Poetry Anthology Flashcards
What is the Writer’s message in The Prelude?
As you get older you realise there are bad things about the world and that your relationship with nature changes.
What is the Writer’s message in To Autumn?
Appreciate the beauty of nature while you can.
What is the Writer’s message in She Walks in Beauty?
True beauty is a combination of outward beauty and inner goodness of character.
What is the Writer’s message in Valentine?
Love can be painful and it comes in many different forms.
What is the Writer’s message in Sonnet 43?
Love and relationships can go beyond “ordinary love”.
What is the Writer’s message in Cozy Apologia?
There is nothing wrong with ordinary, safe ad cozy love and as long as your happy that’s ok.
What is the writer’s message in Dulce et Decorum Est?
Showing the reality of war and challenging the reality of war.
What is the Writer’s message in The Soldier?
How he thinks about war and his idealistic ideas about patriotism and war.
What is the Writer’s message in A Wife in London?
It’s not only the lives of the soldiers that are affected when someone dies at war.
What is the Writer’s message in the Manhunt?
Even though a soldier does not die at war there are some mental wounds that take longer to heal.
What is the Writer’s message in Mametz Wood?
We must not forget about the soldiers of the past and the ugliness of war.
What are three contextual points about The Prelude?
-William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and died in 1850
-He was an English poet who lived in the Lake District
-He had a distant relationship with his mother and his father died when he was 7
-He believed nature could be like a teacher/parent to him
What are three contextual points about To Autumn?
-John Keats was a significant romantic poet
-He had many family issues
-He had lots of money troubles
-The poem was inspired by a walk near the river Itchen
-He died ages 25 from tuberculosis
Who wrote The Prelude?
William Wordsworth
Who wrote To Autumn
John Keats
Who wrote Dulce et Decorum Est?
Wilfred Owen
What are three contextual points about Dulce Et Decorum Est?
-Owen enlisted to fight in WW1 in 1915 aged 22
-He died in battle a week before the war ended
-Owen was writing in opposition to WW1 propaganda
-Chlorine gas was a popular weapon in WW1
Who wrote The Soldier?
Rupert Brooke
What are three contextual points about The Soldier?
-Brooke enlisted to fight in WW1 in 1914 aged 27
-April 1915 Brooke died on a ship form blood poisoning that he got from a mosquito bite
-Brooke never actually went to the front line
-He wrote a series of sonnets and this was the final one in his collection
Who wrote a Wife in London?
Thomas Hardy
What are three contextual points for a Wife in London?
-It was written about the second Boar war (1899-1902)
-Around 2000 soldiers were killed
-Hardy was not a soldier, he was an anti-war poet
- Hardy was born in Dorset
-He was a poet of the Victorian age (1840-1928)
Who wrote the Manhunt?
Simon Armitage
What are three contextual points about the Manhunt?
-Poem is based on a real soldier, Eddie Beddos
-Poem was written for a documentary on army veterans
-Eddie fought in the Bosnian war (1992-95) which was a very violent war
-Eddie suffers from PTSD
Who wrote Mametz Wood?
Owen Sheers
What are three contextual points about Mametz wood?
-Sheers was born in Wales in 1974
-He was not a soldier, but interested in history
-Wrote the poem when war detritus was still being found in Mametz Wood
-Mametz Wood is in Northern France and was a key setting battleground in the Battle of the Somme
Who wrote she Walks in Beauty?
Lord Byron
What are three contextual points for She Walks in Beauty?
-Byron was born in 1788 and died in 1824
-He was described as “mad, bad and dangerous to know”
-He was a romantic poet, politician and revolutionary
-Byron doesn’t use traditional imagery, he uses nature and night imagery
What are three contextual points for Valentine
-Duffy is a contemporary Scottish poet and former poet laureate
-Her writing explored ideas about gender, oppression and sexuality
-She is openly part of the LGBTQ+ community
-Valentine was first written in 1993 when a radio station asked Duffy to write a poem for Valentine’s Day
Who wrote Valentine?
Carol Ann Duffy
Wrote Sonnet 43?
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
What are three contextual points for Sonnet 43?
-Browning was born in 1806 and died in 1861
-She was devoutly Christian
-She was ill and frail most of her life
-She endured a very troubled relationship with her father, who threatened to disown her if she married Robert Browning
-so they communicated in secret and this was the 43rd sonnet she wrote for him
Who wrote Cozy Apologia?
Rita Dove
What are three contextual points for Cozy Apologia?
-Dove was born in 1952
-She is a contemporary American poet and a former US poet Laureate
-Cozy Apologia is an auto-biographical poem
-Hurricane Floyd hit the US East coast in 1999
What are three key quotes from The Manhunt
“The frozen river which ran through his face”
“The foetus of metal beneath his chest”
“To a sweating unexploded mine buried deep in his mind”
What is important about the structure of The Manhunt
The rhyme scheme falls apart throughout the poem, but there is a half-rhyme at the end showing he is beginning to heal
What are three key quotations form Sonnet 43
“I shall but love thee better after death”
“How do i love thee? Let me count the ways”
“With all my lost saints”
What are three key quotations form The Soldier
“If i should die, think only this of me”
“Under an English heaven”
“A dust whom England bore”
What is important about the structure of The Soldier
It’s almost a perfect sonnet showing how perfect he thinks England is and how the poem is talking about his love for his country
What is important about the structure of The Soldier
It’s almost a perfect sonnet showing how perfect he thinks England is
What are three key quotations from She Walks in Beauty
“Of cloudless climes and starry nights”
“Best of dark and bright”
“A heart whose love is innocent”
What are three key quotations from Cozy Apologia
“Oddly male: Big Bad Floyd”
“Astride a dappled mare”
“I could pick anything and think of you”
What is important about the structure of Cozy Apologia
Perfect rhyming couplets in stanza 1 suggest traditional love
What are three key quotations in Valentine
“Not a red rose or a satin heart”
“It is a moon wrapped in brown paper”
“I give you an onion”
What are three key quotes from A Wife in London
“She sits in the tawny vapour”
“Like a warning taper”
“Whom the worm now knows”
What is important about the structure of A Wife in London
The poem is split into two parts showing the two sides to the women’s story
What are three key quotes form To Autumn
“Thou watches the last oozing hours by hours”
“Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies”
“Close bosom-friend”
What is important about the structure of To Autumn
Each stanza in the poem represents a different stage in Autumn - beginning, middle and end
What are three key quotes for Dulce at Decorum est
“Men marched asleep”
“As under a green sea, I saw him drowning”
“Drunk with fatigue”
What is important about the structure of Dulce et Decorum Est
There is an ABABCDCD rhyme scheme which represents the soldiers marching
What are three key quotes about Mametz Wood
“In the boots that outlasted them”
“A chit of bone, the china plate of a shoulder blade”
“A broken mosaic of bone linked arm in arm”
What is important about the structure of Mametz Wood
There are three line stanzas which creates a broken and unbalanced structure
What are three key quotes from The Prelude
“I heeded not the summons”
“Meanwhile, the precipices rang aloud”
“The orange sky of evening died away”