Poetry Vocab Flashcards
Concrete poem
A poem shaped to look like its subject
The set of ideas associated with a word in addition to its literal meaning
2 consecutive lines of verse with end rhymes, often functions as a stanza
The actual dictionary definition of a word
Extended metaphor
The subject is spoken of as though it were something else, differs from a metaphor bc several connected comparisons are made
Figurative language
Speech that is not meant to be taken literally
Free verse
Poetry not written in a regular rhythmical pattern
A 3 line poem usually on the subject of nature, that is made up of 17 syllables- 5 syllables in the first and third lines and 7 syllables in the second line
Language that appeals to the senses
A humorous five Line poem that follows a specific form: 3 long lines (1,2,5) that rhyme and 2 short lines (3,4) that rhyme
Lyric poem
Highly musical verse that expresses the observations and feelings of a single speaker
A figure of speech that compares 2 unlike things without using like it as
Narrative poem
A poem that tells a story
The repetition of consonant sounds
The use of a word or phrase that imitates or suggests the sound of what it describes
Giving human characteristics to a non human or inanimate object
Imaginative writing in which language, images, sound and rhythm combine to create a special emotional effect, one of the 3 major types of literature
A line of group of lines repeated at regular intervals
The repeated use of sounds, words, phrases, or lines
The repetition of sounds at the ends of words
The pattern of beats made by stressed and unstressed syllables in the lines of a poem
Run on line
In poetry, a line in which the meaning contains beyond the line. The line does not end with punctuation
A comparison of two things using like or as
A group of lines that form a unit of poetry
Basically a paragraph of a poem
Rhyme scheme
The pattern of end rhymes in a poem
The voice talking in a poem- sometimes the speaker is identical to the poet, but often the speaker and the poet are not the same. The speaker is a character the poet creates