POI ZONE 5 Flashcards
Chinese consulate
Costorphine road
South Queensferry police station
Hopetoun road
Costorphine police station
Meadow place road
Westerhailes place station
Dumbryden drive
Westfield court
Alexander drive/Gorgie road
Orroco pier
High st - south Queensferry
Hawes inn
Newhalls road
Norton house hotel
Harvest road
Hampton Hilton airport
Almond avenue
Double tree Hilton airport
Eastfield road
Novotel Edinburgh park
Lochside avenue
Leonardo murrayfield hotel
Clermiston road
Holiday inn Edinburgh
Costorphine road
Twin lions hotel
Costorphine road
Murrayfield hotel
Costorphine road
Hampton hotel
Costorphine road
Grosvenor casino
South maybury
The torfin
St John’s road
Hawes pier
Newhalls road south Queensferry
Maid of the fourth
Hawes pier south Queensferry
Edin international climbing arena
South platt hill
South gyle station
South gyle road
Gyle public park
Glasgow road
Murrayfield ice rink
Riversdale crescent
Murrayfield stadium
Roseburn st
National trust for Scotland
Hermiston quay, cutlins road
Taxi examination centre
Murray burn road
Tyncastle stadium
Mcloed st
Queensferry high school
Station road
Royal high school
East barnton avenue
Craigmount high school
Craigs road
Heriot watt university
Riccarton mains road
Edinburgh college sightill
Bankhead avenue
Napier uni sighthill
Sighthill court
Gorgie mills special school
Gorgie park road
Tyncastle high school
Mcloed st
Dalmeny primary
Carlowrie crescent, Dalmeny
Kirkliston primary
Carmel road
Hillwood primary
Station road
Ratho primary
School wynd
Crammond primary
Crammond crescent
East Craig’s primary
Craigmount brae
Clermiston primary
Parkgrove place
Gylemuir primary
Westerbroom place
Costorphine primary
Costorphine high st
Carrick knowe primary
Lampacre road
Sighthill primary
Calder park
Broom house primary
Saughton road
Canal view primary
Hailesland place
Moxy hotel
Fairview road
Ibis budget hotel Edinburgh park
Lochside view
Scottish blood transfusion service
Riccarton mains road
Holiday inn express Edinburgh airport
Ingliston Road
Premier inn Edin park
Lochside court
Thirty knots
Newhalls Road
St John’s road
Costorphine inn
Costorphine high st
Murrayfield indoor sports club
Roseburn st
HMP Saughton
Stenhouse Road
Pentland house
Robbs loan
Queensferry primary
Burgess Road
St Margetts RC
Station Road
Fox covert RC
Clerwood terrace
St Joseph’s RC
Saughton Road
Stenhouse primary
Saughton mains at
Balgreen primary
Balgreen Road
Juniper green primary
Baberton mains wynd
Clovenstone primary
Clovenstone park
Dumbryden primary
Dumbryden gardens
PDSA animal hospital
Hutchison crossway