poems Flashcards
What quotes in the Prelude by William Wordsworth personifies the mountain as a powerful beast?
“upreared its head”
“measured motion like a living thing”
What quote in Storm on the Island compares the storm to an animal?
“spits like a tame cat turned savage”
What quote in the Emigree suggests that her country has been invaded and ruled harshly?
“it may be at war, it may be sick with tyrants”
What quote in the Emigree shows her love for her country will always overrule any other feeling?
“i am branded by an impression of sunlight”
What quote in Kamikaze highlights the propaganda that the government would use to promote propaganda?
“head full of power incantations”
What quotes in Kamikaze suggest that the father is now treated as if he was dead?
“wondered which had been the better way to die”
“as though he no longer existed”
What quotes in war photographer show the trauma that the photographer had to endure?
“with spools of suffering set out in ordered rows”
“his hands, which did not tremble then but seem to now”
What quote in checking out me history shows schools deliberate nature to change his views?
“blind me to my own identity”
What 2 quotes in Remains is violent imagery?
“rips through his life”
“tosses his guts back into his body”
What quote in Remains alludes to Macbeth as the warrior is filled with PTSD?
“his bloody life in my bloody hands”
What 2 quotes in my last duchess suggest that the duke killed the duchess?
“looking as if she were alive”
“her looks went everywhere”
What 2 quotes in London relates to the restriction and sadness that the people feel?
“the mind forged manacles I hear”
“in every face I meet marks of weakness, marks of woe”
What does the ABAB rhyme in London reflect?
How London constricts the narrators sense of freedom
In Ozymandias what are 2 quotes which show he was a condescending and arrogant leader?
“sneer of cold command”
“look on my works, ye mighty and despair”
What does the fact that Ozymandias is written in a new sonnet reflect?
Shows power is transitional and ever changing
In Storm on the Island, what quotes relate to explosions/war?
“we are bombarded by the empty air”
“exploding comfortably”
In Tissue, what quote represents the idea that light/nature is everlasting and that capitals and statues are transient?
“daylight break through capitals and monoliths”
In Tissue, what two quotes suggest the idea that money is controlling and so we treat it with affection?
“might fly out lives like paper kites”
“pages smoothed and stroked and turned”
In Poppies, what quote relates to Jesus and suggests that the son is making a sacrifice?
“the gelled blackthorns of your hair”
In Poppies, what does the enjambment and the no regular rhyme scheme suggest?
That the mother/narrator is unsure of her feelings
What quotes in the Charge of the Light Bregade personifies death and hell and makes them seem like monsters?
“jaws of death”
“mouth of hell”
In Charge of the Light Brigade, what does the regular and relentless rhythm imitate?
The cavalry’s advance and the energy of the battle (fast pace action)
What is the extended simile in Bayonet Charge that creates the image of someone blind-suggesting there’s no rational reason for war?
“like a man who has jumped up in the dark and runs, listening between his footfalls for the reason of his still running”
In Tissue, why is there a lack of regular rhythm?
Gives the poem freedom and openness which reflects the narrators desire for freedom and clarity
In Kamikaze, why is there an absence of the pilots voice and why is the daughter spoken in 3rd person?
Shows he’s been cut off from society and the use of the third person emphasises the disgrace between the pilot and the daughter
What does the poem Bayonet Charge start in?
Starts in media res-in the middle of action
What are the 3 main sections in the Prelude?
1) tone is light and carefree
2) mountain appears- tone becomes darker and more fearful
3) narrator reflects on how experience has changed him
What are quotes in the Emigree that make the city sound pure and heavenly?
“the white streets of that city”
“the graceful slopes glow”
What quote in the emigree reflects the speakers feeling of confinement?
“city of walls”
What quote in the emigree suggests that her memories are solid and fixed?
“a bright filled paperweight”
What 2 rhetorical questions in exposure?
“What are we doing here?”
“Is it is that we are dying?”
What are 3 quotes to show the bleakness of the weather in exposure?
“shrivelling many hands”
“puckering foreheads crisp”
“all their eyes are ice”
What are 2 quotes that personify nature in exposure?
“pale flakes with fingering stealth come feeling for our faces”
“dawn, massing in the east, her melancholy army”
What poems are dramatic monologues?
My Last Duchess and London
What quote in My Last Duchess talks about the duke controlling the painting but not looked at his wife whilst she was alive?
“none puts by, the curtain I have drawn for you, but I”
In Poppies, what are two quotes that use sewing imagery to convey nervousness and anxiety?
“the dove pulled freely against the sky-an ornament stitch”
“my stomach busy making tucks,darts and pleats”
In Poppies, what’s 2 examples of imagery of a wounded soldier?
“spasms of paper red”
“cello-tape bandaged around my hand”
Who was Ozymandias based off of?
In War Photography, what are two emotive metaphors to describe pain and suffering?
“100 agonies in black and white”
“the readers eyeballs pricked with tears”