PN Complications Flashcards


Identifying the High-Risk Pregnancy


High-risk pregnancy

  • A concurrent disorder, pregnancy-related complication, or external factor jeopardizes the health of the mother, fetus or both
  • Also consider age (too young or too old, if too old might have high b/p/ diabetes), poverty, homelessness, no access to community resources
  • Consider genetics- a lot of things passed on to the baby because of the parent’s genes.
  • The woman’s eggs are as old as she is where as the man’s sperm is constantly being made new. So sometimes the chromosomes and genes can be messed up because of the woman’s age (the eggs age).
  • Older woman and diabetics can sometimes have still born
  • Teenagers- more premature babies. Probably because they don’t get prenatal care until late.

High-risk pregnancy: I’m already sick before pregnant
Complications: pregnancy caused

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Assessing for Genetic Disorders


Physical assessment

Diagnostic testing:
- Karyotyping- look at the chromosomes and genes

Maternal serum screening (MSAFP)

  • Chorionic villi sampling- take a little bit of tissue from underneath the placenta. Belongs to the baby so we can look at the chromosomes of the baby.
  • Amniocentesis- take fluid which has baby cells and allows us to see if the baby has a genetic problem. Can also be used later on in the pregnancy to tell if the baby’s lungs are mature enough so I can know to stop the labor if necessary so I can give steroids to mature the lungs. Can also use this to treat polyhydramnios (too much fluid)
  • Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling- take blood out the cord to look for chromosomal problems. Can also do a blood exchange with this (rH baby).
  • Fetal imaging- CT scan, MRI
  • Fetoscopy- Look with a camera to see if the spine is in tact. Can take a biopsy and pictures of the baby with this

Preimplantation diagnosis- Can take an egg that has been fertilized and place it inside the mother if it is healthy.

Invasive Testing Nursing Responsibilities:

  • Education as to the purpose, technique, expectations
  • Teach patient to go home and rest after amniocentesis
  • Consents- these are invasive
  • Maternal and fetal monitoring before, during and after procedure- will often keep for a couple of hours to monitor for complications
  • Educate as to restrictions, and any warning signs
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Environmental- Maternal stress can give the baby stress hormones, radiation, hot and cold (should not be in the sauna or hot tub), alcohol, nicotine.

Infectious agents- See next slide

Therapeutic agents- drugs that the mom may be on (dilantin), live viruses.

Results of exposure- Strength of the teratogens, timing of exposure to the teratogens, first couple of months is when everything is being formed.
2 diseases that don’t rely on timing- syphilis and ???

Affinity- to a specific organ – a drug can cause the baby not to have arms and legs, led- specific to brain, tetracycline- tooth enamel (brown teeth for the rest of their live), rubella- eyes, ears, heart, brain, DES- girls would end up with cancer of the vagina, overy, breast, reproductive cycle, vitamin A- (accutane)

1st trimester teratogen exposure:
- Time when organs being formed
- Time most damage can be done
- If treated, the baby could get high bilirubin
- infectious diseases - can occur before, during, or after conception. Transmitted via transplacental inoculation, fetal contact with infected areas or both
T = Toxoplasmosis- uncooked meat and cat litter
o = Other to include STDs (arithromycin in the eyeballs for clamydia and ghonerrhea) , Beta strep (GBS- baby can get meningitus, pneumonia)
r = Rubella- deaf cataracts, heart defects, cleft pallet, cleft lip, thrombocytopenia, mentally challenged. Need to stay away from people with rashes. Usually starts out like a cold (airborn), so they should avoid sick people.
c = Cytomeglovirus- droplet transfer, member of the herpes family. Acts similar to HIV. If mom gets it while she is pregnant, baby is exposed to the actual germ and both will be treated at the same time. Baby will probably have some neuro problems. If mom had it prior to the pregnancy, the baby will be protected by the mom’s antibodies.
h = Herpes- If mom has active herpes during birth, we must do c-section because there is no real cure, so if the baby passes through, they will become exposed to the virus with no cure

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STIs and Pregnancy


Spread through sexual contact

Can be prevented – safe sex

***Prevent reinfection – treat partner, educate
Determine causative agent- what type of STI is it so we can treat it with a specific agent
Teach mode of transmission- most of the time it is transmitted sexual but some can also be transmitted elsewhere
Teach measures to reduce irritation caused

See handout

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Cardiac Disease


Cardiac disease is decreasing in pregnant women -1%

  • Better correction of anomalies
  • Decreased rheumatic fever - because we are treating strep infections right away.

Still a problem enables women who would have never risked pregnancy to do so

  • Valvular damage
  • Congenital defects –Atrial/septal defect, uncorrected coarctation of aorta (CAN BE FIXED)
  • Older women with coronary artery disease
  • Chronic HTN
  • Thromboembolytic disease- previous DVT so could have another one

Classifications of heart disease

  • Classifications of 1 or 2 expected to have normal pregnancy and birth
  • Classification of 3 can complete the pregnancy with complete bedrest
  • Classification of 4 – poor candidate as they are in cardiac failure even at rest
  • ***Most dangerous time is between 28 and 32 weeks
  • ***Need to start prenatal care asap
  • ***Sometimes working with OB and cardiologist even before they get pregnant

Assessment in general

  • ***Dyspnea, rapid RR, Cough
  • Cyanosis lips nails long cap refill
  • Distended jugulars
  • Irregular pulses
  • Chest pain
  • Edema
  • HTN
  • Liver size (right sided)
  • EKG, CXR, Echo- will have had these before labor, if they haven’t, will prbably get them
  • Fetus – will probably be small, check growth pattern, watch carefully in labor

Nursing interventions during labor and birth

  • Will need an IV not running quickly
  • Anesthesia – Epidural- ***must bolus fluids before administration (400mL at least)
  • Want to keep pain under control.
  • Assisted delivery – Instrumented- vacuum or forceps because we don’t want to put stress on her cardiac output by pushing
  • Monitor fetal heart tones and uterine contractions- probably internal
  • Vital signs frequent
  • Side-lying labor- prevent supine hypotension
  • Evaluate fatigue
  • Listen to lung sounds for pulmonary edema- raise HOB

Postpartum nursing interventions
- Now all extra blood from placenta etc is in general circulation – ***Problem takes place within 5 minutes
Assess for heart failure
- May need decreased activity, anticoags, digoxin, antiembolic stockings, prophylactic antibx because people with heart problems need prophylactic antibiotics
- Teach not to begin abdominal exercises without talking to provider- don’t want her to change bp too much. Kegal exercises are okay
- Stool softener- to avoid pushing
- Make sure she stays relaxed
- Should have beta blocker, nitroglycerine, digoxin on hand
- Will probably wear TED hose
- Careful with oxytocin because it lives next door to the ADH which could cause water intoxication (confused, headache, coma)
- Oxytocin could raise b/p

  • Assess baby- will probably be fine but small
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Hypertensive Disorders


Chronic- already have hypertension could get worse

Preeclampsia (no seizures) -eclampsia (seizures)

Chronic HTN with superimposed preeclampsia

Gestational transient- have high bp but no protein in the urine or weight gain

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Hematologic Disorders


Iron-deficiency anemia:
- Small RBC, less hgb- if hgb is below 10 they will have symtpoms, if low after delivery must report
- Fatigue, exercise intolerance, sucking for air
- Associated with poor nutrition, closely spaced pregnancies- never had time to recover from the bleeding from before), twins, excessive bleeding prior to or with pregnancy
- Associated with preterm and small babies
- Associated with PICA – eat dirt, ice, etc
- Vitamin C
- Iron supplements , instruct about drug – make sure they know that their poop might be black, take with OJ because it works better, can cause GI irritation or constipation so teach to take with cracker or something.
Diet education- WIC can teach diet, refer them.

Folic acid-deficiency anemia
- Enlarged RBC- more volume in our blood stream
Often seen in twins during the 2nd trimester
- Associated with miscarriage, premature separation of placenta, and neural tube defects
- Side effect of certain anticonvulsants, oral contraceptives
Why do they get it?:
- Anticonvulsants (Dilantin)
- Oral contraceptives
- Vitamin C
- Iron supplements , instruct about drug
- Diet education
- Folic acid- 600-1,000mcg
- Green leafy vegetables, oranges, and dried beans have folic acid.

Sickle cell anemia
- Inherited recessively, African American- anyone in meditteranean, 1 in 10 have the trait (in America), 1 in 400 have the diease (in america)
- RBCs are irregularly shaped (sickle) when they become hypoxic! so can’t carry as much hgb
- High altitude – easier to become hypoxic, dehydration causes clumping- causes blockage to organs or placenta, then hemolyzes causing anemia
- Frequent H&H during pregnancy, urinalysis, and bili
- Watch for clots
- Assess for varicosities
- Monitor fetus by U/S at 16 – 24 weeks, NST and blood flow velocity through the placenta starting at 30 weeks
- Epidural- to avoid her straining and breaking blood vessels
- Oxygen during labor to avoid crisis
- Ensure adequate folic acid
- Ensure adequate fluids
- Will be monitored
- Prenatal- folic acid and fluids
- Exchange transfusions

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Dehydration and kidney problems often lead to premature labor

Treat: bed rest, antibiotics to clear up infections and avoid early labor

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Diabetes Mellitus


Diabetes before pregnant - (1 in 200 pregnancies)

  • Placenta still manufactures the HDL
  • Insulin level may go down at first but then raises to exceed normal height. Will need more shots
  • Usually on regular insulin
  • Will need to do CBGs 3-5 times a day to keep it at a reasonable rate
  • A disease that makes the body unable to produce or use endogenous insulin in order to metabolize glucose)
  • Placenta lactogen (Insulin antagonist) decreases tissue sensitivity to insulin action thus increasing the free floating sugar for fetal utilization. Also increases size of insulin producing cells due to Increased need for insulin - gestational
  • Maternal effects= Risk of ketoacidosis, hyperinsulin, coma, Vascular disease (impacting placenta, kidney-PIH-)- if diabetic already, they have already damaged blood vessels which impact the placenta and kidney vessles, SAB, infections, hydramnios (excessive baby urination), dystocia, vag injury, preterm labor, prone to having preeclampsia because of damage to the kidney.
  • Gestational diabetes: managed with diet and exercise before going on insulin. Will be normal post-partum
  • Diabetic Mellitus before: Insulin requirement will be higher than usual. Will return to routine amount of insulin post-partum.
  • Used to take patients off of metformin who were on it prior to pregnancy but they have found that it won’t change anything so they now keep them on orals.
  • Baby will probably act like a diabetic (frequent urination, therefore a lot of amniotic fluid)
  • Fetal effects= If Mom hypoglycemic = neuro problems- baby is reliant on glucose to feed it’s brain
    if hyper then congenital defects-, LGA, SGA, delayed lung maturity (by 1 week) due to glucose interfering with surfactant manufacture
  • Neonatal effects (after birth) = will be born Hyper then within 20—30 minutes after delivery, baby becomes hypoglycemia, Take cbg before feedings for 24 hours and 20-30 minutes after delivery (should be higher than 40), if lower than 40, feed the baby, wait 20 minutes, take again and if it hasn’t raised cbg, call physician because you probably need to give IV.
    polycythemia due to placental insufficiency so had to carry more RBCs for oxygenation, increased Bilirubin, RDS and sometimes learning disabilities, may be more jaundice than other babies
    Respiratory distress syndrome because of lung delay
    TX - Timely Dx, Frequent office visits, diet restrictions, exercise, TEACHING, (CBG, injections, pump) may need insulin- how to give
    Always look for protein, sugar, and folic acid

Most of the time, diabetic babies are delivered between 35 and 40 weeks

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Excess amniotic fluid (2000 cc) or elevated amniotic fluid index (24)


  • Fetal GI/GU problems
  • Anacephalic (born without a brain), tracheoesogeal fistula (between the trachea and esophagus), intestinal obstruction
  • Babies of Diabetic Moms- because of frequent voiding


  • Growing Girth- until she is so tight that this skin is starting to break and she feels as if she is going to explode
  • Difficult to palpate fetal parts, listen to FHT


  • Amnio
  • Avoid constipation- don’t want her pushing because she could pop the bag and the cord will be washed out first
  • Bedrest if severe


  • Can cause fetal malposition (posterior, shoulder first)
  • PROM
  • Prolapsed Cord
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Oral Glucose Challenge Test Values for Pregnancy


Fasting: 95

1 hour: 180

2 hours: 155

3 hours: 140

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Other Problems


Thyroid conditions- Will grow in size

Respiratory problems- Particularly asthma, if you’re low in the oxygen department, your baby is too, make sure they know how to take the inhaler, hold the breath for a little while after the puff

Cystic Fibrosis- could have respiratory problems

Venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolus- as time goes on, you’re building more clotting factors, so if you have verscostities could deny the baby of blood.

Psychiatric problems- medications above Pregnancy class D – should be taken off of the meds because they could harm the fetus. Usually feel better during pregnancy because of the increased hormones but after birth, they get a little crazy from the missing hormones.

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Leading cause of non-obstetric maternal/fetal death
Usually car accidents

Falls, burns, shock, gunshot/stab wounds, physical abuse
Animal or snake bites

Blunt abdominal trauma- car accident, physical abuse #2
MVA # 1

TX - As any emergency BUT consider fetus
Get a good HX and do good PE
Monitor FHT
Need Rhogam within 72 hours if rH- 
Mother may die in the ER, try to deliver the fetus within 20 minutes and we have a good chance of the child surviving 

Look at slide 38 for assessment following trauma

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Tension Building Phase- Often been drinking, starts to show more violent behaviors as time goes on. Throws surrounding items. Woman begins to feel like

Battering Incident- hit, burn, beat, rape, woman is helpless. Can run it’s course in 2 hours or can last 24 hours or longer. Sometimes falls asleep

Honeymoon Phase- tries to make up for his actions. Makes promises. May insist on intercourse. Woman wants to believe it’s true

How to recognize: late for appointments, finds it difficult to follow advice (diet), anxious at appointments (leaves if not seen at exact time because the husband is tracking the time), anxious for you to listen to the heart tones, wearing conservative clothing to hide bruising, will not tell you they are being abused because they are afraid he will find out

How can we help?: Give number for safe house (tell her to put it inside shoe underneath sole insert, ask if they feel safe at home, teach to stay out of the kitchen (too many weapons), stay out of the way, have a small suitcase packed with necessities in case you need to leave because it’s getting too violent

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Emergency Efforts

Everything is higher on chest
With growing fetus heart is higher
Breaths are more forceful 
If using Ambu bag, need to squeeze harder 
Due to growing fetus

Shock – due to serious blood loss
Tachycardia, increased RR, cold clammy skin, decreased LOC, decreased urine output
Get breathing under control first
Second: IV started with large bore catheter (RL)
Rapid infusion- change to saline after bolus to give blood
T&C and blood administration as ordered
Support O2 – May need blood gases
Frequent VS – Baby on monitor
Bedrest on Left side
PC- Multiorgan failure due to lack of circulation
Hemorrhage: will see a rapid pulse and loss of LOC

Look at slides 40-42

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1st Trimester bleeding: Spontaneous abortion (SAB)


call them miscarriages- 15% of all preg. are SAB –before 20 weeks - usually 1st 12 – 16 weeks

At risk -50 -80% due to embryonic/fetal anomalies, 15% due to maternal problems ie teratogen exposure, endocrine problems, rest- improper implantation, infections ?

Types -Threatened,Inevitable, Incomplete, Complete (everything comes out and bleeding subsides quickly), Missed (nothing comes out other than blood so the baby stays), Habitual (multiple miscarriages following each other, often endocrine problem, incompetent cervix), Septic (Not clean abortion, slippery elm, coat hangers, etc., makes them infected and they come in super sick and abort)
Threatened abortion – a little bit of light bleeding and some cramps
Inevitable abortion- popped bag of waters and cervix dilate
Incomplete abortion- some products come out but some products are still in there, will continue to bleed

SS – Bleeding, cramping, decreased signs of pregnancy

TX - Limit activity for threatened- no intercourse. Others do D&C- scrapes the uterus to scrape everything out, vacuum aspiration, Missed use Prostiglandins 6 hrs prior, follow with pitocin & methergine
facilitate grieving- if habitual, might not be as sad as expected

PC = Infection - give Antibx, hemorrhage, Shock,DIC- give Heparin and blood products, Rh -Rhogam


1st Trimester bleeding: Therapeutic Abortions


D&E, RU486, Methotrexate- cancer drug, kills rapidly producing cells (baby), progesterone injections, Injection of prostaglandins or saline into fluid, and if over 12 weeks prostaglandin supp and insertion of laninaris to dilate, Pit ind.

Problems - Bleeding, infection, N&V , repeated Abs can affect the endometrium and therefore future pregnancies

Roe v Wade = First 12 weeks – OK to have an abortion, 12 - 20 weeks to protect health of mother, over 20 protect from life threatening event- Teen pregnancy need to consult each state’s law- different in each state

Nurses can refuse to PARTICIPATE in the procedure but to give care post op etc

Won’t see a lot of septic patients with therapeutic abortions vs. septic abortions


1st Trimester bleeding: Ectopic pregnancy


developed outside the uterus (usually in tube) 1:20 pregnancy

2nd reason for bleeds behind SAB (spontaneous abortion)

Risk factors -Infertility,PID,Std, previous ectopic pregnancy any condition that narrows tube

SS - Regular SS of pregnancy THEN Uterus not enlarging, lower quadrant pain (ask when last period was to rule out appendix problems or any problems outside of pregnancy), vaginal bleeding (maybe), subscapular pain, hypovolemic shock, Cullin’s sign (Blue inside belly button
Tube will rupture and blood will go into the stomach- stomach will get bigger, if you look inside of her belly button, it will be blue, will quickly go into shock after rupture. FIRST SIGN OF SHOCK: HR!- body recognizes you’re bleeding so adrenaline is raised, which raised b/p so b/p is the last to go! Will complain of being dizzy
Will have shoulder pain

TX –
- ***START IV FIRST because once they rupture, they can’t get the IV in anymore, Support blood volume, prepare for OR,
- If not ruptured, will do an ultrasound on the belly, put her on methotrexate (look at hCG levels)
- Doctor will do a vaginal exam (will hurt for the woman)
- Salpingjectomy- cut the tube around the egg and join the new ends together
- Salpingotomy- Suck the egg out
- Salpinostomy- Make a hole in the egg, grind it up and suck it out. Best way, less scarring
- Facilitate grieving - stand there and say ”this must really be rough on you” therapeutic communication!
LOOK FOR- unilateral abdominal pain (ask when was your last period)

PC: DIC, hemorrhage


hCG Levels in Loss


Looking at hCG- baby is in control of the hCG so if there is a problem, the baby will stop producing hCG so the signs of pregnancy will go away and hCG levels drop

Look at slide 49


1st Trimester: Hyperemesis Gravidarum


AKA Morning Sickness Gone Wild

Cause unknown but occurs more frequently among primiparas, multifetal pregnancies and with women with psychiatric disorders

S/S – 
Persistent N/V
Decreased Output
Signs/symptoms of dehydration/starvaton
Labs , H&H, electrolytes, urine protein and acetone
Weight loss 
Alcalosis- vomiting out all of her acids 

Implement common N/V remedies-
***Correct fluid/electrolyte imbalance –(NPO with IVs)- FIRST START IV!
Once we have the fluid and electrolytes in order start on anti-emetics and crackers and water
Sedatives & antiemetics
Quiet atmosphere

Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, severe weight loss, metabolic alkalosis


2nd Trimester Bleeding: Molar Pregnancy


Gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidform mole)

Abnormal proliferation of chorionic villi (1/1500 pregnancies)

No baby- the egg didn’t have any chromosomes in it so the sperm starts to duplicate it’s own, or 2 sperms can go in and populate the empty egg

Risk factors - older women, low protein diets, Asian because of lack of protein in diet

SS - Normal at first, some bleeding early, eventually: exaggerated, fast uterine growth, putting out a lot of hCG because of the fast uterine growth leading to hyperemesis, No FHT

TX : Sonogram to confirm- will look like a bag of grapes, D&C, monitor bleeding, s/s infection, & facilitate grieving
***Precancerous - Will need careful follow up- hCG in 48 hrs to see if it starts to go down & then q 2wks till normal then q 1 months x 1 year. At the end of the yaer, do a CXR to make sure we didn’t send off cancerous cells to the lung
Goal: cancer free within 1 year
If hCG is going down and then plateus, give methrotrexate to kill the rest that we didn’t get
Should not get pregnant for one year
Send home with instructions that if they start to bleed a lot, they need to come in and bring any tissue to make sure it’s not just a miscarriage


2nd Trimester Bleeding: Premature cervical dilatation


Premature cervical dilatation
Cannot hold the fetus until term- too short or too weak, will start to dilate

Incompetent cervix

Habitual abortion caused by this

- Painless, pinkish discharge at first, then Cramping, then they will deliver

- Cervical cerclage
- keeps the cervix closed
0 Done at approx 12 Weeks- ***Removed at 37 weeks or if in labor
- Mc Donalds- done in surgery, sew the cervix together and it wills tay together forever and will need to have C-section for future pregnancies or Schirodkar- Surgery, pull in and out
- Success rate- 80-90%

Post op Care

  • Bedrest for one day, In Slight trendelenburg for few days then normal activities
  • Often feel like failures for not being able to get pregnant

3rd Trimester Bleeding: Placenta Previa


Complete, partial, marginal

Risk factors hx of uterine scarring, multiple gestation with lg placenta, endometritis- infection inside of the uterus, previous low implantation, older, multips

Routine sonogram- usually done early if consistent spotting
intermittent, painless bleeding - usually starts about 28 weeks- can become hypovolemic

Management -
- Bed rest, Pt to monitor bleeding , Watch color
- ***NO vag exams, T&C for 2 units (on call), double set up for delivery (take to OR, try to deliver vagnially but have set up for C-section), Marginal - can leak fluids thereby put pressure on bleeding point. Bedrest start IV immediately, frequent FHT, watch color of the blood, bed rest (hypovolemia is a PC so don’t want to get them up and walking around)
- Comes in bleeding at 34 weeks, do amniocentesis and if not bleeding give steroids

PC – hypovolemia, hemorrhage- FIRST VITAL SIGN TO GO- PULSE!

Look at slide 54


3rd Trimester Bleeding: Abruption Placenta


Marginal, central, complete

Premature separation of placenta

  • Occurs suddenly at any time in the pregnancy
  • Most frequent cause of perinatal death

Risk factors
- High parity, older, Short cord, HTN (smoking goes with this), trauma, Cocaine, smoking, thrombosis


  • May have vag bleeding,
  • Fetus hyperactive at first because it’s not getting any oxygen then ceases to move,
  • Uterine tenderness, pinpoint pain
  • Change in contractions, (tone>hypertonic Fierce contractions- can tell you exactly where it hurts because that is where the stretch/separation is)

Management TX –

  • Determine amt of separation and age of fetus with ultrasound
  • May treat conservatively with BR, lateral lying, sedatives, and observation,
  • If severe will need to support blood volume, O2 and do C-section
  • May need to put in a central line to give blood if it is severe

PC- Shock, DIC- need to do special lab work (serial labs), Fetal Death- because we can’t get to it fast enough, Amniotic Fluid Embolus- amniotic fluid backs up into the mother causes an allergic reaction to the fluid


3rd Trimester Bleeding: DIC


Associated with Intrauterine fetal demise- baby is dead in utero within a couple of weeks, the body starts to reabsorb the fetus, which messes up the clotting cascade, abruption, previa, PIH and HELLP, sepsis, fluid embolism

Diffuse formation of microemboli, using up available clotting factors

SS - Massive hemorrhaging

TX - Correct underlying cause, transfuse, give clotting factors (plasma has all of the clotting factors so might give this), Heparin


3rd Trimester Bleeding: Preeclampsia


Altered tissue perfusion
Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) Pre-eclampsia

Can happen anytime throughout the pregancy, delivery, etc

Risk factors - <17, > 35, family hx ,DM- MORE APT TO HAVE PIH THAN ANYONE ELSE!, hydramnios or multiple fetus, chronic renal or vascular disease, mole, hydrops

***SS - Elevated BP. Proteinuria, rapid wt gain, facial/hand edema, hyperreflexia, head-ache, visual disturbances, epigastric pain, facial twitch & seizures (if < 20 wks probably molar preg.)

TX - promote rest, high protein diet- sucks out the fluid, BP med if ordered, monitor BP, urine protein and output, resps- magnesium sulfate!!- Need to be above 12 when pregnant- if low, give calcium to counter magnesium sulfate, reflexes frequently (Q 1 hr), seizure precautions- pad the bed, turn on left side and ask to stay there for more oxygenation for the baby and drops b/p .

120/90- mild, 160/110- severe

If can control PIH continue with pregnancy - if not, deliver

Watch for weight gain! Only supposed to gain a pound a week!

Will see a small for gestations age baby because the vessels are constricted so the baby doesn’t get as much blood as it should. Might possibly see baby distress

Look at slides 61-63


Mag Sulfate


Loading dose = 4GM with continual dose at 1-2 Gm/hour –

Effects: Can help with peristalsis, Calms CNS, relaxes smooth muscles, prevents seizures (give if they have preeclampsia), stops labor.

Side Effects: Hot flashes, N/V

Toxic level = above 10- can kill them, **5-8 is therapeutic level! . **Antidote = Ca. Gluconate Watch for: Slurred speech, muscle weakness, DTR decrease

Nursing considerations: watch urine ouput, check VS esp. RR because it calms the CNS (can calm so much that it takes away reflexes like breathing), LOC, Reflexes- clonis, DTR, serial hand grips- if absent, stop mag and give calcium gluconate , watch very closely at first

Adverse results- Respiratory depression, arrest, cardiac arrest




cerebral edema- will see swelling in face and hands- usualy comes from cerebral hemorrhage, circulatory collapse, renal failure, baby could have hypoxia going into acidosis (occurs in 10-25% of babies)

Seizures: Tonic, cyanotic, roll over to their side, give oxygen for when they start the clonic: will start to breathe but will be irregular, after will go into a sleep state that lasts 1-4 hours, after sleep state, we need to do a check up on the baby to look for abruption

Mortality rate: 20% mortality


3rd Trimester: HELLP = ***Hemolysis, Elevated liver enzymes, Low Platelets


Mortality rate 34%, infant 35%

Usually happens around 34 weeks

serious bleeding disorder, often fatal. – compromises placental circulation in 2-12% of PIH cases. Do not need to have PIH to have HELLP

SS – Usually think they have the flu, confused, malaise, flu-like Hepatitis/renal S/S(90%), N/V due to liver stretch (50%), Epigastric pain (always ask if they have abdominal pain) due to obstructed blood flow (65%), generalized edema with BP up (80%), urine protein sometimes.

TX – Managed as PIH- Start them on Mag to lower b/p, give platelets because she doesn’t have any, cannot give epidural before give platelets, give dextrose
Deliver ASAP - C/S if severe

Complications of both include HTN, CVA, cerebral & pulmonary edema, coagulopathies(DIC)- get a CBC and DIC studies, abruptions, intrauterine growth retardation (restricted), & stillborns thrombocytopenia, Bleeding in major organs (liver, lungs, kidneys)- don’t have enough platelets so body bleeds, renal failure, Liver hematoma/rupture, Hypoglycemia due to pancreatic stretch

Fix all complications before taking woman to surgery
*not an extension of PIH!
*watch urine and feces for blood because she does not have any platelets
LABS for PIH = CBC Platelets Liver enzymes AST ALT LDH BILI


3rd Trimester: Preterm Labor - between 20 - 37 wks


Preterm Labor - between 20 - 37 wks

33% related to maternal medical probs
PIH, cardiac disease, incomp. cervix, Insulin Dependent DM ,multiple births, previa,

33% related to PROM
seen with Strep and other vag infections

33% related to other types of Infections especially kidney infections. The body will want to get rid of whatever is causing the infection and thinks it is the baby so they try to get rid of the baby

Assessment- fluid- look for L/S ratio- **2/1- normal, **1/1- premie, 3/1- what we like to see in diabetic babies

SS: Change in cervix due to Regular contractions

TX - Bedrest, fluids Monitor, minimal vag exams, emotional support, Uterine relaxants

MgSo4, Ritodrine- not used anymore, terbutaline, on mag sulfate- check respiratory, if give terbutaline to stop the labor- look for palpitations, raised HR, jittery, can cause pulmonary edema (must listen to lungs!!)

Consider other causes- dehydration (ADH kicks in- lives in the posterior putitary- oxytocin is also kicked in and it causes contractions), give them a bolus of fluids and they go home, teenagers- often don’t get prenatal care of minimal prenatal care and have premature

Side effects= flushing , tremor, restless, tachycardia, hyperglycemia PC=Pulmonary edema

Can be 38 weeks and still have complications ex. Diabetic mother


3rd Trimester: Post term pregnancy


Beyond 42 weeks gestation
poor placental function/ fluid decrease- might end up with alligohydramious

Fetal =distress during labor with late/variable- usually variables because of the lack of fluid, they are laying on the cord, decelerations BABY= Long skinny, minimal fat, peeling skin, no vernix, long nails, lots of scalp hair, low glucose, wide eyed, temp regulation problems, tenting.
Like putting the baby on a diet because the placenta isn’t working as well
at risk for asphyxia & hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, meconium aspiration- thick green amniotic fluid, hypoglycemia- have not been receiving a lot of sugar, hypocalcemia, hypothermia- don’t have any body fat anymore

SS discussed in NB section

Tx –Daily fetal movement counts- 10 a day, same time everyday, get something sugary to drink, sits there for an hour and once she feels 10, she’s okay. If baby is not moving at all, need to go in and be seen. , Frequent NSTs- once or twice a week, Biophysical assessments(See L&D section), Weekly cervical checks, Induction, Careful monitoring, Careful NB assessment- often the baby is no longer healthy from poor placental function


3rd Trimesters: PROM \


Rupturing of membranes prior to labor

probable cause GBS infection (30-40%) strep attacks the collagen in the “bag” and eat through it. Now the GBS can crawl up inside of the uterus and cause corioamniitis will deliver a stinky baby. Called indometritis after labor.
Also: Mult. Gestation, polyhydramnios- multiples, Low protien diet, trauma, recent intercourse

Subsequent risk of ascending infection

SS - May be gush or slow leak

TX – Establish gestational age, **No vag exams, Sterile Testing of fluid, Urine & vag cultures, monitor for contractions, vs, especially **temp q 2 hrs, FHT, Daily WBCs, FHT monitored, Prophalactic antibx- seems to help keep them out of labor and steroids may be ordered. Want the fluid to be alkaline if they have ruptured.




Visual disturbances, Edema - hands, face, over sacrum, Headaches, Muscular irritability, epigastric pain

Persistent vomiting - ? Moler pregnancy, hyperemesis?, fluids!!1

Fluid discharge from vagina - Blood? Fluid? Previa, ? Miscarriage

Elevated temp – Chills and fever? Outside for a long period of time when hot outside? Infection

Abdominal pain - ectopic, Abruption

Decrease in fetal movement - fetal distress NEEDS TO COME IN

Unilateral pain?- ectopic

Flank pain?


Multiple Pregnancy


Identical- one egg vs. fraternal- separate eggs

Increased uterine growth
AFP elevated
At quickening big flutter
Multiple FHT

Closer supervision
Sometimes bedrest at the end because it’s difficult to carry the weight
Often deliver prematurely because the uterus can stretch only so far

PIH, Hydramnios, previa, premies, anemia, higher incidence of cerebral palsy- usually with the second kid, anomalies- conjoined, spinal cord defects, discordant twins




Rh-negative mother carrying an Rh-positive fetus can end with Hemolytic disease of the NB

Rh testing
If Rh negative will do AST (Indirect Coombs)

***Give Rhogam at 28 weeks if AST neg so that they never have to build the antibodies
If AST pos, will do serial titers
Direct coomb- take blood out of the cord, if negative, give rhogam
If baby comes out coomb positive- monitor for jaundice because they have the antibodies
If titers rising, further testing done
-Amnio to ck for Bilirubin, Doppler Velocity can predict anemia caused by hemolysis- can predict anemia
Exchange transfusion in utero or Delivery


Fetal Death


Most severe complication

At Risk – PIH, DM, Intrauterine growth retardation, post dates, Rh problems, abruption

Decreased fetal movement especially after a period of violent movement- needs to come in immediately
If early may be discovered by non growing uterus, no heartbeat per U/S

Nursing care
Allow to grieve
Give routine PP care
Need to deliver by 3-4 weeks
***Watch carefully for S/S DIC if fetus has been dead for a while