POF tuesday Flashcards
Hing moment =
Distance between hinge and force (D)
Force that’s opposing the pilots input (F)
Internal Balance
Hinge moment rotating as positive static pressure presses against the seal to get to the negative pressure. As it presses the beak of the hinge moves up or down. Increasing the force the pilot can have on the controls
Balance tab
Reduces the overall aerodynamic force pilot has to deal with.
Anti balance tab
Increases force pilot has to put into controls. Happens if controls are too light
Servo tab
Power Operated in high speed
In low speed, spring is flexible and allows direct control of surface area
Torsional Aileron Flutter (oscillation)prevented by
Having extra mass added forward of hinge line, prevents flutter
Total reaction is basically the same as
Aerodynamic force, but taking into account the bend of airflow
Friese ailerons
Exposed mass on up going aileron. Causing form drag
Differential ailerons
Aileron deflected more than other. Creates greater form drag
Outboard ailerons
Not used in high speed. As drag from it could cause adverse yaw. So inboard aileron / spoilers used (on one side. Spoiler roll).
Aileron droop
Ailerons sat at a drooped attitude to improve camber at the trailing edge.
Positive camber = greater lift
Trim trims excess aerodynamic force. It also works by
Horizontal stabiliser leading edge adjusting pitch, to assist with lift/AOA.
Load Factor =
n is (in climb)
Less than 1
n is (in straight + level flight)
Rate of Climb (ROC) =
(T-D / mass.kg) X TAS (feet per min)
CG =
Climb gradient
(T-D/W) x 100