poetry Flashcards
a poem about dawn; a morning love song; or a poem about the parting of lovers at dawn
a poem that recounts a story- generally some dramatic episode- and that has been composed to be sung; traditional ballads often have simple stanzas, abrupt transitions between stanzas,refrains, stock descriptive phrases, incremental repetition, dialogue and impersonal language
blank verse
unrhymed iambic pentameter
two successive lines usually in the same meter, linked by rhyme
reflective, formal poem that laments death, sometimes loss
basic unit used in the scansion or measurement of verse; one accented syllable and one-two unaccented syllables
free verse
poetry that lacks a regular meter, does not rhyme, and use as a regular and sometimes very short line lengths
lyric poetry
a brief melodic and imaginative poem characterized by the fervent but structured expression of private thoughts and emotions by a single speaker in first person
the patterned repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables
narrative poetry
verse that tells a story (ex: ballad or epic)
a lyric poem with a dignified tone in praise of someone, something, or an important occasion
line(s) that recur(s) throughout a poem or lyrics of a song; may vary slightly but is generally the exact same (like a chorus)
the repetition of sounds
end rhyme
repetition of the same sound at the end of lines
initial rhyme
repetition of the same sound at the beginning of lines