Points 21 Flashcards
Hilton Bankside
Great Suffolk Street
From Southwark St
LoR Great Suffolk St
Lve on R
LoR Union St
Marcos New Italian Restaurant
Lavington Street
Overseas Visitors Records Office
Borough High Street
Lve on R
First L Great Suffolk Street
Lve on L
First R Borough Rd
Blue Eyed Maid
Borough High Street
Lve on L
R Marshelsea
L Great Dover St
The Monument
Monument Street
Access from King William Street
L Monument St
SD Facing
Lve same Way Get London Bridge
Lve by Monument St
Fwd Fish St Hill
LoR Lower Thames St
Oblix at The Shard
London Bridge Street
Hixter Bankside Restaurant
Great Guildford Street
From Southwark St
Lve Same way
Lve on R
L Borough High St
Bermondsey Square Hotel
Bermondsey Square
Access from a Tower Bridge Rd
LoR Bermondsey Sq
Access from Long Lane
Fwd Abbey St
R Tower Bridge Rd
R into Bermondsey Sq
Lve on L
R Abbey St
No Left Abbey St
Lve on R
L Grange Rd
Or R Bermondsey St
L Long Lane
John Havard Library
Borough High Street
Lve on LoR
Lve on L
First R Marsalsea Rd
First L Great Dover St
Watermans Hall
St Mary at Hill
Access from Great Tower St
Or Fwd from Rood Lane
London Institute of Technology + Research
Borough High Street
Lve on LoR
Lve on L
First R Marsalsea Rd
First L Great Dover St
Royal British Legion
Borough High Street
Lve on LoR
Lve on L
First R Marsalsea Rd
First L Great Dover St
LoR in forecourt
Power League - Now Bike Shed
Old Street
Next to Shoreditch Old Town Hall
London City Hotel
Borough High Street
Spin to set and leave
From Marshelsea Rd
LoR Sanctuary St
L Lant St
The Market Porter PH
Stoney Street
Lve on L only
L Park St
In one way part of Stoney St at bottom
Use Bedale St + Redcross Way
And left In SDOL
Vinopolis City of Wine
Bank End
Access from Stoney St
L+R Park St
Fwd Bank End
Lve on L
R Redcross Way
LoR Southwark St
The Anchor PH
Bank End
St Mary at Hill Church
St Mary at Church
Premier inn Southwark Borough Market
Bank End
Premier inn London City Monument
St Mary at Hill
Alcoholic Architecture
Winchester Walk/Stoney Street
Canonbury Workshop
New North Road
Lve on R
First L Basire St
First R Sheperton Rd
Lve on L
R Murray Grove
Rosemary Gardens
Sheperton Road
From Basire St
L Sheperton Rd
London Bridge Experience/London Tombs
Tooled Street
Access from Montague Close or Tooley St
Perkins Square
Porter Street
Access from Stoney St
LoR Park St
L Porter St
Lve same way
Hornsey Fire Station
Park Avenue South
Access from Priory Rd
LoR Park Avenue South
Lve on R
LoR Priory Rd
Fwd High St Hornsey
Or Fwd Muswell Hill
Lve on L
LoR Park Rd
Fwd The Broadway
Pond Square
South Grove/Highgate West Hill
No R Turn into South Grove
Highgate Library
Shepherds Hill
Lve on R
Fwd Jacksons Lane
Lve on R
LoR Archway Rd
LoR In
Lve on L
Fwd Woselely Rd
Or R Stanhope Rd
L Avenue Rd
Odettes Restarunt
Regents Park Road
Lve on L
R St Marks Sq
Or R Primrose Hill Rd
L Absinthe Restarunt
Chalcot Road
Access from Regents Park Rd
LoR Fitzroy Rd
R Chaltcot Rd
Vine PH
Highgate Road
Lve on R
First L Gordon House Rd
Lve on L
First L Lady Somerset Rd
Belsize Square Synagogue
Belsize Square
Access from Adelaide Rd R Primrose Hill Rd L Eton Ave R Lancaster Grove R Lancaster Drive L Belsize Sq SDOR
Access travelling South from Haverstock Hill R Belsize Ave Fwd Belsize Prk L Belsize Sq SDOL
St Peters Church
Belsize Square
Access from Adelaide Rd R Primrose Hill Rd L Eton Ave R Lancaster Grove R Lancaster Drive L Belsize Sq SDOR
Access travelling South from Haverstock Hill R Belsize Ave Fwd Belsize Prk L Belsize Sq SDOL
The Flask PH
Highgate West Hill
Travelling North SDOR
Miss the grove travelling north
West Hampstead Library
Dennington Park Road
Lve on L
L West End Lane
First R West End Lane
Lve on L R West End Lane First L Lymington Rd First R Iverson Rd Second L Broadhurst Gardens
Hampstead Synagogue
Dennington Park Road
Lve on R
L West End Lane
First R West End Lane
Lve on R R West End Lane First L Lymington Rd First R Iverson Rd Second L Broadhurst Gardens
Highgate society
South Grove
Lve on R
LoR Highgate High St
Lve on L
LoR Highgate West Hill
No R Into South Grove
Highgate Literacy + Scientific Institution
South Grove
Lve on R
LoR Highgate High St
Lve on L
LoR Highgate West Hill
No R Into South Grove
Highgate United Reformed Church
South Grove
Lve on R
LoR Highgate High St
Lve on L
LoR Highgate West Hill
No R Into South Grove
Pond Square Chapel
South Grove
Lve on R
LoR Highgate High St
Lve on L
LoR Highgate West Hill
No R Into South Grove
Finchley Road + Frognal Station
Finchley Road
Lve on L
First L Lymington Rd
Lve on R
L Frognal
R Arkwright Rd
Or Fwd Avenue Rd
West Hampstead Police Statiom
Fortune Green Road
Lve on L
First L Finchley Rd
Or Fwd Platts Lane
To get R Finchley Rd
Lve on R
L Parsifal Rd
R Finchely Rd
West Hampstead Fire Station
West End Lane
Lve on L
First R West End Lane
That gives u R Finchley Rd
Lve on R
First L Lymington Rd
Second L Broadhurst Gardens
First R Iverson Rd
JW3 Centre
Finchley Road
Access from Arkwright Rd
R Finchley Rd
Lve on R
No R Lymmington Rd
Belgrave Fire Station
Lancaster Grove
Access from Eton Ave
LoR Lancaster Grove
Lve on R
L Eton Ave
R Primrose Hill Rd
Lve on L
LoR Buckland Crescent
Holiday Inn Express Swiss Cottage
Finchley Road
To Set from Finchley Rd L Lithos Rd L Rosemont R Finchley Rd SDOL
Lve on L
R Goldhurst Terrace
Or Fwd Avenue Rd
Hampstead Cemetery
Fortune Green Road
Lve on L
L Finchley Rd
For R Finchley Rd
Lve on R
L Weech Rd
R Finchley Rd
Best Western Palms
Hendon Way
From Finchley Rd L Hendon Way L Cricklewood Lane R Greenfield Gardens R The Vale R Hendon Way SDOL
Lve on L
L Cricklewood Lane
For Finchley Rd
R Lyndale Ave
Fordywch Road
Maygrove Road/Mill Lane
North Square
Central Square
Access from Hampstead Lane R Winnington Rd L Ingram Ave R Wildwood Rd L Meadway R Heath Gate R South Sq L Central Sq Fwd North Sq
Or from Finchley Rd
Use Hoop Lane
Central Square
South Square
Lyndhurst Club
Allitsen Road
Access from Prince Albert Rd
R Chalbert St
L Allitsen Rd
Lve on L
L Chalbert St
L St Johns Wood Terrace
North Gate Mansions
Prince Albert Road
Lve on R
Comply St Johns Wood Circus
Lillie Langtry PH
Abbey Road
Lve on L
First L Quex Rd
Lve on R
LoR Belsize Rd
Crockers Folly PH
Aberdeen Place
Travelling South from Maida Vale LoR St Johns Wood Rd LoR Northwick Terrace L Aberdeen Place SDOL
Lve on L
L Cunningham Place
LoR St Johns Wood Rd
Little Venice Sports Centre
Crompton Street
Access from Frampton St L Edgware Rd R Cuthburt St R Hall Place L Crompton St SDOR
Lve on L
LoR Edgware Rd
L Turn
First R St Johns Wood Rd
The Little Venice Medical Centre
Crompton Street
Access from Frampton St L Edgware Rd R Cuthburt St R Hall Place R Crompton St SDOL
Lve on L
LoR Edgware Rd
L Turn
First R St Johns Wood Rd
Old Aeroworks NW8
Hatton Street
From Frampton St
LoR Hatton St
Lve on R
LoR Frampton St
Winterton House
Maida Vale
LoR in
LoR out
First L St Johns Wood Rd
First R Blomfield Rd
First L Sutherland Ave
Waterway Restarunt
Formosa Street
Access from Blomfield Rd
R Formosa St
Lve on L
LoR Warwick Ave
R Warwick Ave
Comply Harrow Rd circus
Or L Blomfield Rd
L Warwick Ave
L Shirland Rd
LoR Sutherland Ave
Access from Warwick Ave
L Formosa St
Warwick Castle PH
Warwick Place
Access from Blomfield Rd
R Warwick Ave
L Warwick Place
Lve on L
LoR Warwick Ave
Canal Cafe Theatre
Westbourne Terrace Road
Access from Lords Hill Bridge
L+R Harrow Rd
L Westbourne Terrace Rd
Lve on R
L Only Blomfield Rd
Amadeus Centre
Shirland Road
Access from Warwick Ave
L Formosa St
R Shirland Rd
Lve same way
Lve on L
LoR Sutherland Ave
Harbour Club
Alfred Road
From Harrow Rd Circus
Lve by Harrow Rd
L Alfred Rd
L Out
First R Sutherland Ave
First L Woodfield Rd
Queens Park Library
Harrow Road
Lve on R
L Ladbroke Rd
R Kilburn Lane
Lve on L
No R Great Western Rd
Use R Woodfield Rd
L Elgin Ave
Jason’s Boat Trip
Blomfield Road
Lve on R Only
R Formosa St
LoR Warwick Ave
First L Westbourne Terrace Rd
Sainsbury’s W10
Canal Way
Access from Ladbroke Grove
LoR Canal Way
R out
First R Barlby Rd
L out
LoR Harrow Rd
L out to get College Rd
Kensal Green Cemetery
Harrow Road
Lve on L
L Scrubs Lane
R Wrottesley Rd
Lve on R
L College Rd
R Ladbroke Grove
Parlour Kensal NW10
Regent Street
Access from Start of Kilburn Lane
LoR Regent St
Lve on L Only
L Wellington Rd
LoR Harrow Rd
Mayhew Animal Home
Ponsard Road
Access from Harrow Rd
Trenmar Gardens
R Ponsford Rd
Lve same way
R turn First L College Rd
L Turn
L Scrubbs Lane
R Wrotessley Rd
Paradise by Way of Kensal Green
Kilburn Lane
Lve on R
LoR Harrow Rd or Fwd Ladbroke Grove
Queens Studios
Salusbury Road
All Star Boxing
Harrow Road
Lve on L
First L Portnal Rd
Second L Elgin Ave
Lve on R
First L Ladbroke Grove
Kilburn Park Station
Cambridge Avenue
Access from Kilburn Park Rd L Rudolph Rd Fwd Cambridge Gardens R Cambridge Ave SDOL
Access from Kilburn High Rd
LoR in
No R Out
Lve on R
L Cambridge Gardens
L Oxford Rd
LoR Kilburn High Rd
R out
First L Abercorn Place
Forced L Out
First R Belsize Rd
Second R West End Lane
Animal War memorial dispensary/RSPCA Kilburn Clinic
Cambridge Avenue
Access from Kilburn Park Rd L Rudolph Rd Fwd Cambridge Gardens R Cambridge Ave SDOR
Access from Kilburn High Rd
LoR in
No R Out
Lve on L
L Cambridge Gardens
L Oxford Rd
LoR Kilburn High Rd
R out
First L Abercorn Place
Forced L Out
First R Belsize Rd
Second R West End Lane
Paddington Fire Station
Harrow Road
Access from Harrow Road Circus Lve by Warwick Ave L Blomfield Rd L Westbourne Terrace Rd L Harrow Rd SDOL
Lve on L only
Comply Harrow Rd Circus
Red Pepper Restaurant
Formosa Street
Access from Warwick Ave
R Formosa St
Lve on L
R Warrington Crescent
Fwd Warwick Ave
L Warrington Crescent
Comply Roundabout
Lve by Sutherland Ave - Both Ways
The Warrington Hotel
Warrington Crescent
Comply Roundabout
Lve Warrington Crescent
Colonade Hotel London
Warrington Crescent
Access from Formosa St
R Warrington Crescent
Lve on LoR
Lve on R
Fwd Warwick Ave
L Blomfield Rd
Lve on L
Comply Roundabout
Lve by Sutherland Ave
St Mary’s Catholic Cemetery
Harrow Road
Lve on L
First L Scrubs Lane
First R Wrotessley Rd
Lve on R
First L College Rd
First R Ladbroke Grove
Holloway Bus Garage
Pemberton Gardens
Access from Junction Rd
LoR+R Pemberton Gardens
Access from Junction Rd
LoR St Johns Grove
L+L Pemberton Gardens
Shaolin Temple
Junction Road
Lve on R
First L Cathcart Hill
First R Pemberton Gardens
Camden Ambulance Service
Creasy Road
Access from Fleet Rd
R Cressy Rd
Lve on L
R Fleet Rd
Lve on R Agincourt Rd Fwd Southampton Rd Or L Mansfield Rd No R Turn
Premier Inn Hampstead
Ornan Road
Paddington Old Cemetery
Willesden Lane
Lve on R
R Kilburn High Rd
First L Quex Rd
Lve on L
First L The Avenue
Kilburn Station
Christchurch Avenue
Lve on L
Fwd Maygrove Rd
Lve on R
L Brondesby Park
Fwd Salisbury Rd
Or R The Avenue
Armoury Sports Centre
Pond Street
Roebuck PH
Pond Street
Next to Armoury Sports Centre
Lord Palmerston PH
Dartmouth Park Hill
Lve on L
First R Cathcart Hill
L Junction Rd
Lve on R
L Tuffnel Prk Rd
BR Fortess Rd
Fwd Breknock Rd
Lve on R
R Chetywnd Rd
Willesden Stadium
Donnington Road
Shree Swaminarayan Temple
Willesden Lane
Lve on R
L Sydmouth Rd
Fwd Chamberlain Rd
Lve on L
L Christchurch Ave
Abbotts Hotel
Willesden Lane
Lve on L
First R Walm Lane
Lve on R
First R Sidmouth Rd
Dollis Hill Rear Entrance
Burnley Road
Access from Willesden High Rd
R Dudden Hill Lane
R Burnley Rd
Lve same way
Dollis Hill Rear Entrance
Burnley Road
Access from Willesden High Rd
R Dudden Hill Lane
R Burnley Rd
Lve same way
White Eagle Club
Balham High Road
Lve on L
First L Balham Park Rd
Second L Chestnut Grove