PMI Exam Flashcards
Where will you find flight and duty limitations
CAO 48.1
What does FDP stand for
Flight Duty Period
What are the flight and duty limitations
Depends on what time you start, but it ranges from 8-11 hours
How many months is a 2 year proficiency check valid for?
25 months…. Because it is valid to the end of the month that you did your check e.g. 6th June becomes 30th June, which can be considered the 25th month.
Define ‘learning’
Behaviour modified by experience
what are the two types of learning
Overt (observable) and Covert (conscious but not external to the body)
Describe the ratio of learning through our senses
Visual= 75% Sound = 13% Touch= 6% Smell = 3% Tase = 3%
Define ‘perception’
Reception and interpretation of stimulus
Define ‘insight’
grouping of perceptions into meaningful wholes
How often does the brain scan for stimuli
20 times per second!
how long is visual information stored for…
1 second (even though it is 0.3 seconds….)
How long is audio information stored for (echoic memory)
1-5 seconds
thrust to drag ratio of 172
9:1 (also the lift to drag ratio)
When discussing a graph, what must you do prior?
Establish what each axis (x and y) is representing
IAS maximum excess thrust is used for what type of climb?
IAS for maximum excess power is used for what type of climb?
What type of windsock do we have at YMMB
20kt windsock
How strong is the crosswind when the windsock is 45° to the runway
3/4 the strength of the wind
At what angle to the runway can the crosswind be considered the maximum value relative to the wind
> 60°
When drawing the four forces of flight, how should you actually draw it…
Lift and Weight should have MUCH longer lines than thrust and drag!
Why do we lower the nose at top of climb?
Because if we remove power, we would be on the wrong side of the power-IAS graph. I.E. We would be in the region of reverse command if the airspeed slowed enough
When completing a flight briefing, what should you have in the review?
Content which is relevant in order to continue to the next lesson. e.g. if you were doing the climb brief, then review the PAST ASPT, and forces in a climb (briefly).
How much information do we remember after a lesson
about 25%
What happens to level of knowledge immediately after a lesson
It drops dramatically over 24hrs, then seems to level out (but still declines slightly)
What are the four basic levels of learning
Rote (can remember but don’t know why)
Understanding (now know why)
Application (knowing how to apply it to a practical scene)
Correlation (being able to cross-reference to other knowledge e.g. Otto cycle in car engines to plane engines)
In terms of arousal, what time is the best time to deliver the most important information?
20 minute mark
What are Bloom’s 6 taxonomies of learning?
#1 Recognise (Rote) #2 Explain (Understand) #3 Apply (Application) #4 Subdivide (Correlation) #5 Construct (Correlation) #6 Summarize (Correlation)
Performance can plateau even with continued practice, give some reasons why this is so
Dulness of topic
Apathy (lack of enthusiasm…bad attitude)
Impatience (wanting to move on to next stage)
Unfair treatment
How can we avoid lapses in arousal?
Vary the subjects
Vary the instructors
Change the scenery