it is the -Oldest preserved Egyptian compilation of medical texts
Ebers Papyrus
She is a medical technologist who traced the beginning of medical technology when intestinal parasites such as Taenia and Ascariswere first identified (1500 B.C.).
Vivian Herrick
it is oldest lab procedure
oGreeks – poured urine on ground when it attracts insects = patient diagnosed with boils
•Father of Medicine
-Advocate the use of mind and senses as diagnostic tools
-He described four humors or body fluids in the human body
- 1460 B.C
•Four humors or body fluids as source of person’s disposition (frame of mind) and disease.
Yellow bile
Black bile
Made the first description of hematuria
-Due to the inability of the kidneys to filter blood
Rufus of Ephesus (50 AD)
it is the diagnosis by visual examination of urine. (water casting method-flask)
•symbol of medieval medicine
Urine flask
•Jewish physician and philosopher)
-Kitab al Baul (Body of Urine)
Detailed concepts of urine formation, urine sediments
Isaac Judeus
-Failure of physicians to examine patient’s urine was punishable by public beatings
Jerusalem Code 1090
Who invented microscope?
Zaccharias Janssen and his father Hans 1590s
He Believed that MT began from this period as supported by the fact that urinalysis was a fad
Ruth Williams (Medieval period: 1096-1438)
Made the “scientific observation” that the urine of certain individuals attracted to ants – such urine have a sweetish taste.
Hindu Doctors
- He Believed that MT started when a prominent Italian doctor at the University of Bologna employed Alessandra Gillani to perform different task in the lab
Anne Fagelson 14th Century
-Father of Microbiology who Saw bacteria and classified them according to shapes and who Described blood cells, muscle fibers, spermatozoa, and protozoa
Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632)
the Greatest of the early microscopists
Blood of patients with plagues contained “worms”
Athanasius Kircher (1646)
-His contributions to embryology and anatomy made him known as the “Founding Father of Modern Anatomic Pathology”
Marcello Malpighi (1628- 1694)
-Introduced the gravimetric analysis of urine by weighing a number of 24-hr urine specimens
Jean Baptiste van Helmont (1577-1644)
-Observed that proteins in the proteins in the urine precipitated when boiled with acetic acid
Useful diagnostic indicator of
Frederick Dekkers (1694)
-Discovered that plasma could be separated from blood cells when blood clots
-Coagulable lymph – could be precipitated from the plasma upon application of temperature higher than 50°C
-Coagulable lymph = fibrinogen
William Hewson (1739-1774)
-Recognize as the father of microscopic pathology
Rudolf Virchow (1847)
German Chemist
Develop and performed the first qualitative glucose test for urine.
Herman von Fehling (1848)
-Studied cholera outbreak in London and brought the situation under control
-How? Due to contamination water in Broad Street pump
John Snow (1854)
-Studied aerobic and anaerobic bacteria
-(1867) Pasteurization at 55°C- 60°C can prevent wine spoiling
-Developed anthrax vaccine (1881)
Louis Pasteur (1861)