podcast, articles et films Flashcards
Soyons réalistes
Let’s face it
À son apogée
At its peak
The real solution to this is to ………. and to deal at the source with the …………. and the threats of systemic racism that are ……………….. on families
(d’aller en amont/les difficultés/qui pèsent)
The real solution to this is to go upstream and to deal at the source with the hardships and the threats of systemic racism that are bearing down on families
Restez à l’écoute
Stay tuned
This isa really importantquestion about what we mean by early and this is one of the real ……….. about connecting the brain to the rest of the body.
This isa really importantquestion about what we mean by early and this is one of the real game changers about connecting the brain to the rest of the body.
……… (à long terme), you’re always ……….. (il est toujours préférable) by having the best health-promoting experiences …… (le plus tôt possible).
In the long run, you’re always better off by having the best health-promoting experiences as early as possible.
Nous allons plonger ensemble dans cette question.
we’re going to dive into that questiontogether
Adverseexperiencesor exposures can …. (perturber/entraver) development.
Adverseexperiencesor exposures can disrupt development.
It was a really nice, perfect …….. (éducation)
It was a really nice, perfect upbringing.
Je suis allée à l’université.
I went off to college.
Il a commencé à traîner dans mon bureau.
He started hanging out in my office .
Il avait éteint les lumières.
He had turned off the lights.
Je le dépose chez un ami.
I drop him off at a friend’s house.
J’ai commencé à me rapprocher de Keith.
I started to getting closer to Keith.
Tu n’entres pas dans ce plan.
You don’t fit into this plan.
Keith me réprimandait.
Keith was berating me.
C’est un pas en arrière.
It’s a step backwards.
Il a toujours été un pilier de force.
He was always a pillar of strenght.
J’ai apprécié son attention.
I relished his attention.