Poetry anthology 5 each Flashcards
She sits…
in the tawny vapour
His hand, whom…
the worm now knows
And of new love…
that they would learn.
The postman…
nears and goes
Bubbles gargled…
The warm thick…
slobber of frogspawn
Poised like…
Mud grenades
I sickened,…
turned, and ran
The great…
slime kings
I sit in the…
top of the wood
The convenience of…
the high trees
The sun…
is behind me
My manners are…
tearing off heads
I am going to…
keep things like this
Seasons of mists…
and mellow fruitfulness
The sitting careless…
on a granary floor
Drows’d with the…
fume of poppies
Thou hast thy…
music too
The soft-dying…
The wasted…
A chit of…
Slipped from their…
absent tongues
The earth…
stands sentinel
Broken mosaic of…
Summer is…
Young mothers…
An estateful…
of washing
Something is pushing…
them to the side of their own lives
Their beauty has…
One summer evening…
(led by her)
A little boat tied…
to a willow tree
Huge peak…
black and huge
A trouble to…
The horizon’s bound…
a huge and might forms
If I should die…
think only this of me
That there’s some…
corner of a foreign field That is forever England
A body…
of England’s, breathing English air
Her sights…
and sounds
All evil…
shed away
I could pick…
anything and think of you
There you’ll be…
with furrowed brow
Big Bad…
We’re content…
but fall short of the Divine
I fill this stolen…
time with you
Not a red…
rose or satin heart
It will blind you…
with tears like a lover
Its fierce kill…
will stay on your lips
Its scent will…
cling to your fingers
Take it. Its…
platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring
Two vast and…
trunkless legs of stone
Half sunk,…
a shattered visage lies
Look on my Works,…
ye Mighty, and despair!
The lone and…
level sands stretch far away
Nothing beside…
Bent double…
like old beggars under sacks
Gas! Gas! Gas!…
Quick, boys!
In all my dreams,…
before my helpless sight
The old Lie:…
Dulce et decorum est / Pro patria mori
His hanging face,…
like a devil’s sick of sin
There are just not…
enough / Straight lines
That is the…
Beams balance…
crookedly on supports
Someone has squeezed…
A living space
The bright,…
thin walls of faith
As imperceptibly…
as grief
The Summer…
lapsed away
A Quietness…
As Twilight…
long begun
Our Summer made…
her light escape / into the Beautiful
After the first phase,…
after passionate nights and intimate days
The frozen river…
which ran through his face
The parachute silk…
of his punctured lung
A sweating,…
unexploded mine
Then, and only then…
did I come close
She walks in…
beauty, like the night
All that’s best…
of dark and bright
One shade the…
more, one ray the less
The smiles that…
win, the tints that glow
A heart whose…
love is innocent
How do I love thee?…
Let me count the ways
I love thee to the…
depth and breadth and height
Most quiet need…
by sun and candlelight
With my…
lost saints
I shall but love…
thee better after death
I wander thro’…
each charter’d street
Marks of weakness…
marks of woe
The mind forg’d…
manacles I hear
Every black’ning…
Church appalls
And blights with…
plagues the Marriage hearse