Poetic Techniques Flashcards
What is alliteration?
Where words that are close together start with the same letter.
What is ambiguity?
Where a word or a phrase has 2 or more possible interpretations.
What is assonance?
Where words share the same vowel sound. “might fly are lives like paper kites”
What is autobiographical?
Describing something that happened in the poets life.
What is a blank verse?
Poetry written in iambic pentameter that doesn’t rhyme.
What is caesura?
A pause in a line of poetry.
What is iambic pentametre?
Poetry with a meter of 10 syllables - five stressed and five unstressed.
What is chronological?
When events are arranged in the order in which they happened.
What is colloquial?
Sounding like everyday spoken language.
What is consonance?
Repetition of consonant sound.
What is dialect?
A variation of a language spoken by a people from a particular place or background. Checking out me history.
What is dramatic monologue?
A form of poetry that uses the voice of a single speaker who is not the poet to address an audience. - My last duchess
What is emotive?
Something that makes you feel a particular emotion.
What is end-stopping?
Finishing a line of poetry with the end of a phrase or sentence.
What is end-stopping the opposite of?
What is enjambment?
When a sentence or phrase runs over from one line or stanza to the next.
What is euphemism?
An indirect word or phrase used instead of saying something upsetting or offensive.
What is an example of euphemism in my last duchess?
Instead of saying my wife died, he says “all smiles stopped”
What is form?
The type of poem, e.g. sonnet, ballad and it’s features, like number of lines, rhythm and rhyme.
What is free verse?
Poetry that doesn’t rhyme and has no regular rhythm or line length.
What is half-rhymes?
Words that have a similar but not identical end sound.
What is homonyms?
Words that are spelt and sound the same but have different meanings.
What is iambic tetrameter?
Has a meter of 8 syllables - four stressed, 4 unstressed.
What is in media res?
When a narrative starts in the middle of the action.
What poem uses in media res?
Bayonet Charge.
What is internal rhyme?
When 2 or more words in the same line rhyme.
What is irony?
When words are used to imply the opposite of what they normally mean.
What poem uses internal rhyme?
War Photographer - “tears between the bath and the pre-lunch beers”
What is lay-out?
The way a piece of poetry is visually presented to the reader - line length, stanza’s.
What is juxtaposition?
When a poet puts, two ideas, events, characters or descriptions close to each other to encourage the reader to contrast them.