Poetry Anthology - Writers intention Flashcards
The City Planners
Atwood shows how :
The government is taking control and destroying the planet
We are controlled even in the places we live in
People above are trying to uniform us and make us identical
The Planners
Cheng shows how:
The planners are covering Singapore’s history
The drive for being heard
The conflict between natural and man-made world
The man with Night Sweats
Thom Gunn shows how:
Grief affected him and many others during the AIDs pandemic
Reflects on the relationship between the body and the speaker
Night Sweat
Lowell shows how:
The struggle of writers block and life can cause you to write well, write about personal experience
The guilt of putting pressure on his wife to support him
Thomas shows how:
Difficult and painful the war was
Intends to put people against war
The spirit is too Blunt an Instrument
Stevenson shows how:
Important both the mind and body is
Wants people to view the world more critically
From Long distance
Harrison shows how:
Illogical the nature of grief can be
Funeral Blues
Auden shows how:
Satirically - as people we can be selfish in grief
He Never Expected Much
Hardy shows how:
You should take risks in your life as you’ll enjoy life more
The telephone call
Adcock shows how:
Big corporations only focus on money not value of life
We shouldn’t focus on money and consuming instead on valuing life
Consumers report
Porter shows how:
Fickle society is as we always look for more in life - consuming
Humans love to critique and can’t appreciate what we have
We should accept life with its flaws
We are a consumer based society
Request to a new year
Wright shows how:
We should look at the good side to life even in bad situations
On Find a Small Fly Crushed in a Book
Turner shows how:
We are all going to die one day
We should live our life to the fullest
Shelley shows how:
We are insignificant to nature - always more powerful than us
Away, Melancholy
Smith shows how:
There’s always beauty in life you just have to find it in suffering, you can find happiness of sadness it’s just a cycle