Poems Flashcards
Charge of the light bregade
Into the valley of death
Canons to the right of them . Canons to the left of them
Noble 600
rode the 600. Repeats
Our brains ache
We keep awake because the night is silent - paradox
Like twitching agonies of mem
Is it that we are dying
Less deadly than the air
We turn back to pur dying
Storm on the island
We are prepared
It is a huge nothing that we fear
Nor are there trees
Think that the sea is company
You can listen to the thing you fear
Bayonet charge
Suddenly he was awoke and was running
His sweat heavy
Towards a green hege
Bullets smacking the belly out of the air
Still running
King, honour, human dignity
Probaly armed possibly not
Rips through his life
Walk over it week after week
His bloody life in my bloody hands
When i close my eyes
Lots of verbs
Run my fingurs through your gelled hair
Smoothed doen your shirt
Listened, hoping to hear your playground voice
War photographer
He is finally alone
Running children in a nightmare heat
Remembers the cries
A hundred agonies in black and white
Blood stained into foreighn dust
All flesh is grass
The emigree
I have no passport
My city comes to me
Branded by an impression of sunlight
It may now be a lie
Journey into history
The little fishing boats
Live as though he had never returned
Was no longer the father we loved
From an antiqued land
Kimg of kings
Colossal wreck
In every infants cry of fear
Wander throug( each chartered streets
Doen palace walls
Purpose of it’s own
Strode after me
Through the water like a swan