1 | The pneumatic system is monitored and controlled by? [ FCOM-DSC-36-10-10 ]
º 2 Bleed Monitoring Computers (BMC)
2 | If one BMC fails, can the other take over? [ FCOM-DSC-36-10-20 ]
º Yes, they are interconnected. If BMC 1 fails:
º APU and ENG 1 leak detection are not monitored
º ECAM APU BLEED LEAK warning is lost
3 | What does the amber FAULT light in the APU BLEED pushbutton indicate? [ FCOM-DSC-36-20 ]
º Bleed leak (APU bleed valve closes)
4 | What causes the amber FAULT light on the ENG 1 BLEED and/or ENG 2 BLEED pushbutton (OOLD)?
[ FCOM-DSC-36-20 ]
º Overpressure - Downstream of the bleed valve
º Overheat
º Leak - Low pressure
º Discontinuity - APU bleed valve open and engine bleed valve not closed or
º Engine Start with bleed valve not closed
5 | What are the two functions of the engine bleed valves? [ FCOM-DSC-36-10-20 ]
º Pressure regulation
º Shut off valves
6 | What logic controls the X-Bleed valve when the X-BLEED switch is in AUTO? [ FCOM-DSC-36-10-40 ]
º When APU bleed valve is OPEN, the X-Bleed valve is open
º When APU bleed valve is CLOSED, the X-Bleed valve is closed
º X-Bleed also CLOSES for wing, pylon, or APU duct leak (except during engine start)
7 | After engine start with the APU BLEED pushbutton ON, what source is supplying bleed air to the packs?
[ FCOM-DSC-36-10-20 ]
º APU Bleed