PMLS Flashcards
A clinical laboratory science related to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease
Medical technology
application of principles of natural,physical and biological sciences to the performance of laboratory procedures which aid the diagnosis and treatment of disease
The branch of medicine concerned with the performance of laboratory determinations and analysis used in diagnosis and treatment of disease and maintenance of heath
Ann fagelson
an auxiliary branch of laboratory medicine which deals with the examination by various chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic, and other medical procedures, technique which will aid the physician in diagnosis study and treatment of disease and in promotion of gealth in general
Philippine medical act of 1969
460 BC
1500 BC
Vivian Herrick
1096- 1438
Ruth Williams
14th Century
Ann fagelson
Anton van leewenhoek
15th century
Aniline dyes were produced
-Regarded as the founder of scientific medicine
-determined the correlation between anatomical and chemical laboratory findings and the cause of disease
-adopted the triad of regimen in treating diseases and infection with the use of drug, surgery and blood letting
Traces the beginning of medical technology when intestinal parasites such as taenia and ascaris were mentioned in the early writing
Vivian Herrick
Book containing the description of the three stages of hookworm infection
Ebers papyrus
-Believed that medical technology began from the medieval period and supported by the fact the urinalysis was a fad
Ruth Williams
Made a scientific observation that the urine of certain individuals attracted ants and that such urine had a sweet taste
Early hindu doctors
She preferred to date medical technology from the 14th century
Ann fagelson
-employed to perform tasks under the domain of medical technology by a prominent Italian physician at the University of bologna
-died from laboratory acquired infection
Alessandra Giliani
-Invented the compound microscope
-first to describe red blood cells, see protozoan and to classify bacteria according to shape
-led to the rapid progress of microbiology and pathology
Anton vanleeuwenhoek
-described as the greatest of the early microscopist
-his work in embryology and anatomy marked him as founder of PATHOLOGY
he performed the first quantitative test for urine
-Was one of the youngest of the medical specialist
-founded the archives of pathology in Berlin 1847
Rudolph virchow
Established the first chemical laboratory at the University of Michigan
Dr. Douglas
Gave the first laboratory course in pathology.he became the first professor at the pathology in John Hopkins university in 1885
Dr. William Welch
Opened the first clinical laboratory at John Hopkins Hospital in 1886 in search for malarial parasites in the blood were given special attentions
Dr William Olser
Wrote a book “A manual of clinical diagnosis” 1908 and was retitled “clinical diagnosis by laboratory methods Y Dr Todd and Dr sanford”
Dr James C. Todd
University of Minnesota was the first to offer degree program level in
Denver society for clinical pathologist was organized