Poems Flashcards
Dvai Haser
by Dunash ben Labrat
currently serves as introduction to the bentching at a wedding meal
May originally have been a piyit to be done in the chazaras hashatz as an intro to birkas kohanim
Dror Yikra
by Dunash ben Labrat
Plea to Hashem to protect Israel, destroy its oppressors, and bring peace and redemption
Connects Shabbos observance with meriting Hashem’s protection and peace
Asks god to hear the prayers of Israel and act on their behalf
Almost entirely based on fragments of biblical verses or allusions to them
conclused by demanding Torah study, enticing the reader to do so by comparing wisdom to a crown; then mentions general mitzvah observance and finally shabbos observance once again
Lament for the Jews of Zion
by Yosef ibn Avitor
written in Arabic meter introduced by Dunash
Written after 1024 disturbances in Israel when Jews were attacked by Bedouin tribe
May have been an appeal for support of a poetic response to the tragedy
used traditional rhyme scheme
Hymn for the New Year
by Yosef ibn Avitor
Pizmon (responsive hymn) to be recited on Rosh Hashanah
each stana ends in a biblical quotation
Many allusions to Talmud and Job regerding god’s finely calculated plans in creating the natural world
Based on the idea the the world was created and judged on Rosh Hashanah-thus Rosh Hashanah celebrates a renewal or creation
Father Jacob
by Shmuel HaNagid
celbration of his military victory in 1038 over ibn Abbas of Almeria
Voices his fears at the start of the battle, invoking the great past leaders, Yaakov, Moshe, and all mothers and fathers buried in Machpelah, to pray for him
Referance to midrash in Eichah Rabbah which portrays Yirmiyahu praying at Machpelach to prevent the destruction of the temple
I am Obligated to God for His Goodness
by Shmuel HaNagid
Written after falling sick upon successful return from war
Describes horrors of war graphically
Complains about illness which he has suffered for 3 months
Finds consolation in the concept that suffering washes away the sin of man
On Fleeing His City
by Shmuel HaNagid
Part of Ben Tehillim
Tells of his fleeing his city Cordoba in 1013 after the Berber uprising which sacked the city and massacred the population including 60 scholars
Expressed great physical and mental stress
Concludes with a prayer for God’s proctection
Delay your Speech
by Shmuel HaNagid
Part of Ben Mishlei
Play on words between “chitah” for wheat and “cheit for sin
Encourages the reader to be careful before speaking
Uses Comparison to master archer who takes aim slowly to split a grain of wheat
Kingdom’s Crown
by Shlomo ibn Gabirol
Essentially a bakasha
40 stanzas
May not have been meant for shul, but was adopted to Yom Kippur prayers by many sefardim because of hits powerful religious empahsis
Part I-addresses the Creator-praises His greatness, strength, and wisdom
Part II-detailed cosmology-explains the intricacies of G-d’s creating the cosmos
Part III-confession (vidui) of human failings-multiple metaphors for the lowliness of man
Azharos-613 Mitzvos in verse
by Shlomo ibn Gabirol
Numerous rabbinic commentaries written on it to explain the references and how he chose which to include
Recited in many Sephardic congregations on the night of Shavuos to commemorate matan torah
Shachar Avakshecha
By Shlomo ibn Gabirol
Reshus for Nishmas prayer of Yom Kippur shachris
Based on the Katzidah style Arabic poems
My Wandering
by Yitzchak ibn Giyat
A poem of redemption-a liturgical poem that was recited on Shabbos or Yom Tov before the final blessing after Shema, which is ga’al Yeisrael, dealing with redemption
Used Muwashshah form of peotry
takes to the extreme the idea of Israel finding pleasure in the hardships it endures to serve god
Here the kharja is God responding to the Jews’ devotion with a promise of redeeming them and showing His love for them
Let Man Remember
Moshe Ibn Ezra
Warns man to remember he is headed towards death
Each pair of lines contains opposites
Ancient Graves
by Moshe Ibn Ezra
Emphasizes the there is no social difference between people after death and therefore no need to envy or hate
Ivory Palaces
by Moshe Ibn Ezra
Imagines vision of ivory palaces suddenly demolished