Application to living tissue for preventing infection
Chemical or physical treatment that destroys most vegetative microbes or viruses, but nut spores, in or on inanimate surface
Destruction or marked reduction in the number of activity
of microorganisms
Reduction of microbial load on an inanimate surface to a level considered acceptable for public health purposes
Kills nonsporulating microorganisms by hot water or steam at 65-100°C
Kill or remove all types of microorganisms, including spores, and usually including viruses with an acceptably low probability of survival
introduced antiseptic principles
Joseph Lister
He intoduced magic bullets, selective toxicity, Compound 606 (Salvarsan)
Paul Ehrlich
Most successful anti-infective agents
Mercury, Arsenic, Antimony
Sleeping sickness treatment
Atoxyl (Sodium Arsanilate and Arsphenamine)
Anti-Infective Agents classification
• Chemical types of the compound
• Biological properties
• Therapeutic indication
Alcohol names
• Ethyl alcohol
• Rectified spirit
• Wine spirit
• Grain alcohol
• Spiritus vini
Inhibit aldehyde dehydrogenase
Inhibit alcohol dehydrogenase
Approximately 95% ethanol by volume
Commercial Ethanol
Unfit for use in intoxicating beverages
Denatured Alcohol
With wood alcohol and benzene and is unsuitable for internal/external use
Completely denatured alcohol
• Ethanol treated with one or more substances that is permitted for a specialized purpose
• Iodine in alcohol for tincture of iodine
• Methanol in mouthwashes , Methanol in
alcohol for preparing plant extracts
Special denatured alcohol
Dehydrated Alcohol aka
Absolute alcohol
NLT 99% w/w ethanol
Dehydrated Alcohol
Prepared by azeotropic distillation of an ethanol-benzene mixture
Dehydrated alcohol
Prepared by sulfuric-acid – catalyzed hydration of propylene
Isopropyl alcohol
For temperature sensitive medical equipment and heat-sensitive pharmaceuticals
Ethylene oxide
Involves non-selective alkylation of functional groups in nucleic acids and proteins by nucleophilic opening of the oxide ring
Ethylene oxide
Safe diluted ethylene oxide
Direct, nonspecific alkylation of nucleophilic functional groups (amino, hydroxyl, and sulfhydryl) in proteins and nucleic acids to form carbinol derivatives
37% w/v formaldehyde, with _____ added to retard polymerization
Diluted sol’n for heat-sensitive equipment
Stable alkaline soln, retain more than 80% original activity after 30 days, non stabilized alkaline sol’n – lose 44% after 15 days
Commercial Glutaraldehyde
Defined as the ratio of a dilution of a given test disinfectant to the dilution of phenol that is required to kill a strain of Salmonella typhi under carefully controlled time and temperature conditions
Substitution with alkyl, aryl, and halogen (especially in the ___
position) groups increases bactericidal activity.
Standard to which the activity of most germicidal substances is compared
Germicidal – general protoplasmic poison caustic to skin, exerts local anesthetic effects, must
be diluted to avoid tissue destruction
Phenol containing 10% water
Liquified phenol
+ camphor = liquid petrolatum – used as external antiseptic and anti-irritant
p – Chlorophenol
Nonirritating antiseptic with broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal activities use in 2% in shampoo
p – chloro – m – xylenol
Used topically for ringworm infections – tinea pedis, tinea cruris
p – chloro – m – xylenol
White to light-tan crystalline powder ; Banned OTC – due to reports of neurotoxicity in bathed infants and burn patients cleansed with the agent
Mixture of 3 isomeric methylphenols; Yellow to brownish yellow liquid, unpleasant creosote odor
Obtained from coal tar/petroleum by alkaline extraction into aqueous medium, acidification, and
fractional distillation
Extracted from oil of Thymus vulgaris; Mild fungicidal properties, used in alcohol sol’n and dusting powders for ringworm infections
Obtained from clove oil; Pale-yellow liquid, strong clove aroma, pungent
taste; With local anesthetic and antiseptic activities in mouthwash; Phenol coefficient – 14.4
Crystallizes as white needles or as an amorphous powder, soluble in water and alcohol; 1-3% in solutions, 10-20% in tx for ringworm,
eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis; Keratolytic, causes stratum corneum to slough, opening the barrier to penetration for antifungals
White crystalline substance with faint phenolic odor; Produces numbness to tongue; Phenol coefficient – 98