PMP Flashcards
5 Whys Method
The question “Why?” is asked of a
problem in succession until the root cause is found.
80/20 rule
A general guideline with many applications; in terms of controlling processes, it
contends that a relatively large number of problems or defects, typically 80%, are
commonly due to a relatively small number of causes, typically 20%.
A/B Testing
A marketing approach used to determine user preferences by showing different sets of users’ similar services—an ‘Alpha’ and a ‘Beta’ version—with one independent variable.
Acceptance Criteria
Accepted Deliverables
Active Listening
Activity Attributes
Activity Cost Estimates
Activity Dependency
Activity Duration Estimates
Activity List
Activity on Arrow or Activity on Node
Activity Resource Estimates
Activity Resource Requirements
Actual Cost
Administrative Closure
Affinity Diagram
Affinity Estimating
Agile Coach
Agile Estimating