PN: Vibrational spectroscopy Flashcards
Molecule DOF
N atoms -> 3N DOF
3 for translation along xyz
3 for rotation around xyz
3N-6 for vibrabration
many vibrational energy levels in a potneital ontop of roatioal sublevels of elect transitiosn
Spectrum vs molecular movement
VIS - electronic trans
Rotational - IR
Vibration -THZ??
Common vibrational spec (VS) units
WAVEnumber cm^-1
number of waves per unit length
Actual vs imagined potnential
Harmonic is imagined
anharmonic is real (Morse-type potential function)
Fingerpringtin in IR
Observation of sepctral features ina certain region is often indicative of specific chemical functional group in a molecule
many tables wehere one or more abs bands ina given IR spectrum corresp directly to vibrational modes with a certain functional gorup
these modes can be used to dist one molcule from another -> fingerprent bands
Each molecule has a unquiw IR spectrum -> computer sysetems of libraries to comapre
parts of FTIR
FTIR is a frequency domain measurement
Movable and fixed mirrors
Beam splitter
Smaple, detector
HeNe used to track OPL diff Time
FTIR data analysis
Get interferogram of ref (w/o sample) and with sample
-aphodization (FT smoothing waveforms to reduce ripples)
-phase corrections (The interferogram contains out-of-phase elements which are introduced by optical path differences in the instrument. The data must be phase corrected or the resulting spectrum will not be photometrically accurate.)
Why THz a time domain spectroscopy measurement
in normal UVVIS spec you detect in freq domain/wavelength regime, analysis easy but only gives amplitude info.
Time domain - E field of radiation is recorded E(t) directly so you can get A and phase out
why is Thz useful
1)bridges gap between optical and elctronic regime
2) many materials transparent in Thz - polymersw, clothing, plastic, btu some have unique fingerprints so absorption can be used for ID
3) advatange sinc elow photon energy, non ionizing (unlike Xray) can be used for biological
Disadvatage of Thz-TDS
Water nd water vapour absorb strongly in Thz region
WHy is it hard to perform time domain measurement in the VIS
High E filed oscillation frquency
in Thz region you can use fs pulses to perform the measurment and get spectral info by doing a FT
Math operation that transform f(t) -> f(w).
Any f(t) can be decomposed as sum of infinite # sin and cos functions with diff frequenccies and amplitudes
Ft gives these A and w, and phases of the sinusoidal functions
Irl (discrete -> FFT)
WHat does real and imaginary part of E field give you in THZ
Real part related to absorption coeff (amplitude)
a~ Re(Esample/Eref)
Im (phase) part related ot the refractive index
n ~ Im(Esample/Eref)
How is a thz pulse produced
fs (mayeb Ti saph?) in NIR (800nm) sent into GaAs substrate with applied voltage
charges interact and recombine and form a THz pulse due to transient screening of bias field by photo injected charge
also X2
How is THz pulse produced NLO
a nonlinear X2 medium used to produce single cycle pico s THz pulse
Difference frequency mxiing (optical rect) generate a broadband Thz pulse
-shorter fs pulse -> broader spectra -> borader Thz pulse
-X2 second order processs NL
- ZnTe provides phase mathcing for 800nm TiSapp (Menlo system used fibre laser) light power emitted by 2 phtoon absorption 1600 nm then diff freq to get a lower energy phton out