PMP deck Flashcards
100 point method
a voting scheme of the type that is used in brainstorming exercises. Each stakeholder is given 100 points that he or she can use for voting in favor of the most important requirements. The 100 points can be distributed in any way that the stakeholder desires.
100% rule
Any work package in the WBS should consist of 100% of all work for the work package. If you miss something add and recalculate
A way of thinking and systematic problem solving process that collects pertinent information on a single sheet of A3 paper
Acceptance criteria
refers to specific conditions that must be met for a project to be considered complete. typically focused at user story level. Acceptance criteria is usually based on a project’s objectives; it includes things like delivering a working product, meeting deadlines, or fulfilling specific customer requirements. The WHAT. (DoD is the how)
affinity grouping
Estimating method of classifying items into categories. T-shirt sizes, Fibonacci numbers
agile vs incremental
If the project team plans only for the following iteration in detail, then this is an agile life cycle, not an incremental life cycle. But in incremental, the project team plans the project as much as they know and they make changes to the plans as they move forward.
Always on fishbowl windows
Remote agile. 5-8 people. People inside the fishbowl chat, outsiders listen. Long lived video conference link for the whole workday. Reduce collaboration lag.
analogous estimating
Assumption log
The assumption log is a document where you will record all assumptions identified in the project. The assumption log is created as an output of the Develop Project Charter process early in the project.
Auditing examines a project’s goals and achievements, including adequacy, accuracy, efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with applicable methodologies and regulations. It tends to be a formal, one-sided process that can be highly demoralizing to team members.
burndown chart
work remaining in a time box or remaining story points
burnup chart
work completed toward a deliverable or completed story points.
Business analyst
If a business analyst is assigned to a project, requirement-related activities are the responsibility of that role.
Business documents
Business case and benefits management plan (summary of the project’s benefits expected by the business, how they will be delivered and how they will be measured.)
change control board
Group of people accountable for reviewing, evaluating, approving, delaying or rejection changes to the project. Predictive only
change management by project type
Predicitve: prevent change. Agile: don’t try to prevent
Change request
Usually required in order to modify a deliverable. Waterfall. “may be a corrective action, a preventive action, or a defect repair” . Trigger perform integrated change control process. CCB may or may not approve/be relevant.
change saturation
attempting too much change in too short a time
communication channels
Based on the number of people that talk to each other in a project, you calculate the number of communication channels. We can represent it numerically using the
n (n – 1) /2 formula.
completion criteria
specific outcomes that the project was supposed to achieve to be determined successful.
completion criteria
Answer these two critical questions about each work package: (1) What does it mean to be complete with this task? (2) How will we know it was done correctly?
configuration management
It tracks the different revisions to the design, blueprints, technical specifications, and can tell you which one is the latest revision, so that the right part can be identified.
conflicts on team
talk to members separately to find out root cause
constrained optimization
In a constrained optimization method, you make complex mathematical calculations to select a project. These mathematical calculations are based on various best and worst case scenarios, and probability of the project outcome. Depending on the outcome of these calculations, you compare the candidate projects and the select a project with the best outcome.
constraints in a contract
contractual provisions that are limiting factors for the contract
Contingency reserves
to offset known risks. Contingency reserve can be removed when the identified risk does not occur. Then, it returns to the company or client.
Continuous integration
Continuous integration requires the upfront writing of automated tests. Continuous integration cannot guarantee zero bugs.
contract performance reporting
document the performance of the sellers
Control chart
Control charts illustrate how a process behaves over time and defines the acceptable range of results. Control charts commonly have three types of lines:
Upper and lower specification limits
Upper and lower control limits
Planned or goal value
When a process is outside the acceptable limits, the process is adjusted.
cost objectives
the budget goals for a project.
cost of quality
refers to all of the costs that are incurred to prevent defects in products, or costs that are a result of defects in products.
includes They are Cost of Conformance and Cost of Non Conformance. quality is driven by prevention. Quality strives to complete the work correctly the first time to prevent negative results and loss of time and money.
cost reimbursable contract
use RFP
cost variance
Simple: Actual vs planned. EVM: CV=earned value-Actual cost…positive CV means under budget.
How efficiently the work is being performed with regard to budgeted cost. Earned value/actual costs. Greater than 1 is good, less than 1 is bad.
Add resources to a project
Crystal methods
Crystal is an agile framework focusing on individuals and their interactions, as opposed to processes and tools. processes should be modeled to meet the requirements of the team.The methods are color-coded to signify the risk to human life. For example, projects that may involve risk to human life will use Crystal Sapphire while projects that do not have such risks will use Crystal Clear. Hybrid tailoring methodology. Scalable
cumulative flow diagram
Indicates features completed over time, in development, in backlog. Stacked waves.
Daily scrum questions
What did you do yesterday?
What will you do today?
What (if anything) is blocking your progress?
Defect trend analysis
Agile/scrum. Defect Trend chart shows the cumulative defects opened versus cumulative defects closed for the last 30 days.
Design of Experments
The design of experiments (DOE) is a tool for simultaneously testing multiple factors in a process to observe the results. Credited to statistician Sir Ronald A. Fisher, DOE is often used in manufacturing settings in an attempt to zero in on a region of values where the process is close to optimization.
design for x
Design for X (DfX) is a set of technical guidelines that may be applied during the design of a product for the optimization of a specific aspect of the design. The “X” in DfX can be different aspects of product development, such as reliability, deployment, assembly, manufacturing, cost, service, usability, safety and quality.
dynamic scope clause
in a contract, gives the buyer the buyer flexibility to add or remove features to the product in the future (without changing the size of the work package)
expected monetary value (of risk) = p(risk)*$ impact. Impact included payoff minus cost.
Estimate at completion
EAC. Forecasting technique,
Earned value
Earned Value = Percent complete (actual) x Task Budget.
exception report
Exception Report is a focused report drawing attention to instances where planned and actual results are expected to be, or are already, significantly different. Note: an exception report is usually triggered when actual values are expected to cross a predetermined threshold that is set with reference to the project plan. The actual values may be trending better or worse than plan.
Executing processes
performed to complete the work defined in the project management plan to satisfy the project requirements.
Expectancy theory
Expectancy theory suggests that individuals are motivated to perform if they know that their extra performance is recognized and rewarded (Vroom, 1964). Consequently, companies using performance-based pay can expect improvements. Performance-based pay can link rewards to the amount of products employees produced.
Exploratory testing
The simultaneous process of test design and test execution. Unlike scripted testing, it doesn’t restrict the tester to a predefined set of instructions. This shouldn’t be seen as a lack of preparation but rather as a method of not constraining the tester.
Exploratory testing
Focused on user stories, not functional details. Exploratory testing should be used in addition to functional testing. Exploratory testing is not for testing within the story but for testing the functional aspect of the completed story.
predecessor must finish before this task finishes
fast track
Perform activities in parallel
Feature driven development
Iterative and incremental driven from client perspective. Provides the most complete set of methods for the needs of large software development projects.
Five directions of stakeholder influence
The five directions to include are Upward, Downward, Outward, Sideward, and Prioritization.
force field analysis
a framework for understanding the factors which can influence and impact a potential change. This change can be associated with an individual, organizational, or improvement project. For change to happen, the driving (helping) forces must be strengthened, or the resisting (hindering) forces weakened.
FPIF vs FPAF contract
Incentive vs award fee. A FPAF contract is used to motivate contractors for aspects of performance that cannot be measured objectively.. FPIF more objective (cost or schedule metrics).
gap analysis
comparison of actual performance with potential or desired performance; that is the current state and the desired future state.
Generalizing specialist
A generalized specialist is not a jack of all trades. It is an individual with deep knowledge in a particular specialization who also has learned to be productive in other team roles.
Good communication
High information density and high interactivity
Gulf of evaluation
gap between an external stimulus and a person’s interpretation of it. In simple words, the gulf of evaluation is the struggle of realistically judging the current state of the system and the level of aid that the artifacts provide us to do this.
Gulf of execution
gap between what the user desires to do and how they carry out that intent.
hard vs soft logic
about dependencies. Hard logic dependencies are inherent in the work (foundation first, then floors). soft logic dependencies are best practices.
Herzberg’s theory
otivation-Hygiene theory or Two-factor theory. According to the theory, people’s job satisfaction depends on two kinds of factors, hygiene factors (work conditions, relationships) and motivators (challenge, responsibility, recognition).
impediment vs obstacle vs blocker
Impediment: something that slows down or hinders progress. Obstacle: something you need to move, go around, avoid, or overcome, using a strategy. Blocker: causes work to stop.
Initiating processes
performed to define a new project or a new phase of an existing project, including obtaining authorization to start or phase.
Integrated change control
the process of reviewing all change requests within a project, analyzing those requests and implementing approved changes. Must be well documented
integrated project delivery
“Integrated project delivery is a collaborative alliance of people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to optimize project results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication, and construction.” Collaboration and co-location are the primary ways that allow the integrated team to integrate processes.
Invitation for Bid
IFBs are typically used when purchasing goods and services when the government agency knows exactly what it needs to purchase. There will be little, if any, variation between the scope of the contract from one vendor to the next. Thus, price becomes the sole factor – lowest bidder wins.
Iterative vs incremental
Iterative allows feedback on partially completed work, while incremental provides deliverables that can be used immediately
Key performance indicators, which are tied to business goals. all KPIs are metrics, not all metrics are KPIs
Lessons learned: What, who, what result
what went right, wrong, needs to be improved. team creates, report to stakeholders. PM should not lead.
Management reserves
to offset unknown risks
Maslows needs
physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization
McClelland’s theory of needs
People need achievement, affiliation, or power
Monitoring and controlling processes
include tracking, reviewing, and regulating the progress and performance of the project.
Prioritization schema. Stands for Must have Should have Could have Won’t have
Murder board
This is a pre-initiation meeting that allows senior management and other decision makers to determine if the project should be launched or not.
negotiations goal
collaboration (not win/lose)