Podcast2 Flashcards
Bol som na smrť vystrašený
I was absolutelly petrified
bol som ako prikovany/vystrašený/nemohol som sa pohnuť
I was scared stiff
Bola som naozaj šokovaná
I was really shocked
Bola som bez slova
I was speechless
Nemohla som veriť vlastným očiam
I couldn’t believe my eyes
Bola som absolutne rozzúrená
I was absolutely furious
Vyletela som z kože
I hit the roof
Bola som cela bez seba
I was over the moon
absolutne otrasena, šokovaná
absolutely devastated
Bol som zdeptany ubity /neformalne
I was gutted-informal
Bol na dne
He was down in the dumps
stala sa slávnou cez noc
she became famous over the night
o jej výzore
about her appearance
niko neočakával
nobody expected
vyzerá obyčajne
she looks ordinary
Hlavu hore!
Cheer up!
Nevidel som nikoho
I didn’t see anybody
videl ju niekto?
Has anybody seen her?
fľaša vody
a bottle of water
trošku syra
a piece of cheese
krčiť plecami
to shrug your shoulders
hvízdať , pískať
get catcalled
bol znepokojený, rozrušený
He was upset
zistil príčinu
He worked out the cause /ko:z/
Bola šokovaná, ohromena
She was stunned /stand/
revanšovať sa , odplatiť vynahradiť
make it up to someone