Poetry Flashcards
What is a verse ?
It’s the art of poetry
Comment dit-on un “vers” ?
A line
Comment dit-on une syllabe ?
Comment dit-oin une strophe ?
A stanza
Comment dit-on un champ lexical ?
Lexical field
Comment dit-on agencement de rimes ?
Rhyming pattern
What is a meter ?
Meter is a unit of rhythm in poetry, the pattern of the beats. It is also called a foot. Each foot has a certain number of syllables in it, usually two or three syllables. The difference in types of meter is which syllables are accented and which are not
“To be or not to be” what kind of meter is that ?
It’s a trimeter, there are 3 feet
If there are 4 feet in a meter how do we call it ?
If there is 5 feet in a meter hox do we call it ?
˘ ˊ What does those signs mean ?
ˊ is for stressed syllables and ˘ is for unstressed syllables
What is called this kind of meter ˘ ˊ ?
A iamb. A iambic meter
What is called this kind of meter ˊ ˘ ?
A trochaic meter
What is called this kind of meter ˘ ˘ ˊ ?
An anapestic meter
What is a “free verse” form of poetry ?
It is a form of poetry that has no metrical pattern and could also has no rhyming pattern