Poem Quotes and Analysis Flashcards
When We Two Parted :
‘In silence and tears, half broken hearted … ‘
‘To sever the years’
Analysis - ‘sever’ = violent and permanent separation
‘Silence’ = secret relationship of she is because she doesn’t care much
‘Tears’ = heartbreak
When We Two Parted :
‘Pale grew they cheek …’
‘And cold, colder thy kiss’
Analysis - ‘cold’ = she is unaffectionate and emotional
When We Two Parted :
‘Thy vows are …’
‘All broken, and light thy fame’
Analysis- her reputation has suffered.
She had an affair an people will gossip about her.
When We Two Parted :
‘Long, long shall I …’
‘Rue thee, too deeply to tell’
Analysis - ‘rue’ = regret
‘Too deeply to tell’ = emotions are too strong to understand (hatred, anger, sadness and bitterness)
When We Two Parted :
‘In secret we met, in silence … ‘
‘I grieve’
Analysis - because of the secrecy he cannot express his pain openly
When We Two Parted :
‘How should I greet thee? …’
‘With silence and tears’
Analysis - repeated = shows he hasn’t moved on from when they Parted (feeling of bitterness)
Love’s Philosophy :
‘The fountains that mingle with the river …’
‘And the river with the ocean’
Analysis - water gets stronger with two things combines ~ a relationship gets stronger with two people combined
Love’s Philosophy:
‘The Winds of Heaven mix …’
‘For ever, with a sweet emotion’
Analysis - personifies natural elements
- he thinks that a relationship with the girl would be good in the eyes of heaven
Love’s philosophy:
‘Nothing in the world is single, all things by a law divine …’
‘In one another’s being mingle - why not I with thine? ‘
Analysis - rhetorical question = trying to persuade the woman
Love’s Philosophy:
And the sunlight slash’s the earth …’
‘And the moonbeams kiss the sea’
Analysis - ‘kiss’ = his focus. His main purpose is to get a kiss
Love’s Philosophy:
‘What are all these kissings …’
‘Worth if thou kiss not me ?’
Analysis - nature’s pairings are worth nothing unless he can unite with his lover
Porphyria’s lover :
‘Murmuring …’
‘How she loved me’
Analysis- that is what he wants but the reason why he kills porphyria is so she can commit to him completely suggesting that it is in his head.
Porphyria’s Lover :
‘ At last I knew …’
‘Porphyria worshipped me’
Analysis - what he wanted
- has been waiting for this and wants to keep a hold of this moment
Porphyria’s Lover :
‘Made my …’
‘ my sheet lie there ‘
Analysis - Porphyria is controlling
- her higher class alllows her to be able to do this. The reference about her gloves suggests her status.
Verb ‘ made ‘ suggests she is active and forces himto submit.
Porphyria’s Lover:
‘Only, this time …’
‘My shoulder bore her head’
Analysis - he wanted to control (compare to when porphyria did the same thing )
- he expects to get control because he is a man although porphyria ks of a higher class than him which may make him feel conflicted about the control he feels he has over her and the relationship.
Sonnet 29 :
‘Wild vines …’
‘About a tree’
Analysis - Browning is the tree
- she always thinks about him
- he is always around her because vines wrap around a tree although he isn’t there physically.
Sonnet 29 :
‘Renew …’
‘Thy presence’
Analysis - ‘renew’ = imperative verb.
- she is becoming patient and can’t wait to see him anymore
Sonnet 29 :
‘Breathe within thy …’
‘Shadow a new air’
Analysis - metaphor
- when he is physically with her she will feel renewed and hopeful. She is willing (& keen perhaps) to be overshadowed by him.
- when he is back and he will in control she will be submissive and passive (gender roles)
Sonnet 29 :
‘I do not think of …’
‘Thee - I am too near thee’
Analysis - once she is with him her thoughts will be unnecessary as he will be with her physically.
- reassures herself that everything will be fine once he gets back and is with her.
Neutral Tones :
‘Grin of …’
Analysis - juxtaposition = feels hurt by her uncaring attitude
Neutral Tones :
‘Since then, keen lessons …’
‘That love deceives’
Analysis - this is what he has learnt from the relationship.
- ‘keen’v sharp. He is still hurt by the relationship and expresses his hurt with a bitter attitude .
- implies that he believes love tricks the lover
Neutral Tones :
‘ God - curst …’
Analysis - negative description (opposite to sun normally positive)
- draining hope of the relationship
- regrets the relationship
Letters From Yorkshire :
‘ Seeing the …’
‘ seasons turning ‘
Analysis - he is close to nature. Enjoys it despite the hard aspects (shows long distance relationship)
Time passing