Poems Flashcards
What is the term for a figure of speech in Afrikaans?
Beeldspraak refers to various rhetorical devices used in language.
Translate ‘predator’ into Afrikaans.
A predator is an animal that preys on others.
Who are the people that babble excitedly?
Toeriste refers to tourists who are excited to see wildlife.
What punctuation mark is referred to at the end of lines 13, 14, and 15?
Leesteken translates to punctuation marks in English.
What is the function of ellipsis in the text?
It emphasizes the tourists’ excitement about seeing the animals
Ellipses can indicate omitted words and enhance the emotional tone.
Why is the word ‘tevrede’ placed alone in line 16?
It emphasizes that the predator has already attacked/eaten the prey
‘Teverde’ means ‘satisfied’ in English.
Translate ‘prey’ into Afrikaans.
Prooi refers to animals that are hunted by predators.
What does ‘geduldig’ mean?
Geduldig is an adjective describing someone who is calm and not in a hurry.
What does ‘roerloos’ mean?
Roerloos describes a state of being still or not moving.
What animal is referred to as ‘rooibok’?
Rooibok refers to a type of antelope commonly found in Africa.
What does ‘goudgeel oë vasgenael’ mean?
Golden yellow eyes fixed/staring
This phrase describes the intense focus of the predator.
Translate ‘unaware’ into Afrikaans.
Onbewus means not aware or conscious of something.
Translate ‘calmly’ into Afrikaans.
Rustig describes a state of tranquility or calmness.
What does ‘haastig’ mean?
In a hurry
Haastig describes a state of urgency or rush.
Fill in the blank: ‘Die voertuig kry menslike _______.
This indicates that the vehicle is described as having human-like qualities.
Can a vehicle take a picture moment?
The statement highlights the impossibility of a vehicle capturing moments as a human would.
What does ‘gevaar dreig’ mean?
Danger threatens
This phrase indicates the presence of potential danger.
What does ‘versadig’ mean?
Versadig refers to a state of being full or satisfied after eating.
Fill in the blank: ‘Hy het die rooibok _______.
This means ‘he ate the impala’ and indicates the predator’s action.
What happens to another animal after the predator is satisfied?
‘n Ander dier gaan gejag word
This indicates the cycle of predation continues.