Poetry Flashcards
Power of Humans poems
Ozymandias London My Last Duchess Storm on the Island Tissue Checking out me history
Power of nature poem:
Ozymandias The Prelude: Stealing the Boat Exposure Storm on the Island Tissue Kamikaze
Effects of Conflict poems:
The Charge of the Light Brigade Exposure Bayonet Charge Remains Poppies War photographer Kamikaze
Reality of Conflict poems:
The Charge of the Light Brigade Exposure Bayonet Charge Remains War Photographer
Loss and Absence poems:
London Exposure Poppies The Emigree Kamikaze
Memory poems:
The Prelude: Stealing the Boat My Last Duchess Remains Poppies War Photographer The Emigree Kamikaze
Anger poems:
War Photographer
Checking out me history
Guilt poems:
War Photographer
Fear poems:
The Prelude:Stealing the Boat
Storm on the Island
Bayonet Charge
Pride poems:
The Prelude: Stealing the Boat
My Last Duchess
Identity Poems:
My Last Duchess
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Individual experiences poems:
London The Prelude: Stealing the Boat Bayonet Charge Remains Poppies War Photographer The Emigree Kamikaze
Ozymandias Quotes and what do they mean?
“Stand in the desert” - Setting suggests an absence of life and vitality
“Shatter’d Visage” - Ironic even a powerful human can’t control the damaging effects of time
““Of that colossal wreck” - Ruined statue shows how human achievements are insignificant compared to the passing of time
“survive…lifeless” - having these two words on the same line hints at how art can outlast human power, but the ruined statue shows that ultimately art can’t immortalise power
Context for Ozymandias
Shelley was a romantic poet
romantic powers believed in emotion rather than reason they tried to capture intense experiences in their work and particularly focused on the power of nature
He wrote this in 1817 after hearing about how an Italian explorer had retrieved the statue from the desert
London quotes and what they mean
“Run in blood down palace walls” - reference to french revolution. Angry with those in power. he thinks ordinary people suffer while those in the palace are protected.
“every….every…every” repetition of every emphasises feeling of bleakness and show scale of suffering
“marriage hearse” - oxymoron links the happy image of marriage with death. Suggests that everything has been destroyed
“chimney-sweeper’s” - usually young boys this is an emotive image of child labour
The Prelude quotes and what do they mean?
“Led by her” -Don’t know who she is nature personified
“A huge peak black and huge” - different language dark more threatening
My Last Duchess quotes and what do they mean?
“My Last duchess” -sound as if he owns her not the picture
“My gift of a nine hundred year old name” - proud of his history and family
“Curtain I have drawn for you” control he has over painting but couldn’t control who looks at his wife
The Charge of the Light brigade quotes and what do they mean?
“Valley of death” - biblical reference solemn
“Jaws of death …. mouth of hell” - personified death and he’ll makes them seem like monsters
“Rode the six hindred” 3 stanzas end with this sense of forboding
Storm on the Island quotes and what do they mean?
“We are prepared” - strong opening
“Spits like a tamed cat turned savage- similar shows how familiar thing become when terrified
“No trees, no natural shelter” caesura slows pace
Bayonet Charge quotes and what do they mean?
“Bullets smacking the belly out of the air” - violent imagery onomatopoeia describes sound and impact of shots
“Patriotic tear” patriosm turned fear to pain, painful reality
“Statuary” it’s as if soldier is turned to stone by his bewilderment
Remains quotes and what do they mean?
“Rips through his life” violent metaphor contrast shockingly with colloquial style
“Tosses his guts back into his body” No respect for dead casual cold action piece of rubbish
“End of story except not really” turning point in poem speaker mood changes
Poppies quotes and what do they mean?
“Tucks, darts and pleats” sewing imagery conveys she’s nervous
“Leaned against it like a wishbone: strong visual imagery her wish
“Single dove” symbol of peace but also mourning
Tissue quotes and what do they mean?
All reference to paper “fine slips…luminous scripts” extended metaphor acts as metaphor for life how it is fragile
“Might fly our lives like paper kites” similar lives not always in control
“See how easily they fall away on a sigh” enjambment suggest how time never stops
War Photographer quotes and what do they mean?
“Spools of suffering set out in ordered rows” sibilance and metaphor highlights image which creates suggestion of body or graves contrast in image “ Spools of suffering” seem chaotic in “ordered rows”
“Tears between the bath an pre-lunch beers” internal rhyme exploring internal feeling of conflicts
“A hundred agonies in black and white” colour imagery negatives compared to agonies powerful noun to tell us about pain of Conflict
Kamikaze quotes and what do they mean?
“Green blue translucent sea” sensory imagery
“Little fishing boats string out like bunting” bunting associated with party far cry from war makes image ironic
“They treated him as though he no longer existed” irony he survived but he’s still treated as if he is dead
Checking out me history quotes and what do they mean?
“Del tell me” repition carribean accent emphaises separation between speaker Nd British education system
“Bandage up my eye with me own history: imagery metaphor use of bandage is ironic as bandages associated with healing but here being prevented from his seeing
“Dem tell me about Lord Nelson but dem never tell me about shaka de great zulu” contrast British figure with those from other cultures
The Emigree quotes and what do they mean?
“There once was a country” opening makes it sound like a story
“I am branded by and impression of sunlight” contrast also suggest a permanence yo her view it can’t change
“I have no passport there’s no way back at all” first line sound hopeless but next changes mood abit
“My city comes to me in its own white paper” city personified white plane could represent her memories