Poetry terms Flashcards
What is a simile?
a figure of speech involving comparing something to a different thing (a.k.a as swift as the wind).
What is a metaphor?
a figure of speech were a word or phrase is applied to an object or action but is not literally applicable.
What is a caesura?
A brake between words with a metrical foot/a pause near the middle of a line.
What is an enjambment?
A continuation of a sentence without pause at the end of the line
like this sentence and probbably the next.
What is a tone and tonal shift?
Changing the tone of the story from really silly to serious or vice versa.
What is an iambic pentemeter?
A line of verses with five metrical feet.
What is personification?
Making somithing like the wind or a table seem human.
What is alliteration?
The same letter at the start of nearby words.
What is a rhyme sceme?
The way that rhymes are structured in a poem.
What is rythm?
the measured flow of words and phrases in a peom that makes it sound better.
What is repetition?
Repeating a word that is said multipule times.
What is onomatipoeia?
A word that is a sound associated with what is named.
What is slang?
Words that are considered more informal.
What is colliquial language?
Everyday language.
What is nonsencical language?
Words that don’t exist or don’t make sense.
What is hyperbole?
Exaggerated sentances.