Point of View (POV) Flashcards
What is the first step when looking for POV?
Look for pronouns to determine if it is 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person POV
What is a pronoun?
Noun = Person, place, thing, animal
Pronoun = takes the place of a noun.
Ex. I, Me, You, You all, He, She, It, They, Them etc.
What is the second step when looking for POV?
Look for thoughts/feelings of the characters. This will tell you if it is 3rd perosn objective, 3rd person limited, or 3rd person omniscient.
(If the text is written in 1st or 2nd person POV, the second step is NOTneeded. The second step is ONLY needed if the text is written in 3rd person POV)
1st person POV
The narrator is IN the story. The narrator uses words, such as “I”, “Me”, “We”, and “Us”.
Ex. I was laughing so hard that I could hardly breathe!
2nd person POV
The narrator is the READER. The narrator uses words, such as “you”, “you all”, “you guys”, etc. and/or tells the reader what to do (gives them instructions).
Ex. Choose Your Own Adventure Series (YOU are the character in the story), cooking instructions, etc.
3rd person POV
The narrator is NOT in the story. They are talking about what happened to somebody else. The narrator uses words, such as “he”, “she”, “they”, etc.
Ex. He walked to the store.
3rd person Objective POV
The narrator is NOT in the story. They are talking about what happened to somebody else. The narrator uses words, such as “he”, “she”, “they”, etc.
Ex. He bought some ice cream for his sister.
3rd person Limited POV
The narrator is NOT in the story. They are talking about what happened to somebody else. The narrator uses words, such as “he”, “she”, “they”, etc.
Ex. He bought some ice cream for his sister because she liked ice cream.
**Be careful:The text might not always use the words “thought” or “felt”. You will often need to infer whether thoughts or feelings are being shown. Ex. “He didn’t like when they called him names.”, “She loved her new dog.”, etc.
3rd person Omniscient POV
The narrator is NOT in the story. They are talking about what happened to somebody else. The narrator uses words, such as “he”, “she”, “they”, etc.
Omniscient = all knowing
Ex. He bought some ice cream for his sister because she liked ice cream. He also loved ice cream, but was not in the mood to eat it since it was snowing outside.
**Be careful:The text might not always use the words “thought” or “felt”. You will often need to infer whether thoughts or feelings are being shown. Ex. “He didn’t like when they called him names.”, “She loved her new dog.”, etc.
What is the difference between 3rd person Objective, Limited, and Omniscient?
3rd person:
Objective- NO thoughts/feelings are shown.
Limited- ONLY ONE person’s thoughts/feelings are shown.
Omniscient- TWO OR MORE persons’ thoughts/feelings are shown.
What does “Omniscient” mean?
“all knowing”
What does “inference” mean?
To make an educated guess based on the clues that are in the text.
Examples of things that you might find by making inferences:
Character traits, setting information, thoughts/feelings of characters, topic, theme, etc.
What is a Point of View (POV)?
The perspective that a text is written in.
What is a narrator?
The voice that tells the story. The narrator can be inside of the story or outside of the story.
The pronouns used by the narrator and the thoughts/feelings that they reveal determine what POV the story is written in.
What is the difference between the “author”/”writer” and the “narrator”?
The author/writer is the real life person who actually wrote the text.
The narrator is the voice that tells the story.
(the author/writer creates the narrator)
When the narrator uses the words “we” or “us”, what POV is the story written in?
We = somebody and I
Us = somebody and me
Ex. Jane and I went to the store = WE went to the store.
Bill went to the store with Jane and me = Bill went to the store with US.
When the narrator uses the words “you”, “you all”, or “you guys”, what POV is it?
Whenever the narrator uses the word “you” or talks directly to the reader (ex. cooking instructions), the text is written in the 2nd person.
What does POV stand for?
Point of View
When the narrator uses the words, “he”, “she”, or “they”, what POV is it?
3rd person POV
When the narrator uses pronouns such as “he”, “she”, or “they”, the text is written in 3rd person POV.
If the text is written in 3rd person POV, be sure to go to the second POV step–look for thoughts/feelings to determine whether it is objective, limited, or omniscient.
When the pronouns are found in quotation marks (“ “), how does this affect the POV?
Ex. Molly said, “I love chocolate candy!”
If the pronouns are found in quotes, do not count them towards the POV. They are in quotes because it is another character besides the narrator who is saying them. To find out what POV a story is in, look ONLY at the pronouns that the narrator uses–which are located outside of any quotation marks.
Ex. Molly said, “I love chocolate candy!” is written in the 3rd person objective because even though the pronoun “I” is uesd, it is being used by a character in the story who is NOT the narrator. Outside of the quotes, “Molly” is being talked about by the narrator. Is Molly the narrator? No. So the narrator is talking about somebody else (Molly), which means it is 3rd person.
What are the 5 narrative Points of View?
1st person 2nd person 3rd person objective 3rd person limited 3rd person omniscient