Poetic techniques Flashcards
What is an analogy?
A comparison which shows a similarity e.g. In the forgeHeaney uses a blacksmith as an analogy for crafting poetry.
What is an anecdote?
A short simple account of a incident e.g. The wives tale
What is assonance?
The repletion of identical or similar vowel sounds - it often slows down pace for effect
What is caesura?
a strong phrasal pause within a lime, often indicated by a colon or dash creating a pause to allowing meaninng to sink in.
What is Consonance?
the repetition of identical or similar consonants
What is a couplet?
a pair of rhymed lines
What are end rhymes?
rhyme at the end of a line/verse
What is enjambment?
when one line runs over onto the next line/verse
What is form?
a poem’s central organising principle (sonnet, elegy, ballad etc.)
What is a free verse?
poetry which has irregular line lengths and no rhyme, unconstrained by formal patterns
What is a hyperbole?
bold overstatement or exaggeration for effect
What is sibilance?
repretition of “s” sounds
What is a syntax?
word order; organisation of words into phrases, sentences
What is tone?
the attitude of the poet
What is tonal shifts?
changes in tone
What does a plosive letter mean?
Plosives are a poetic device that utilizes short, sharp syllables to create an energetic bouncing phonetic effect. Symbolism for power and anger.