are easy to understand.
What are two problems with Dawkins’ materialism?
- Assuming that evolution’s only purpose is to ensure the survival of genes puts the cart before the horse, DNA is the replicator mechanism of evolution and doesn’t explain why evolutionary processes exist. 2. Saying evolution is blind ignores that it follows absolute laws of biology and chemistry.
Give two more issues with Dawkins’ materialism
- If the universe has no purpose and everything is reduced to bytes of information then why should we reflect meaningfully on what we’ve achieved? 2. Self awareness is a byproduct of genes working to enhance our survival, but wouldn’t an organism that has real self awareness have more survival value then one which merely thinks it has?
What are near death experiences?
Dying and coming back to life, they have been reported across all ages and all cultures and often have a profound effect upon the individual.
Give some common characteristics of near death experiences
Ineffability, peace and quite, noise of a gong, seeing the dead, passing a barrier, a decision to return, a changed outlook on life and a loss of fear of death.
Give four scientific explanations for near death experiences
- Anesthetic drugs. 2. Beta endorphins- the dying brain gives itself a shot of morphine. 3. Hypoxia- when the brain is starved of oxygen. 4. Temporal lobe seizure
Where does the verification of NDEs usually come from?
Those who claim to have had them, it is often based on a recall of objects or events which could only be known if the experience is true.
What does Susan Blackmore say about NDEs?
They have a scientific explanation and do not give any information about the process of dying, she instead compares them to dreams. Dreams occur when the brain goes to sleep or wakes up, not in between.
What issue is posed by NDEs?
No indication is given as to how persons are identified in the afterlife since there would be no observable differences between a physical environment and a mental construct of such an environment.
How can NDEs prove life after death?
They can be used to support any theoretical model of life after death and for the person who has experienced one, it is often the ultimate proof of life after death.