Poe and Gothic Lit. Flashcards
what did emerson call Poe
the jingle man (lots of his works were musical)
He was not a transcendentalist
he was just obsessed with dark, craziness, madness, negativity
he saw poetry and fiction as having no meaning
outside of art (writing = art and nothing else)
after emerson…
Poe is the most influential writer of the 19th century
born in boston to eliza and david Poe
His dad
Poes dad abandoned his family when edgar was two because he was jealous of his wifes success in the acting business
is poes younger brother
Eliza dies
of tuberculosis
3 children
split up. daughter to mackense family
son to the dads parrents
Poe to the allen family (never adopted only fostered)
Edgar moves to england with allens and is put in grammar school.
edgar and his relationship with his foster dad
they fought a lot
Poe enlists into the US army, but then begs his foster dad to get him out of the enlistment and into west point. His foster dad says he will only agree is Poe comes home and they stop fighting
when poe comes home
He finds out that his foster mother past, he was never told this, creates much tension between poe and his step dad
west point
Edgar got into west point, but later was discharged for gross neglect of position, plead guilty
His early books
his fellow cadets used to pay him to write stories for him, some of his first paid work that would later turn into his early published writings
William (edgars brother)
dies of alcoholism, the really focuses edgar- he writes more serious
Poe became the assistant writer at
southern literary messenger