PNS 2 study Flashcards
Nerve coming directly off a root of the brachia plexus?
Long Thoracic
Superior root of the ansa cervacalis comes from?
Cutaneous nerves of the cervical plexus arise from?
Nerve on the medial side of the Psoas?
What plexus is covered by the Psoas?
Elongated nerve roots from L2-S2?
Cauda Equina
Phrenic nerve comes from?
A lesion of the Femoral nerve would cause a problem with?
Vastus Lateralis
Prudendal nerve comes from?
A strap muscle that has 2 bellies?
Which muscle runs with the hypoglossal nerve?
Posterior digastric Muscle / Geniohyoid
Great occipital nerve is made of?
Dorsal primary rami of C2
Stem cells of the Neural tube are in the?
Ventricular Zone
The formation of the filum terminale is by the?
Degenration of the spinal cord
The anterior division of the upper and middle trunk forms?
Lateral cord
The medial and lateral cords make up the?
Median nerve
The lower trunk makes up the?
Medial cord
Sensory of the medial plantar nerve is by the?
Tibal nerve
The picture of Brachial plexus
Sensory of the medial leg is by the
Saphenous nerve
Musculocutaneous nerve is senory to?
Lateral forearm
The posterior division of the sternoclavicular is aka?
The femoral nerve is made of?
Dorsal division of L2,3,4 Ventral Rami
Upper, middle, and lower trunks made the?
Posterior Cord
Goes through the quadrangular space?
Axillary nerve
Nerve that runs Medial to Posas major?
Obturator Nerve
The Medial cutaneous nerve in the legs?
Saphenois nerve
A femoral nerve injury would affect?
Vastus latralis
Lumbar cistern
Degeneration of the Spinal cord forms the?
Filum Terminale
The most lateral cranial nerve?
The Lumbar plexus runs under which muscle?
Psoas muscle
The Tibal nerve branches into the?
Medial Plantar nerve
The greater Auricular Nerve runs?
In front of ear
The Posterior cord C5-T1 is made of the?
Posterior division of all trunks
Radial N is made up of?
Which nerve passes posterior to the medial Epicondyle?
Ulnar nerve
Psoas major lays over what plexus?
The medial and lateral cords make up the?
Median nerve