PND aneuploidy Flashcards
What is aneuploidy?
Gain or loss of one or a few chromosomes
What proportion of pregnancies are expected to spontaneously abort? (2)
- Approximately 15%
- Changes with age (lower for under 30, higher for older)
What are the factors contributing to pregnancy loss? (3)
- Maternal chronic health conditions e.g. diabetes
- Environmental factors e.g. smoking
- Inheritance of aneuploidy
What proportion of miscarriages are estimated to be caused by inheritance of an abnormal complement of chromosomes?
How does meiosis cause cells to go from diploid to haploid?
Single round of DNA replication during interphase followed by 2 rounds of chromosome segregation
What holds sister chromatids together?
Sister chromatid cohesion
What is sister chromatid cohesion? (3)
- Cohesin ring structures which hold sister chromatids together
- Contains Scc1 in mitosis but Rec8 in meiosis
- Laid down behind replication forks during replication
What is the function of Spo11? (2)?
- Topoisomerase which is recruited during replication
- Makes double strand breaks in DNA which stimulates pairing of homologous chromosomes and the formation of the synaptonemal complex
What is the synaptonemal complex?
Protein complex that holds homologous chromosomes together during prophase of meiosis I
What are the events in prophase I? (4)
- Leptotene
- Zygotene
- Pachytene
- Dictyotene
How does homologous recombination occur within the synaptonemal complex? (4)
- Spo11 causes double strand breaks which initiates DNA end resection to form single strands that can invade a nearby duplex with homologous sequence
- Synaptonemal complex encourages single strand invasion of the homologous duplex
- The strand invasion intermediate needs to be processed to repair the break
- The repair pathway splits into two streams
What is the first repair pathway within the synaptonemal complex? (2)
- Resolves the repair intermediate in a way that untangles the homologous chromosomes
- Results in sister chromatid cohesion linking the paternal sister chromatids together and the maternal sister chromatids together separately
What is the other repair pathway within the synaptonemal complex? (4)
- Repairs the break by covalently linking the broken chromatid to the invaded chromatid of the homolog, creating a crossover
- Sister chromatid cohesion from both homologs now holds the 2 homologous chromosomes together
- This mechanism physically links the homologous chromosomes in meiosis
- Crossing over is essential for faithful segregation and introduces genetic diversity
What is disjunction?
Faithful chromosome segregation
What are chiasmata?
Structures formed by crossing over events
What happens at the end of meiosis I? (2)
- Bivalents are aligned on the metaphase plate and homologous chromosomes are pulled to opposite poles of the cell by the mitotic spindle
- Separase enzyme destroys Rec8 which is a key component of the cohesion complex to allow the chiasmata to resolve, untangling and segregation