Points Flashcards
at the lateral aspect of the chest in the 1st intercostal space 6 cun lateral to midline 1 cun inferior to Lu 2
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or oblique insertion carries risk of pneumothorax
TO 0.5-1 cun medially
on the antero lateral aspect of the chest, below the lateral extremity of the clavicle 6 cun lateral to midline in the centre of the hollow of the delto pectoral triangle
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or medial needling may cause pneumothorax
T-O insert 0.5-1 cun
on the antero lateral aspect of the upper arm 3 cun inferior to the axillary fold and 6 cun superior to LU5 in the depression between the lateral boarder of the biceps brachii muscle and the shaft of the humorous
CAUTION: according to classic texts conta indicated to moxa
P- 0.5-1 cun
on the antero lateral aspect of the upper arm 4 cun inferior to the axillary fold and 5 cun superior to Lu-5 in the depression between the lateral boarder of the bicep brachii muscle abd teh shaft of teh humerus
P- 0.5-1
on the cubital crease of the elbow in the elbow in the depression at the radial side of the tendon biceps brachii
P-0.5-1 cun
on the flexor aspect of the forearm 7 cun proximal to Lu-9 on the line connecting Lu-9 w Lu-5
P- 0.5-1.5
on the radial aspect of the forearm approximately 1.5 cun proximal to LI-5 in teh cleft between the tendons of brachioradialis and abductor pollicis longus
CAUTION: cephalic vein
T- 0.5-1 cun
above the wrist 1 cun proximal to Lu-9 on the line connecting Lu-9 with Lu-6 in the depression at the base of the styloid process of the radius and on the radial side of teh radial artery
CAUTION: radial artery
O prox or P - 0.3-0.5
at the wrist joint in the depression between the radial artery and the tendon of abductor pollicis longus level with HT-7
CAUTION: avoid radial artery
P- 0.3-0.5
on the thenar eminence of the hand in a depression between the midpoint of the shaft of the 1st metacarpal bone and the thenar muscles
on the extensor aspect of the thumb at the junction of the lines drawn along the radial boarder of the nail and the base of the nail approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
on the dorsal aspect of the index finger at the junction of the lines drawn along the radial boarder of the nail and the base of the nail approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
on the radial boarder of the index finger in a depression just distal to the metacarpal-phalengeal joint
O prox or dis 0.2-0.3 cun or P O - toward palm 0.5
on the radial side of the index finger in the substantial depression proximal to the head of the second metacarpal bone
ESSENTIAL POSITION: needle with loose fist
P- 0.5-2 cun
on the dorsum of the hand between the first and second metacarpal bones at the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone and close to its radial boarder
CAUTION: contra indicated pregnancy
P- 0.5-1 cun
on the radial side of the wrist in the centre of the hollow formed by the tendons of extensor pollisis longus and brevis
CAUTION: cephalic vein
P-0.5-1 cun
3 cun proximal to Li-5 on the line connecting Li-5 with Li-11
T O- 0.5-1 cun
5 cun proximal to Li-5 (or 7 cun inferior from 11) on the line connecting LI5 with Li11
T O - 0.5-1
on the radial side of the forearm 4 cun distal to LI11 ( or 8 cun superior to li5) on the line connecting Li5 to Li11
P O - 0.5-1.5 cun
on the radial side of the forearm 3 cun distal to Li11 (or 9 cun superior to li5) on the line connecting Li5 with LI11
P or O 0.5-1.5
on the radial side of the forearm 2 cun distal to Li11 ( or 10 cun superior to Li5) on teh line connecting Li5 with Li11
P or O - 0.5-1.5
at the elbow midway between Lu5 and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease
P- 1-1.5 cun
when the elbow is flexed this point is located in the depression 1 cun proximal to and 1 cun lateral to Li11
P 0.5-1
on the lateral side of the upper arm 3 cun proximal to Li-11on teh line connecting Li11 with Li15
P- 1-1.5
on the lateral side of the upper arm in the visible and tender depression formed between the distal insertion of the deltoid muscle and the brachiallis muscle approximatley 3/5 of the distance along the line drawn between Li11 and Li15
O -1 -1.5
in the depression which lies anterior and inferior to the acromion at the origin of the deltoid muscle
abducted arm: P 1-1.5 cun
or T O to elbow 1.5- 2 cun
on the upper aspect of the shoulder in the depression medial to the acromion process and between the lateral extremity of the clavicle and the scapular spine
CAUTION: deep medial insertion carries risk of causing a pneumothorax esp. in thin patients
P or O - 0.5-1 cun
on the lateral side of teh neck 1 cun inferior to Li-18 on teh posterior boarder of the SCM
CAUTION: deep needle carotid artery or jugular vein
P- 0.3-0.5
on the lateral side of the neck level with the tip of the laryngeal prominence between the sternal and clavicular heads of the SCM
CAUTION: deeper needling may puncture the corotid artery or jugular vein
P 0.3 -0.5
directly anterior to the angle of the jaw in a depression at the anterior boarder of the masseter muscle
CAUTION: vigorous manipulation due to facial artery and vein
O- 0.3-0.5
approximately 1 finger breadth anterior and superior to the angle of teh jaw at the prominence of the masseter muscle
P- 0.5 cun
at the lower boarder of the zygomatic arch in the depression anterior to the condyloid process of the mandible
P slight inf - 0.5-1 cun
st 8
at the corner of the forehead 4.5 cun lateral to du-24 and 0.5 cun in the anterior hair line
CAUTION: classic contraindicated to moxa
T - 0.5 to 1 cun
level with the tip of and 1.5 cun lateral to the laryngeal prominence in the depression between the anterior boarder of the SCM muscle and the lateral boarder of the thyroid cartilage
CAUTION: carotid artery
P- 0.5-1 cun
on the neck at the anterior boarder of the SCM midway between St9 and st11
CAUTION: carotid artery
P O medially 0.5-1
at the root of the neck superior to the medial end of the clavicle directly below st9 in teh depression between the sternal and clavicular heads of the SCM
CAUTION: subclavian vessel or lung
P- 0.2-0.3
in teh supraclavicular fossa posterior to the superior boarder of the clavicle and at its midpoint 4 cun lateral to teh midline on the mamillary line
CAUTION: deep or posterior may injure subclavian vessels or lungs
P- 0.3-0.5
at the top of the chest directly below st12 on the inferior boarder of the clavicle 4 cun lateral to the midline on the mammory line
CAUTION: deep or perpendicular may injure subclavian vessel or lung
on the chest in the 1st intercostal space 4 cun lateral to the midline on the mamillary line
CAUTION: deep or perpendicular may puncture lung
T O lat or med 0.5-0.8 cun
on the chest in the second intercostal space 4 cun lateral to the midline on the mamillary line
CAUTION: deep or perpendicular needling may puncture lung
T O lat or med 0.5-0.8
on the chest in the third intercostal space 4 cun lateral to the midline on the mamilalry line
CAUTION: deep or perpendicular may puncture lung
T O lat or med 0.5-0.8
in the centre of the nipple in teh 4th intercostal space 4 cun lateral to the midline
CAUTION: contraindicated to needling and moxa
directly below the nipple in the 5th intercostal space
CAUTION: deep or perpendicular may puncture lung
T O lat or med 0.5-1 cun
on the abdomen 2 cun lateral to midline and 6 cun superior to umbilicus
CAUTION: deep insertion may injure the heart on the left or liver on the right if enlarged
P 0.5-0.8
on the abdomen 2 cun lateral to the midline and 5 cun superior to the umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity, or on right enlarged liver
P- 0.5-1 cun
on the abdomen 2 cun lateral to midline and 4 cun superior to the umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity, or on right enlarged liver
P- 1-1.5
on the abdomen 2 cun lateral to midline and 3 cun superior to the umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P - 1-1.5 cun
on the abdomen 2 cun lateral to midline and 2 cun superior to umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P- 1-1.5 cun
on the abdomen 2 cun lateral to the midline and 1 cun superior to the umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P- 1-1.5 cun
on the abdomen 2 cun lateral to umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P- 1-1.5 cun
on the lower abdomen 2 cun lateral to teh midline and 1 cun inferior to the umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P- 1-1.5 cun
on the lower abdomen 2 cun lateral to the midline and 2 cun inferior to the umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P-1-1.5 cun
on the lower abdomen 2 cun lateral to the midline and 3 cun inferior to umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity or full bladder
P-1-1.5 cun
on the low abdomen 2 cun lateral to the midline and 4 cun inferior to umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity or full bladder
P-1-1.5 cun
on the low abdomen 2 cun lateral to midline level with the superior boarder of the pubic symphysis
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity or full bladder
P 1-1.5 cun
on the upper thigh in a depression just lateral to the sartorious muscle at the junction of the vertical line drawn from the ASIS and a horizontal line drawn level with the lower boarder of pubic symphasis
P or O 1-2 cun
on the thigh on a line drawn between the lateral boarder of the patella and the ASIS in a depression 6 cun proximal to the superior boarder of the patella
P or O 1-2 cun
on the thigh on a line drawn between the lateral boarder of the patella and the ASIS in a depression 3 cun proximal to the superior boarder of the patella
P or O 1-1.5 cun
on the thigh on a line drawn between the lateral boarder of the patella and the ASIS in a depression 2 cun proximal to the superior boaeder of the patella
P or O 1-1.5 cun
on ten knee in the hollow formed when the knee is flexed immediately below the patella and lateral to the patellar ligament
ESSENTIAL POSITION: flexed knee with rolled pillow
P 2 cun to bl 40
below the knee 3 cun inferior to st 35 one finger breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
P- 1-1.5
on the lower leg 3 cun inferior to st-36 one finger breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
P or O 1-1.5
on the lower leg midway between the tibiofemoral joint line and the prominence of the lateral melleolus one finger breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
P or O - 1 -1.5
on the lower leg 3 cun inferior to st37 one finger breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
P or O - 1-1.5 cun
on the lower leg midway between the tibiofemoral joint line and the lateral malleolus 2 finger breadths lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
P or O- 1-1.5
on the ankle level with the prominence of the lateral melleolus in a depression between the tendons of extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallusis longus
CAUTION: tibial vessels and nerve
P 0.5
on the dorsum of the foot in the depression formed by the junction of the second and third metatarsal bones and the cuneiform bones 1.5 cun distal to st41 on the line drawn between st41 and st43
CAUTION: dorsalis pedis artery
O or P 0.3-0.5
on the dorsum of the foot between the second and third metatarsal bones in a depression 1 cun proximal to st 44
P or O 0.5-1 cun
on the dorsum of the foot between the second and third toes 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web
P- 0.5
on the dorsal aspecct of the second toe at the junction of the lines drawn along the lateral boarder of the nail and the base of the nail approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
Sp- 1
on the dorsal aspect of the big toe at the junction of lines drawn along the media boarder of the nail and the base of the nail approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
on the medial side of the big toe in the depression distal and inferior to the first metatarso-phalengeal joint
O inf 0.3-0.5
on the medial side of the foot in the depression proximal and inferior to the head of the first metatarsal bone
P 0.5-1
on the medial side of the foot in the depression distal and inferior to the base of the first metatarsal bone
P 0.5-1 cun
on the medial side of the ankle in the depression which lies at the junction of the straight lines drawn along the anterior and inferior boarders of the medial malleolus
P 0.2-0.3
on the medial side of the lower leg 3 cun superior to the prominence of the medial malleolus in a depression close to the medial crest of the tibia
CAUTION: contraindicated pregnancy
P or O 1-1.5
on the medial side of the lower leg 3 cun superior to sp6 in a depression just posterior to the medial crest of the tibia
P 1-1.5 cun
on the medial side of the lower leg 3 cun inferior to sp 9 in a depression just posterior to the medial crest of the tibia
P or O 1-1.5
on the medial side of the lower leg in a depression in the angle formed by the medial condyle of the tibia and the posterior boarder of the tibia
P 1-1.5
2 cun proximal to the superior boarder of the patella in the tender depression on the bulge of the vastus medialis muscle directly above sp9
P or O 1-1.5
on the medial side of the upper leg 6 cun proximal to sp-10 on a line connecting sp10 with sp12
CAUTION: deep needle puncture femoral artery
P or O 0.5-1 cun
3.5 cun lateral to cv2 on the lateral side of the femoral artery
CAUTION: deep needle medial femoral artery and lateral femoral nerve
P 0.5-1 cun
on the lower abdomen 0.7 cun superior and 0.5 cun lateral to sp-12, 4 cun lateral to the midline or can locate as 4.3 cun inferior to sp15
CAUTION: deep needle peritoneal cavity
P 1-1.5
on the lower abdomen 1.3 cun inferior to sp15 4 cun lateral to the midline
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P 1-1.5 cun
on the abdomen in the depression at the lateral boarder of the rectus abdominus muscle level with the umbilicus
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity, spleen or liver if enlarged
P 0.5-1
on the abdomen in the depression at the lateral boarder of the rectus abdominus muscle 3 cun superior to sp15
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity, enlarged spleen
on the lateral side of the chest in the 5th intercostal space 6 cun lateral to the midline
CAUTION: perp insertion cause pneumothorax
T O 0.5-1
on the lateral side of the chest in the 4th intercostal space 6 cun lateral to the midline
CAUTION: perp insertion cause pneumothorax
T O 0.5-1
on the lateral aspect of the chest in the 3rd intercostal space 6 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: perp insertion cause pneumothroax
T O - 0.5-1 cun
on the lateral side of the chest in the second intercostal space 6 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: perp insertion cause pneumothorax
T O - 0.5-1 cun
on the mid axillary line in the 7th intercostal space
CAUTION: perp insertion cause pneumothorax
T O 0.5-1
in a depression in the centre of the axilla
CAUTION: medial insertion may puncture lung, avoid axillary artery
ESSENTIAL POSITION: hand behind head
P - 0.5-1 cun
3 cun proximal to the medial end of the transverse cubital crease on the line connecting Ht1 to ht3
CAUTION: classics contra indicated needle, brachial artery
ESSENTIAL POSITION: hand behind head (flexed)
O dist or Prox o.5-1 cun
midway between pc3 and the medial epicondyle of the humerus at the medial end of the transverse cubital crease when the elbow is fully flexed
CAUTION: classic no moxa
ESSENTIAL POSITION: hand behind head ( flexed)
O dist or prox or toward li11 0.5-1cun
on the radial side of the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris 1.5 cun proximal to Ht7
P 0.3-1 cun
on the radial aspect of the tendon flexor carpi ulnaris 1 cun proximal to ht7
P 0.5-1 cun
on the radial side of the tendon flexor carpi ulnaris 0.5 cun proximal to ht7
P 0.3-0.5
at the wrist joint on the radial side of the tendon flexor carpi ulnaris in the depression at the proximal boarder of the pisiform bone
CAUTION: ulnar artery and ulnar nerve
P 0.3-0.5 cun
on the palm in the depression between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones where the tip of the little finger rests with a fist made
P 0.5 cun
on the dorsal aspect of the little finger at the junction of lines drawn along the radial boarder of the nail and the base of the nail approximately 0.1 cun form the corner of the nail
P or O 0.1 - 0.2
on the dorsal aspect of the little finger at the junction of lines drawn along the ulnar boarder of the nail and the base of the nail approx 0.1 from the corner of the nail
P or O 0.1-0.2 cun
on the ulnar boarder of the little finger in a depression just distal to the metocarpal phalangeal joint
O dis 0.2-0.3
on the ulnar boarder of the hand in the substantial depression proximal to the head of the 5th metacarpal bone
ESSENTIAL POSITION: loose fist for locate and needle
P - 0.5-2 cun
on the ulnar boarder of the hand in the depression between the base of the 5th metacarpal bone and the triquetral bone
P 0.3-0.5
at the ulnar boarder of the wrist in the depression between the head of the ulna and the triquetral bone
P 0.3-0.5
when the palm of the hand is placed on the chest this point is located on the dorsal aspect of the ulna in a cleft level with and to the radial side of the high point of the styloid process of the ulna
ESSENTIAL POSITION: palm of hand on chest
O or TO dis or prox 0.5-1 cun
on the line connecting si5 and si8 5 cun proximal to si 5 in the groove between the anterior boarder of the ulna and the muscle belly of flexor carpi ulnaris
P 0.5-1 cun
in the depression between the tip of the olecranon process of the ulna and the tip of the medial epicondyle of the humerous
CAUTION: ulnar nerve
O dist or prox 0.5-1 cun
On the posterior aspect of the shoulder 1 cun superior to the posterior auxiliary crease when the arm hangs adducted
P 1-1.5 cun
on the posterior aspect of the shoulder in the depression inferior to the scapular spine directly superior to the posterior axillary crease when the arm hangs in the adducted position
P 1-1.5 cun
on the scapula in a tender depression 1/3 of the distance from the midpoint of the inferior boarder of the scapular spine to the inferior angle of the scapula
P or O 0.5-1 cun
in the centre of the scapular fossa directly above si 11 in a depression formed when the arm is raised
CAUTION: deep perp risk of pneumothorax
O med toward spine 0.5-1 cun
in the tender depression superior to the medial end of the scapular spine midway between si10 and spinous process T2
CAUTION: too medial or deep medial O may puncture lung
P 0.3 -0.5 or O lat 0.5-1 cun
3 cun lateral to the lower boarder of T1
CAUTION: Perp insertion risk of pneumothorax
O med 0.5-1 cun toward spine
2 cun lateral to the lower boarder of the spinous process of c7
CAUTION: deep inferior may cause pneumothorax
O med 0.5-1 toward spine
on the posterior boarder of the SCM level with the laryngeal prominence
P 0.5-0.8 cun
in the depression between the angle of the mandible and the anterior boarder of the SCM
CAUTION: Carotid vessel
toward root of tongue 0.5-1 cun
directly below the outer canthus of the eye in a depression at the lower boarder of the zygomatic process
CAUTION: classic no moxa
P 0.5-0.7 or join with others
with the mouth open this point is located in the depression between the middle of the tragus and the condoloyid process of the mandible
P 0.5-1
on the sole of the foot between the second and third metacarpal bones approx 1/3 of the distance between the base of the second toe and the heel in a depression formed when the foot is plantar flexed
P 0.5-1
on the medial side of the foot distal and inferior to the medial malleolus in the depression distal and inferior to the navicular tuberosity
P 0.5-1
in the depression between the medial malleolus and the achillies tendon level with the prominence of the medial malleolus
P 0.5-1 cun
approximately 0.5 cun posterior to the midpoint of the line drawn between ki3 and ki5 on the anterior boarder of the achillies tendon
O P anterior 0.5 cun
1 cun inferior to ki3 in the depression anterior and superior to the calcaneal tuberosity
O P away from bone 0.3-0.5
1 cun below the prominence of the medial malleolus in the groove formed by 2 ligamentous bundles
O sup 0.3-0.5
on the medial aspect of the lower leg in the depression 2 cun superior to ki-3 on the anterior boarder of the achillies tendon
P 0.5-1
on the medial aspect of the lower leg 2 cun superior to ki3 and 0.5 cun anterior to ki7 posterior to the medial boarder of the tibia
P 0.5-1
on the medial aspect of the lower leg 5 cun superior to ki3 on the line drawn between ki3 and ki10 about 1 cun posterior to the medial boarder of the tibia
P 1-1.5 cun
at the medial end of the popliteal crease between the semitendinousus and semimembranosis tendons locate and needle w knee flexed
P-1-1.5 cun
on the lower abdomen 5 cun below umbilicus at the superior boarder of the pubic symphasis 0.5 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep will puncture full bladder
P- 0.5-1
on the lower abdomen 4 cun below the umbilicus or 1 cun superior to superior boarder of pubic symphasis 0.5 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION:deep full bladder
P 0.5-1
on the lower abdomen 3 cun below umbilicus 2 cun superior to the superior boarder of pubic symphasis 0.5 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep full bladder
P 0.5-1
on the lower abdomen 2 cun below the umbilicus 3 cun superior to the superior boarder of pubic symphasis 0.5 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep peritoneal cavity
P 1-1.5 cun
on the lower abdomen 1 cun below the umbilicus 4 cun superior to the superior boarder of the pubic symphasis 0.5 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep peritoneal cavity
P 1-1.5 cun
on the abdomen 0.5 cun lateral to the centre of umbilicus
CAUTION: deep peritoneal cavity
P 1-1.5
on the upper abdomen 2 cun above the umbilicus 0.5 cun lateral to the midline
CAUTION: deep needle peritoneal cavity
P: 1-1.5
on the upper abdomen 3 cun above the umbilicus 0.5 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep peritoneal cavity
p 1-1.5 cun
on the upper abdomen 4 cun above the umbilicus 0.5 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep peritoneal cavity
P 0.5-1 cun
on the upper abdomen 5 cun above umbilicus 0.5 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep peritoneal cavity
P 1-1.5
on the upper abdomen 6 cun above the umbilicus 0.5 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep peritoneal cavity or liver on R
P 0.5-1
in the 5th intercostal space 2 cun lateral to the midline
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or oblique puncture lung and liver
T O laterally 0.5-1 cun
in the 4th intercostal space 2 cun lateral to the midline
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or oblique puncture lung
T O laterally 0.5-1 cun
in the 3rd intercostal space 2 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or oblique puncture lung
T O laterally 0.5-1
in the second intercostal space 2 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or oblique puncture lung
T O laterally 0.5-1
in the 1st intercostal space 2 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or oblique puncture lung
T O laterally 0.5-1
in the depression on the lower boarder of the clavicle 2 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or oblique may puncture lung
TO laterally along inferior boarder of clavicle 0.5-1 cun
1 cun lateral and slightly superior to the nipple in the 4th intercostal space
CAUTION: deep needling pneumothorax
T O posterior along intercostal 0.5-1
on the anterior aspect of the arm 2 cun below the anterior axillary fold between the 2 heads of the biceps brachii muscle
O prox or dis 1-1.5
on the transverse cubital crease in the depression immediately to the ulnar side of the aponeurosis of the biceps brachii muscle
CAUTION: brachial artery and veins
P 0.5-1 cun
on the flexor aspect of the forearm 5 cun proximal to pc7 on the line connecting pc7 with pc3 between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis
P 0.5-1 cun
on the flexor aspect of the forearm 3 cun proximal to pc7 between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis
P 0.5-1
on the flexor aspect of the forearm 2 cun proximal to pc7 between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis
CAUTION: median nerve
P 0.5-1
at the wrist joint between tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis level with ht7
CAUTION: median nerve
P 0.3-0.5
between the second and third metacarpal bones proximal to the metacarpo phalengeal joint in a depression at the radial side of the 3rd metacarpal bones
P 0.5
pc- 9
in the centre of the tip of the middle finger alternatively this point is sometimes located at the radial side of the middle finger approx 0.1 from the corner of the nail
P or O 0.1 cun
on the dorsal aspect of the ring finger at the junction of the lines drawn along the ulnar boarder of the nail approx 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
P- 0.1-0.2
between the ring finger and little fingers 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web
P 0.3-0.5
on the dorsum of the hand in the depression just proximal to the 4th metacarpo phalengeal joints
P or O prox 0.5-1 cun
on the dorsum of the wrist at the level of the wrist joint in the depression between the tendons of extensor digitorum communis and extensor digitiminimi
O prox 0.3-0.5 cun
2 cun proximal to te4 in the depression between the radius and ulna on the radial side of the extensor digitorum communis muscle
CAUTION: dont move arm after needle, bent needle
O to ulnar side 0.5-1.5 cun `
3 cun proximal to te4 in the depresssion between the radius and ulna on the radial side of the extensor digitorum communis muscle
CAUTION: dont move after needle, bent needle
O to ulnar side 0.5-1.5 cun
3 cun proximal to te4 level with and on the ulnar side of te6 in the depression between the ulna and the extensor digitorum comunus muscle
O to ulnar side 0.5-1.5 cun
4 cun proximal to te4 in the depression between the radius and the ulna on the radial side of the extensor digitorum communus muscle
CAUTION: classic contraindicated to needle
O to ulnar side 0.5-1.5 cun
in teh depression between the radius and ulna on a line drawn between te4 and the lateral epicondyle of the humerous 7 cun proximal to te4
P or O prox or dis 1-2 cun
whith the elbow flexed this point is located in the depression 1 cun proximal to the olecranon
P 0.5-1
with the elbow flexed this point is located 1 cun proximal to te10
P 0.5-1 cun
on the upper arm on a line drawn between te10 and te14 4 cun proximal to te10 and 6 cun distal to to sj14
P or O 1-2 cun
on the upper arm where the line drawn between te10 and te14 meets the posterior boarder of the deltoid muscle approximately 2/3 of the distance between these 2 points
P or O 1-2 cun
at the orgin of the deltoid muscle in the depression which lies posterior and inferior to the lateral extremity of the acromion
and 1-1.5 or T O down channel 1.5-2 cun
in the supraclavicular fossa in the depression midway between gb21 and si13
CAUTION: perpendicular cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 cun
on the posterior boarder of the SCM approximately 1 cun inferior to gb12 on a line drawn between bl10 and si17
P- 0.5-1 cun
behind the ear lobe between the ramus of the mandable and the mastoid process in the depression just superior to the palpable transverse process of the 1st cervical vertibre
P toward opposite ear 0.5-1 cun
posterior to the ear in a small depression on the mastoid bone 1/3 of the distance along a curved line drawn from te17 to te20 following the line of th erim of the ear
0.8-0.5 sub cutaneous
posterior to the ear in a small depression 2/3 of the distance along curved line drawn from te17 to te20 following the line of the rim of the ear
CAUTION: classic contra indicated to bleeding
0.3-0.5 subcutaneous
on the side of the head directly level with the apex of the ear when the ear is folded forwards
T 0.5-1.5
in a depression anterior to the supratraigic notch and slightly superior to to thr condyloid process of the mandable
CAUTION: classic no moxa
inf O 0.5-1 cun
approximately 0.5 cun anterior to the upper boarder of the root of the ear in a slight depression on the posterior boarder of the hair line of the temple
T 0.3-0.5
in a depression on the supraorbital margin at the lateral end of the eyebrow
T 0.5-1 cun
on the dorsal aspect of the big toe at the junction of the lines drawn along the lateral boarder and the base of the nail approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
P or O 0.1 -0.2
on the dorsum of the foot between the 1st and 2nd toes 0.5 cun proximal to the margin f the web
0.5-1 cun O to heel or P 0.5-0.8
on the dorsum of the foot in the hollow distal to the junction of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones
direction of ki1 0.5-1.5
on the ankle anterior to the prominence of the medial malleolus in the significant depression just medial to the tendon tibialis anterior when the ankle is dorsiflexed
P 0.3-0.5
5 cun above the prominence of the medial malleolus immediatley posterior to the medial crest of the tibia in the depression between the medial crest of the tibia and the gastrocnemious muscle
P 0.5-1 cun
7 cun above the prominence of the medial malleolus immediately posterior to the medial boarder of the tibia and gastrocnemious muscle
P 0.5-1 cun
Posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia 1 cun posterior to sp 9
P 1-2 cun
just superior to the medial end of the popliteal crease in the depression anterior to the tendons of semitendonosis and semimembranosis abut 1 cun anteriror to ki 10
P 1 -1.5 cun
directly superior to the medial epicondyle of the femur 4 cun superior to lr-8 in the cleft between vastus medialis and sartorious
P or O 1-2 cun
3 cun inferior to st30 on the anterior borader of adductor longus
P or O 0.5-1.5 cun
2 cun inferior to st30 on the anterior boarder of the adductor longus
P or O 0.5-1.5 cun
1 cun inferior and 2.5 cun lateral to cv2 in the crease of the groin medial to the femoral vein
CAUTION: femoral vein, no moxa
medial slight O 0.5-0.8
directly anterior and inferior to the free end of the 11th rib
CAUTION: deep perpendicular damage enlarged Liver or spleen
T O 0.5-1
on the mamillary line in the 6th intercostal space 4 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION: deep or perpendicular or oblique carries risk of pneumothorax
O med or lat 0.5-1 cun
on the midline of the lower abdomen at the superior boarder of pubic symphasis 5 cun below umbilicus
CAUTION: deep full bladder
P 0.5-1
on the midline of the lower abdomen 4 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 1 cun superior to pubic symphasis
CAUTION: deep full bladder
p 0.5-1
on the midline of the lower abdomen 3 cun inferior to umbilicus and 2 cun superior to the pubic symphasis
CAUTION: deep full bladder
P 0.5-1 cun
on the midline of the lower abdomen 2 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 3 cun superior to the pubic symphasis
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P 0.8-1.5
on the midline of the lower abdomen 1.5 cun inferiror to umbilicus and 3.5 cun superior to the pubic symphasis
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P 0.8-1.5
on the midline of the lower abdomen 1 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 4 cun superior to the superior boarder of pubic symphasis
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P 0.8-1.5
in the centre of umbilicus
CAUTION: needling is contraindicated
on the midline of the abdomen 1 cun above the umbilicus and 7 cun below the sternal costal angle
CAUTION: moxa contraindicated in pregnancy, no needle in water illness, peritoneal cavity**
P 0.8-1.5
on the midline of the abdomen 2 cun above umbilicus and 6 cun below the sternal costal angle
CAUTION: contraindicated moxa in pregnancy and peritoneal cavity
P 0.8-1.5
on the midline of the abdomen 3 cun above the umbilicus and 5 cun below the sternal costal angle
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P 0.8-1.5
on the midline of the abdomen 4 cun above the umbilicus and midway between umbilicus and sternal costal angle
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
p 0.8-1.5
on the midline of the abdomen 5 cun above umbilicus and 3 cun below sternal costal angle
CAUTION: peritoneal cavity
P 0.8-1.5
on the midline of the abdomen 6 cun above umbilicus and 2 cun below the sternal costal angle
CAUTION: L lobe of liver, or Heart, oblique superior toward heart is contraindicated
P 0.5-1 cun
on the midline of theabdomen 7 cun above umbilicus and 1 cun below the sternal costal angle
CAUTION: L lobe of liver or heart, superior oblique toward heart is contraindicated
O inferiror 0.5-1
on the midline of the sternum at the level of the sternal costal angle
T sup or inf along midline 0.5
on teh midline of the sternum in a depression level with the junction of the 4th intercostal space of the sturnum
CAUTIONS: classic contraindicated needle
T sup or inf along the channel 0.5-1 cun
on the midline of the sturnum level with the jusnction of the 3rd intercostal space of the sturnum
T sup or inf 0.5-1 cun
on the midline of the sternum level with the junction of second intercostal space and the sturnum
T sup or inf 0.5-1
on the midline of the sturnum level with the junction of the 1st intercostal space and the sturnum
T supor inf 0.5-1
on the midline of the manubrium of the sturnum midway between cv20 and cv22
T inf 0.5-1 cun
on the midline in the centre of the suprasternal fossa 0.5 cun superior to suprasternal notch
CAUTION: experience behind manubrium - remove pillow
p 0.3 cun or no pillow 0.2-0.3 then behind manubrium 0.5-1 cun
on the anterior midline of the neck in the depression above the hyoid bone
CAUTION: classic contraindicated moxa
O to du20 0.5-1.2 cun
in the midline in teh sacro coccygeal hiatus
O sup 0.5-1
on the midline of the lower back in the depression below the spinous process of the 4th lumabr vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin
P 0.5-1
on the midline of the lower back in the depression below the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin, classic contraindicated to moxa under 20
P 0.5-1
on the midline of the lower back in the depression below the spinous process of the 1st lumabar vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin
P 0.5-1 cun
on the midline of the back in the depression below the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin, classic contraindicated to moxa
P-O sup 0.5-1
on the midline of the back in the depression below the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin, contraindicated to moxa
P-O sup 0.5-1 cun
on the midline of the back in teh depression below the spincous process of the 9th thoracic vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin
O sup 0.5 -1 cun
on the midline of the back in the depression below the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin
O sup 0.5-1
on the midline of the back in the depression below the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin , classic contraindicated to needle
O sup 0.5-1 cun
on the midline of the upper back in the depression below the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertabere
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin, classic contraindicated to needle
O sup 0.5-1
on the midline of the upper back in the depression below the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin
P-O sup 0.5-1 cun
on the midline of the upper back in the depression below the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin
P-O sup 0.5-01
on the midline at the base of the neck in the depression below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin
P-O sup 0.5-1
on the midline at the nape of the neck in the depression 0.5 cun inferior to gv16 below teh spinous process of the 1st cervical vertabre
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin, deep perpendicular contraindicated and superior oblique contraindicated due to brain
P slight inf 0.5-1
on the midline at the nape of the neck in the depression immediately below the external occipital protuberance
CAUTION: spinal canal 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skin, deep perpendicular or superior oblique is contraindicated due to brain, classic contrainicated moxa
P slight inf 0.5-1
at the top of the head on the midline 0.5 cun posterior to the anterior hairline and 0.5 cun anterior to gv23
CAUTION: classic contraindicated to needle
T 0.5-1
at the glabella at the midpoint between the medial extremities of the eyebrows
in the centre of the eyebrow in the depression above the pupil when the eyes looj straight forward
T med or lat 0.5-1 cun
at the temple in the tender depression approximately 1 cun posterior to the midpoint between the lateral extremity of the eyebrow and the outer canthus of the eye
P 0.5-0.8
when the ear is folded forwards this point lies at the apex of the ear
P 0.1
at the back of the neck 2 cun superior to gv14 (c7) 1 cun lateral to midline
P 0.5-0.8
behind the ear midway between gb20 and sj17
P 0.5-1
0.5-1 cun lateral to the depression below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertibre
P-O towards spine 0.5-1 cun
1.5 cun lateral to the prominence of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertabre
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of T8
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
in the depression approximately 3.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of L4
P 1-1.5
on the midline of the back in the back in the depression below the spinous process of the 5th lumbar vertabre
CAUTION: the sinal canal lies 1.25-1.75 cun deep to skins surface
P 0.5-1 cun
0.5 to 1 cun lateral to th e depressions below the spinous processes of the 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar vertabre
P-O toward spine 0.5-1
on the lower abdomen 3 cun lateral to the midline level with cv3
P 0.8-1.2
on the lower abdomen construct an equilateral triangle with the apex as umbillicus and the sides are the length of the patients smile
CAUTION: no needle
on the lower abdomen 4 cun lateral to midline inline with cv4
P 0.8-1.2
on the tips of the fingers ( 10 ) 0.1 cun from the fingernail
on the palmar surface of the hand at the midpoints of the transverse creases of the proximal interphalengeal joints of the index middle ring and little fingers
when the hand is made into a fist 6 of these points lie in the depressions between the metacarpal heads proximal to the web margins. the remaining 2 lie equidistant between the thumb and index metacarpals proxima to margin webs
P along shafts 0.5-1
on the dorsum of the hand in the depression just proximal to the 2nd and 3rd metocarpal phalengeal joints
P or O prox 0.5-1
on the flexor aspect of the forearm 4 cun proximal to pc 7 either side of the tendon of flexor carpi radialis
P 0.5-1
on the tip of the olecranon
CAUTION: no needle
on the anterior aspect of the shoulder joint midway between the anterior axillary crease and Li15
P 1-1.5
on the dorsum of the hand 2 points located between the 2nd and 3rd and 4th and 5th metacarpal bones in the depressions lying immediately distal to the bases of the metacarpals
P 0.5-1
on the dorsum of the foot between the toes 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web
O prox 0.5-1
approximately 2 cun distal to st36 on the R leg (ask for max tenderness
P 1-1.5
between 1 and 2 cun distal to gb34 on the R leg ( ask for max tenderness)
P 1-1.5 cun
in the depression at the midpoint of the superior boarder of the patella
P 0.5-1 cun
3 cun proximal to the superior boarder of the patella in a tender depression on the bulge of the vastus medialis
P or O 1-1.5
on the knee in the hollows formed when the knee is flexed immediately below the patella and both medial and lateral to patellar ligament
ESSENTIAL POSITION: flexed knee rolled pillow
P to bl40 1-2 cun
superior to inner canthus of eye in depresson on medial end of eyebrow
CAUTION: classics no moxa
directly superior to bl2 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline level w du24
CAUTION: No moxa
T 0.5-1
0.5 cun in the hairline 1.5 cun lateral to du24
T 0.5-1
on the lateral aspect of the trapezius muscle 1.3 cun lateral to du15
P 0.5-0.8
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of the spinous process of T1
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of the spinous process of T2
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of the spinous process of T3
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of the spinous process of T4
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of the spinous process of T5
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of T6
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of T7
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of T9
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of T10
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of T11
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of T12
CAUTION: perpendicular or oblique away from the spine may cause pneumothorax
O 0.5-1 or TO 1-1.5
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of L1
CAUTION: deep perpendicular needling may injure kidney
O or PO toward spine 1-1.5 cun
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of L2
CAUTION: deep perpendicular needling may injure kidney
O or PO toward spine 1-1.5 cun
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of L3
P 1-1.5 cun
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of L4
P 1-1.5 cun
1.5 cun lateral to the lower boarder of L5
P 1-1.5 cun
1.5 cun lateral to midline at the midline at the level of the 1st sacral foramen
P 0.5-1
1.5 cun lateral to the midline level with the second posterior sacral foramen
P 0.5-1
1.5 cun lateral to the midline at the level of the 3rd posterior sacral foramen
P 0.5-1
1.5 cun lateral to the midline at the level of the 4th posterior sacral foramen
CAUTION: classic no moxa
P 0.5-1 cun
over the 1st posterior sacral foramen
CAUTION: classic no moxa
P 0.5-1
over the 2nd posterior sacral foramen
P 0.5-1 cun
over the 3rd posterior sacral foramen
P 0.5-1
over the 4th posterior sacral foramen
0.5 cun lateral to the gv level with the tip of the coccyx
P to genital 1-1.5
just below the buttock on the line directly superior to Bl40
in the centre of the transverse gluteal crease in a depression between the hamstring muscles
P 1-2 cun
on the back of the thigh in the depression between the hamstring muscles 6 cun distal to bl36 and 8 cun proximal to bl40 on th eline connecting bl36 to bl40
P 1-2
on the back of the knee 1 cun superior to bl39 on the medial side of the tendon bicep femoris
P 1-1.5
at the back of the knee on the popliteal crease and towards its lateral end in the depression medial to the tendon of biceps femoris
P 1-1.5
at the back of the knee in the popliteal crease in a depression midway between the tendons of biceps femoris and semitendinosus
CAUTION: tibial nerve and popliteal artery and vein
P 1-1.5 cun
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of T2
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or deep oblique medial risk of pneumothorax
O 0.3-0.5
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of T3
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or deep oblique medial risk of pneumothorax
O 0.3-0.4
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of T4
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or deep oblique medial risk of pneumothorax
O 0.3-0.4
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of T5
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or deep oblique medial risk of pneumothorax
O 0.3-0.4
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of T6
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or deep oblique medial risk of pneumothorax
O 0.3-0.5
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of T7
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or deep oblique medial risk of pneumothorax
O 0.3-0.4
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of T9
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or deep oblique medial risk of pneumothorax
O 0.3-0.4
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of T10
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or deep oblique medial risk of pneumothorax
O 0.3-0.4
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of T11
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or deep oblique medial risk of pneumothorax
O 0.3-0.4
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of T12
CAUTION: deep perpendicular or deep oblique medial risk of pneumothorax
O 0.3-0.4
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of L1
CAUTION: deep perpendicular carries risk of injuring Kidney
O 0.5-1
3 cun lateral to midline level w the lower boarder of L2
CAUTION: deep perpendicular carries risk of injuring Kidney
O 0.5-1
3 cun lateral to the midline at the level of the spinous process of the 2nd sacral vertabre
P 1-1.5 cun
on the buttock in the depression 3 cun lateral to the sacro coccygeal hiatus
P 1.5-2.5 cun
on the lower leg 2 cun inferior to bl40 on the line connecting bl57 with bl40 in the depression between the 2 heads of the gastrocnemius muscle
P 1-1.5
on the lower leg 5 cun below bl40 and midway between bl55 and bl57 in the centre of the gastrocnemius muscle
CAUTION: classic no needle
P 1 -1.5
on the lower leg in the depression formed below the bellies of the gastrocnemius muscle when the muscle is flexed approximately 8 cun distal to bl40 ( midway between bl40and bl60)
P or O prox or dis 1-1.5
on the low leg 7 cun directly superior to bl-60 lateral to and approximately 1 cun inferior to bl57
P or O prox or dis 1-1.5
on the low leg 3 cun directly superior to bl60
P or O prox or dis 1-1.5 cun
behind the ankle joint in the depression between the prominence of the lateral malleolus and the achillies tendon
CAUTION: contraindicated in pregnancy
P 0.5-1 cun
on the lateral side of th efoot 1.5 cun inferior to bl-60 in a tender depression on the calcaneum
T 0.3-0.5
on the lateral side of the foot approximately 0.5 cun inferior to the inferior boarder of the lateral malleolus in a depression posterior to the peroneal tendons
O inf 0.3-0.5
on the lateral side of the foot in the depression posterior to the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone
P 0.3-0.5
on the lateral side of the foot in the depression anterior and inferior to the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone
P 0.3-0.5
on the lateral side of the foot in the depression posterior and inferior to the head of the 5th metatarsal bone
P 0.3-0.5
on the lateral side of the foot in the depression anterior and inferior to the 5th metatarso phalengeal joint
PO to sole 0.2-0.3
on the dorsal aspect of the little toe at the junction of the lines drawn along the lateral boarder of the nail and the base of the nail approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
P or O 0.1-0.2
in the hollow on the lateral side of the orbital margin approx 0.5 cun lateral to the outer canthus
CAUTION: no moxa
in the holllow between the intretrigic notch posteriorally and the condyloid process of the mandible anteriorly
ESSENTIAL POSITION: open mouth to locate and needle
slight posterior 0.5-1
anterior to the ear in a hollow above the upper boarder of the zygomatic arch directly superior to st7
CAUTION: no deep needling
p 0.3-0.5
in the temporal region within the hairline 1/4 of the distance between st8 and gb7
T 0.5-1.5 cun
in the temporal region within th ehairline 1/2 the distance between st8 and gb7
t0.5-1.5 cun
in the temporal region within the hairline 3/4 of the way between st8 and gb7
T 0.5-1.5
in the temporal region within the hairline level with and 1 finger breadth anterior to sj20
T 0.5-1.5
temporal region 1 cun superior to the apex of the ear
T 0.5-1.5
0.5 cun posterior to gb8
T 0.5-1.5
posterior to the ear along a curved line drawn from gb9-gb12 running with in the hairline and more or less parallel to the rim of the ear in a depression about 1/3 of the distance between gb9 and gb12
T 0.5-1.5
posterior to the ear along a curved line drawn from gb9-gb12 running with in the hairline and more or less parallel to the rim of the ear in a depression about 2/3 of the distance between gb9 and gb12
T 0.5-1.5
in the depression just posterior and inferior to the mastoid process
O inf 0.5-1 cun
on the forehead 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline 2/3 of the distance between du24 and st8
on the forehead 1 cun superior to the middle of the eyebrow directly above pupil when eyes look forward
T 0.5-0.8
on the forehead directly above gb14 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline midway between du24 and st 8
T 0.5-1.5
below the occiput approximately midway between du16 and gb12 in the hollow between the orgins of the SCM and trapezius muscle
CAUTION: deep needle may damage spinal chord
tip of nose 0.5-1 cun
midway between low boarder of c7 and tip of the acromion at the crest of the trapizius muscle
CAUTION: perpendicular risk of pneumothorax, contraindicated in pregnancy
Posterior O 0.5-1 cun
on the mid axillary line in the 4th intercostal space approximately 3 cun inferior to the apex of the axilla at the level of the nipple
CAUTION: deep or perpendicular may cause pneumothorax, classic no moxa
T-O along inercostal 0.5-1 cun
below the axilla in the 5th intercostal space 1 cun anterior to gb 22 approximately at the level of the nipple
CAUTION: deep or perpendicular pneumothorax
T-O 0.5-1 along intercostal
on the anterior chest wall in the 7th intercostal space directly below nipple 4 cun lateral to midline
CAUTION : deep or perpendicular pneumothorax
T-o 0.5-1 along intercostal
below the lateral aspect of the ribcage anterior and inferior to the free end of the 12 th rib
CAUTION: deep peritoneal cavity
P 0.5-1
directly below lr13 level with the umbilicus
CAUTION: deep needle peritoneal cavity
P 0.5-1
in the depression just anterior to the ASIS level w cv4
P 1-1.5
0.5 cun anterior and inferior to gb27
P 1-1.5
on the lateral aspect of the hip joint at the midpoint of a line drawn between the ASIS and the prominence of the greater trochaner
P 1-2 cun
on the posterior lateral aspect of the hip joint 1/3 of the distance between the prominence of the greater trochanter and the sacro coccygeal hiatus
P toward genital 2-3.5
on the lateral aspect of the thigh directly below the greater trochanter 7 cun superior to the popliteal crease
P 1-2 cun
on the lateral aspect of the thigh 2 cun inferior to gb31
P 1-2 cun
on the lateral side of the knee in the depression above the lateral epicondyle of the femur between the femur and th etendon biceps femoris
CAUTION: classic no moxa
P 1-2 cun
below the lateral aspect of the knee in the tender depression approximately 1 cun anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula
P or slight oblique 1-1.5
on the lateral aspect of the lower leg 7 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus in the depression at the posterior boarder of the fibula
P 1-1.5
on the lateral aspect of the lower leg 7 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus at the anterior boarder of the fibula
P 1-1.5
on the lateral aspect of the lower leg 5 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus at the anterior boarder of the fibula
P 1-1.5
on the lateral aspect of the lower leg 4 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus at the anterior boarder of the fibula
P 0.7-1 cun
above the ankle joint 3 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus between the posterior boarder of the fibula and tendons of peroneus longus and brevis
CAUTION: dont move after needled bent needle
p 1-1.5
at the ankle joint in the depression anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus
P 1-1.5 cun toward ki6
in the depression distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones on the lateral side of the tendon extensor digitorm longus
P 0.5-1
between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones in the depression proximal to the metatarsal heads on the medial side of the tendon extensor digitorum longus
CAUTION: no moxa or in 3 years death
P 0.5-0.8
between the 4th toe and little toe 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web
P 0.3-0.5
on the dorsal aspect of the 4th toe at the junction of the lines drawn along the lateral boarder of the nail and base of the nail approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
P or O 0.1-0.2
1 cun posterior to sj17
O 0.3-0.5