poetry Flashcards
war: the manhunt: trace…
Trace the frozen river which ran through his face
war: the manhunt: foetus…
The foetus of metal beneath his chest
war: dulce: the old lie..
The old lie: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
war: dulce: blood gargling…
The blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs
war: dulce: asleep
Men marched asleep
love: valentine: onion..
Not a red rose or a satin heart; I give you an onion
love: valentine: cling
Lethal. its scent will cling to your fingers, cling to your knife
love: cozy apologia: stolen…
I fill this stolen time with you
love: cozy apologia: teenage…
Teenage crushes on worthless boys whose only talent was to kiss you senseless
love: cozy apologia: anything..
I could pick anything and think of you
time: afternoons: the lovers…
But the lovers are all at school
time: afternoons: summer…
Summer is fading
time: to autumn: close…
Close bosom friend of the maturing sun
time: to autumn: fill….
Fill all fruit with ripeness to the core
power: hawk roosting: creation…
Now I hold Creation in my foot