Poetry Flashcards
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Untwist - slack they may be - these last strands of man
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Cry I can no more
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
wring - world right foot rock
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Now done darkness
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Lay wrestling with my God
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Petrarchan - classic obedience to conventions
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Dark some, devouring
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Lapped strength, stole joy, would laugh, cheer
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Biographical resonances
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Apostrophe - speaks directly to Carrion, adamant he will not give in, aggressive
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Slack - weak, untwist - bound for strength
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Second part of octave - criticizes God, “most weary” - superlative, exhausted
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Not choose not to be - autonomy “I can no more, I can”
Carrion Comfort - Hopkins
Not that he has stopped loving God, God has stopped loving him
New taste for life
Ulysses - Tennyson
Hungry heart
Ulysses - Tennyson
Drunk delight of battle
Ulysses - Tennyson
I am a part of all that I have met
Ulysses - Tennyson
Yet all experience is an arch wherethro’ gleams that I travelled world whose margin fades forever and for ever as I move
Ulysses - Tennyson
A bringer of new things
Ulysses - Tennyson
It is not too late to seek a newer world - ageism
Ulysses - Tennyson
Ithica, Telemachus - questionable judgement
Ulysses - Tennyson
Long sentences in beginning, bird, ennui
Ulysses - Tennyson
Feed off danger and admiration
Ulysses - Tennyson
To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Ulysses - Tennyson
Dramatic monologue - fatal flaw
Death closes all - no after life
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
The ghost of a garden fronts the sea
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
As the heart of a dead man the seed plots are dry - no renewal, death lies dead
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
What Love was ever as deep as a grave - death is more powerful
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
On e gaunt bleak blossom of scent less breath
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
Death lies dead - link to death closes all
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
Humbling high tides - we’re not immortal
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
Love as deep as the sea as a rose must wither
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
He shall find no life but the sea-wind’s
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
Sea and wind “remain” , things out of our control
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
The thorns he spares when the rose is taken - suggesting there is a value
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
Plurality of meanings
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
World starts and ends same way
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
Heart hand fast in heart - spares not even the strongest loves, reminder that we are not immortal, futility of life and love
The Forsaken Garden - Swinburne
Here change may come not till all change end - all change is for the worse
The forsaken garden - Swinburne
Thorns on Jesus head symbol of memories of kingdom of God
… Garden
The Garden - Ezra Pound
Like a skein of loose silk blown against a wall - weak upper class, fragile, pure breed
The Garden - Ezra Pound
Emotional anemia - indifferent, cold
The Garden - Ezra Pound
Unkillable infants of the very poor, they shall inherit the earth
The Garden - Ezra Pound
The end of breeding - pure bred, incest, now there are mutts, stronger
The Garden - Ezra Pound
And she is dying piece - meal
The Garden - Ezra Pound
She would like someone to speak to her and is almost afraid that I will commit that indiscretion - desperate loneliness
The Garden - Ezra Pound
Old woman - old society dying off
The Garden - Ezra Pound
Gradual clear shift of power to lower class
The Garden - Ezra Pound
Present tense - transfer happens now
The Garden - Ezra Pound
Victims of changing fortunes of history but also architects of downfall
Fears for the unknown other
The second coming - WB Yeats
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, the blood dimmed tide is loosed and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned
The second coming - WB Yeats
The best lack all conviction and the worst are filled with passionate intensity
The second coming - WB Yeats
Vast image
The second coming - WB Yeats
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun
The second coming - WB Yeats
Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born
The second coming - WB Yeats
The falcon cannot hear the falconer
The second coming - WB Yeats
Things fall apart
The second coming - WB Yeats
Rocking cradle
The second coming - WB Yeats
The darkness drops again - Jesus is the light, the truth and the way
Jesus, loss of religion
The wasteland - TS Eliot
April is the cruelest month
The wasteland - TS Eliot
I will show you fear in a handful of dust - no afterlife, no religious consolation
The wasteland - TS Eliot
Roots that clutch
The wasteland - TS Eliot
Living nor dead - empty lives
The wasteland - TS Eliot
Crowds of people walking round in a ring
The wasteland - TS Eliot
Each man fixed his eyes before his feet - no connection
The wasteland - TS Eliot
Strange synthetic perfumes
The wasteland - TS Eliot
Withered stumps of time - age rings, memories can’t be forgotten, rape victims
The wasteland - TS Eliot
I swear, I can’t bear to look at you - husbands, lack of love, focus on beauty and Bella donnas
The wasteland - TS Eliot
Hurry up please, it’s time - biological clock, pressure on women
The wasteland - TS Eliot
We who were living are now dying - religion, Jesus gives life, now there is no Jesus
The wasteland - TS Eliot
If there were on,y water amongst the rock
The wasteland - TS Eliot
By this and this only, we have existed - connections, unreal, synthetic cities
The wasteland - TS Eliot
Datta - give, dayadvham- sympathise, damyata- control
Author –> (author)