Poetry: Vocab Pt. 2 Flashcards
Burns Stanza
Named after Robert Burns. Six lines (aaabab). Tetrameter in the a lines, dimeter/trimeter in the b lines.
Ballad Stanza
Familiar in folk ballads. Usually four lines (abcb). First and third line in tetrameter, second and fourth in trimeter. !Used by Emily Dickinson a lot!
Elegiac Stanza
Iambic pentameter quatrain (abab).
Hardy Stanza
Perfected by Hardy. Eight lines (aaabcccb). Tetrameter in line 1,3,5,6,7. Dimeter in 2. Trimeter in 4 and 8.
In Memoriam Stanza
Quatrain in iambic pentameter (abba). Named after Tennyson’s poem, In Memoriam
Long Measure Stanza
Four line stanza in iambic pentameter (abab) or (abcb)
Ottava Rima Stanza
Stanza of 8 iambic pentameter lines (abababcc)
Rhyme Royal Stanza
7 lined iambic pentameter stanza (ababbcc)
Short Measure Stanza
Four lines (abab) or (abcb). Lines 1,2,4 in iambic trimeter and line 3 iambic tetrameter. Popular in hymns.
Spenserian Stanza
Nine iambic lines (ababbcbcc). First 8 lines in pentameter and last in hexameter
Yeats Stanza
8 lined stanza, iambic throughout (aabbcddc). Pentameter in all lines except 4,6,7.
Tera Rima Stanza
3 lined stanza with interlocking rhyme (aba bcbc cdc). Created by Dante for The Divine Comedy.
French form. 19 lines with only two rhymes laid out according to a fixed pattern. Dylan’s poem, Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
Principles of versification regarding rhyme, meter/rhythm, and stanza
Rhythm achieved by regular units of sound (feet). Four kinds of patterns: quantitative, accentuate, syllabic, and accentual-syllabic
Metrically complete