Poetry Quotes Flashcards
Name the quotation: marks
Marks of weakness, marks of woe (London)
Name the quotation: manacles
The mind forged manacles I hear (London)
Name the quotation: Church
Every blackening church appalls (London)
Name the quotation: Flat
Nothing is flat or parallel (Living space)
Name the quotation: eggs
These eggs in a wire basket (Living space)
Name the quotation: slanted
Hung out over the edge of a slanted universe (Living space)
Name the quotation: Summer
The summer lapsed away (As imperceptibly as grief)
Name the quotation: Twilight
As twilight long begun (As imperceptibly as grief)
Name the quotation: Escape
Our summer made her light escape into the beautiful (As imperceptibly as grief)
Name the quotation: slobber
Warm, thick slobber of frogspawn (death of a naturalist)
Name the quotation: daddy
The daddy frog was called a bullfrog (death of a naturalist)
Name the quotation: vengeance
The great slime kings were gathered there for vengeance (death of a naturalist)
Name the quotation: rehearse
Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat (hawk roosting)
Name the quotation: creation
Now I hold creation in my foot (hawk roosting)
Name the quotation: keep
I am going to keep things like this (hawk roosting)
Name the quotation: ripeness
Fill all fruit with ripeness to the core (to autumn)
Name the quotation: furrow
On a half-reaped furrow sound asleep (to autumn)
Name the quotation: songs
Where are the songs of spring (to autumn)
Name the quotation: traveller
I met a traveller from an antique land (Ozymandias)
Name the quotation: mighty
Look on my works, ye mighty and despair (Ozymandias)
Name the quotation: remains
Nothing beside remains (Ozymandias)
Name the quotation: rapture
It was a time of rapture: clear and loud (Excerpt from the prelude)
Name the quotation: Pack
The pack loud bellowing and the hunted hare (Excerpt from the prelude)
Name the quotation: Orange
The orange sky of evening died away (Excerpt from the prelude)