Poem Quotes Flashcards
What quote describes the statue in ‘Ozymandias’?
‘And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command’
What quote is written on the plaque next to the statue in ‘Ozymadias’?
‘My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!’
What is the first line of ‘Ozymandias’?
‘I met a traveller from an antique land’
What adjectives are used to describe the wreckage of the statue in ‘Ozymandias’?
‘Colossal’, ‘Boundless’, ‘Bare’
‘Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare’
What is the first line of ‘London’?
‘I wander through the chartered streets’
What section in ‘London’ shows the repetition of people’s feelings?
‘In every cry of every man, in every infant’s cry of fear, in every voice, in every ban’
What quote refers to the upper class citizans in ‘Londonk?
‘Runs in blood down palace walls’
What words, using the technique of plosives, are used to portray the violence of the situation in ‘London’?
‘Blasts, ‘Blights’, ‘Plagues’
‘Blasts the newborn infant’s tear, and blights with plagues the marriage hearse’.
What is the first line of ‘The Prelude: Stealing The Boat’?
‘One summer evening (let by her) I found’
What line includes the volta used in ‘The Prelude: Stealing The Boat’?
‘Of sparkling light. But now, like one who rows,’
‘But now’
What quote from the poem describes the mountain in ‘The Prelude: Stealing The Boat’ using repetition?
‘A huge peak, back and huge’
Contrasting with the beginning of ‘The Prelude: Stealing The Boat’, what section of the poem includes no imagry
‘No familiar shapes / remained, no pleasant images of trees, / or sea or sky, no colours of green fields; / but huge and mighty forms, that do not live
What is the first line of ‘My Last Duchess’?
‘That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall’
In ‘My Last Duchess’, what section shows the character attempting to justify himself?
My favour at her breast, / the dropping of daylight in the West, / the bough of cherries some officious fool / broke in the orchard for her, the white mule / she rode around the terrace - all and each / would draw from her alike the approving speech, / or blush, at least.
Which simple line demontrasted the Duke ordering his Duchess’ death in ‘My Last Duches’?
‘I gave orders’
What words/phrases are used as repetition in ‘My Last Duchess’?
Fr Pandolf
Spot of joy
What is the first line of ‘Charge Of The Light Brigade’
‘Half a league, half a league, half a leauge onward’
What words/phrases are used as repetition in ‘Charge Of The Light Brigade’?
Half a league Valley of death Six hundred Forward, the Light Brigade! Their's... Cannon Jaws of death Mouth of hell All the world wondered
What semantic fields are used in ‘Charge Of The Light Brigade’?
What line of sibilance imitates the soldiers being shot at in ‘Charge Of The Brigade’?
‘Storm’d at with shot and shell’
What is the fist line of ‘Exposure’?
‘Our brains ache in the iced east winds that knive us’
What simple phrase is used. Four times at the end of four of the stanzas in ‘Exposure’?
‘But nothing ever happens’
What two voltas are used in ‘Exposure’?
‘Deep into grassier ditches’
‘We turn back to our dying’
Wich to sections of ‘Exposure’ tell the dream of the narrator?
‘So we daze, sun-dozed, / littered with blossoms tickling where the blackbird fusses’
‘Slowly our ghosts drag home: glimpsing the suck fires glozed / with crusted dark-red jewles; crickets jingle there; / for hours the innocent mice rejoice; the house is theirs’