Poetry Flashcards
Poetry: Allusion
A Refrence to some person,place,or event with literary,historical,myrhological or bibical signifiagance
Poetry; Symbol
An object that represents or stands for a idea or someyhing more
Poetry; Assonace
the repetiotion of a vowel sounds in words
Poetry: Imagery
descriptive writting used to envoke the senses and create an image in the readers mind
Poetry: Sonnet
a poem consistining of 14 lines
Poetry: Blank verse
an unrymed unstructured verse
Poetry; Stanza
A grouping of two or more lines of a poem (the chucks of a poem)
Poetry: Rhyme Scheme
The arrangement of Rhymes in a unit of verse
Poetry: Couplet
2 consecitive lines of a verse usally equal length and rhyming toghter
Poetry: Denotation
The Litteraal dictonary defonition of a word
Poetry: Hyperbole
an extreme exaggeration used to emphazies
Poetry: Onomatopeoia
words that imitate sounds
Poetry: Metaphor
a indirect comparison NOT using LIKE or AS
Poetry: Alliteration
the repeittion of the intial consant sound in words
Poetry: Meter
the recurrence of a pattern of stressed (a part of a word that you say greater emphazies on than other syllables.) and unstressed syllables
Poetry: Personifaction
giving a non-human things humanistic qualites or charcteristics
Poetry: Repatition
The repeating of lines.words,stanzas or phrases
Poetry: Satire
Any piece of writting which criticizes manners, indiuviduals or political social institutions by ridiculing them
Poetry: Simile
A dierect comparison USING LIKE OR AS
Poetry: Ballad
a poem with a musical quality.
Poetry: Rhyme
The similarity of ending sounds existing between 2 words
Poetry: Tone
The attitude or feeling which runs through an entire poem, the attitude which the poet takes towards a subject
Poetry: Connotation
secondary, implied, or associative meanings and emotions that a word carries beyond its literal definition
Poetry: Theme
The big idea general truth or commentary on life or people brought out through literature
Poetry: Mood/Atmosphere
the feeling or emotional effect created within the reader as they read the poem
Poetry: Irony
whenever a person says something or does something that departs from what they (or we) expect them to say or do
Poetry: Irony
whenever a person says something or does something that departs from what they (or we) expect them to say or do