PNC Flashcards
Perioperative Nursing
Involves the care of clients before, during, and after surgery and some other invasive procedures.
Perioperative Safety
Preventing complications of surgery; prevention of injury and freedom from infection.
Never Events
Serious/costly errors resulting in severe consequences for the patient, and that are mostly preventable.
Examples of “never events” related to perioperative care…
- Surgery on the wrong body part.
- Surgery on the wrong patient.
- Wrong surgery on a patient.
- Deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism after total knee of hip replacement.
- Foreign body left in a patient after surgery (sponge).
- Surgical site infections after certain elective procedures.
What does the preoperative phase include?
The patient’s decision to have surgery and ends when he/she enters the operating room.
Ablative Surgery
Involves the removal of a diseased body part: removal of a diseased gallbladder.
Diagnostic Surgery
Done to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. Example: biopsy, fine-needle aspiration, cardiac catheterization.
Palliative Surgery
Done to alleviate discomfort or other disease symptoms without producing a cure. Example: nerve root destruction for chronic pain.
Reconstructive Surgery
Performed to restore function. Ex: rotator cuff repair.
Cosmetic Surgery
Done to improve appearance.
Transplant Surgery
Replaces a malfunctioning body part, tissue, or organ.
Procurement Surgery
An organ or tissue is harvested from someone pronounced brain dead for transplantation into another person.
Emergency Surgery
Requires transport to the operating suite as soon as possible to preserve the patient’s life or function. Ex: internal hemorrhage, rupture of an organ, trauma.
Urgent Surgery
Schedules within 24-48 hours to alleviate symptoms, repair a body part, or restore function. Ex: Removal of cancerous breast and internal fixation of a fracture.
Elective Surgery
Performed when surgery is recommended of course of action, but the condition is not time sensitive. Client may delay surgery to gather info, consider options, or organize care for the family. Ex: repair of torn ligaments, removal of rectal polyps, rhinoplasty.
Major Surgery
Associated with a high degree of risk. Ex: high risk of blood loss.
Minor Surgery
Often performed on an outpatient basis, involves little risk and usually has few complications. Ex: Arthroscopy, breast biopsy, inguinal hernia repair.