Poetry Flashcards
When we two parted
Lord Byron
Silence and Tears
A knell in my ear
Sever for years
Love’s philosophy
Poem about man trying to get woman
The fountains mingle with the river, the rivers with the oceans
Law divine
What are all these kissings worth, if thou not kiss me
Porphyrias lover
And god has not said a word
And last you sat by my side and called to me
Sonnet 29 I think of thee
Breathe within thy shadow a new air
Rather, instantly renew thy presence
My thoughts do twine and bud
Neutral tones
The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing
Your eyes were eyes that rove over tedious riddles years ago
Keen lessons that love deceives
Letters from Yorkshire
Icy miles
Feeding words onto a blank screen
Farmers Bride
Turned the key upon her fast
Little frightened fay
I chose a maid
Walking away
Natures give and take
Like a satellite wrenched from its orbit, go drifting away
Eden rock
Sky whitens as if lit by three suns
Crossing is not as hard as you may think
An expert
It is my father who keeps stumbling and will not go away
Mother any distance
You at the 0 end
Anchor. Kite.
Open a hatch to an endless sky, to fall or fly
Before you were mine
High heeled red shoes. Relics.
I see you
Winter swans
Tipping in Unison
Like a pair of wings
Singh song
Vee stare past di half price window signs
Climbing my grandfather
Climbing has its dangers
Knowing the slow pulse of his good heart